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how is your general?
/nederdraad/ is full of non-dutch people who all posts gay pictures and anime

pic related, it's a poll asking who was an immigrant in the nederdraad
i post in /brit/. It used to be better but is still leagues ahead of other generals.

/balt/ + /ausnz/ is literally /cum/ tier but with less autism and awful mexicans.
Autochtoon got more votes now pannenkoek
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I stay with my opinion that ethnic Dutch does not have to be the same as autochtonous. You can be fully black and be autochtonous and identify as surinamese. you can be Dutch, feel dutch be dutch reformed and still have a foreign mum or dad.

there... it is a meaningless buzzword.

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posting anime is for whites only
it's all the shitskins that post their disgusting 3D stuff
It used to be comfy as fuck but it got invaded by underage about a year ago and it all got killed and most people left. Now only anime shitposting remains
feeling Dutch =/= being Dutch
To Tumblr with you
>implying /brit/ is good

>don't want anime on a Chinese2Dwaifuboard
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there is literally nothing more yellow than anime.
I agree with this.
the cheese on my dick begs to differ
That's most generals.
Overt homosexuality and weebs.

I have a suspicion that generals provide the comfort of constancy, while also being a smaller pool of posters, leading to greater intimacy. Hence, they are frequented by the emotionally frail (otaku and fags).
fully sick mate
oh so there is nobody in your former classes or something that had a foreing mum or something but was as white in his ways and means as a piece of a4 paper.
I filter all generals. It makes this board look dead as fuck because the generals bury all the good threads, but at least I don't have to tolerate them anymore.
I'm fine with anime as long as it is within limits and not just spamming. At this point basically everybody except 4 autists have left and they spam Moe-trash day in and day out. The general is literally dead.
anime + shitpost + /pol/
/asean/ is full non-asean people (Chinamen) posting gay pictures and anime
/balk/ is great as usual
/ex-yu/ is /b/ on Serbian dialect of Croatian
Is literally every general just anime and homos? What the fuck thought it was just ours.
The German ones are always talking about refugees. There's the odd anime poster, although I don't really go into every German regular, and I rarely post there.

/bantz/ is awful.
/brit/ can be funny at times, but it's awful if you actually want to discuss anything during the day, as the general gets flooded with spam. I wish it had a more relaxed atmosphere.
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I love it. I don't care about the animals posters or the guys or even the tripfags

I just love the unity. The sense of NORTH AMERICA
So all generals are the same?
I guess we're all the same on the inside after all
Sverigetråden is pretty great
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We should create /world/
I don't think hilo latino has homos, but they're all very autistic. I rarely lurk though.
bantz is one of the better ones because at least that general knows how fucking shit it is. It was born as an ironic copycat of brit and now it's a copycat of all generals. I don't browse it though because posting in a general is like kicking a stabbing victim. Geberals are the cancer that killed this board.
A gay anime shitpost thread for everyone to visit
what are the finnish generals like?

lääikä rusäi pälä pollkä

also why do you guys use ä so much?
Mämmi is the same as the others. A fucking autistic gay weeaboo circlejerk that provides nothing of value to this board.
Luso was never good.
This year we were invaded by homosexual weebshits who post anime and roleplay as 8 year old girls.
Lately the weebshits have calmed down but there is a new threat.
An insecure self-hating autist with the special snowflake syndrome known as the "namefag".
I always visit /deutsch/ and /slav/

/deutsch/ is absolutely unbearable at daytime and /slav/ is always full of butthurt
This, they don't even need 2D. They have no standards when having a partner so they can take whatever they want.
Speaking of, what does luso mean? I have been meaning to figure that out for a while

We refer to ourselves as Lusitanians in high, literary language.
oh cool thanks for the information lad =)
/lat/ has no gays and animeposters are bullied so they only appear after 3 a.m.
spamming is comfy but I'm not liking the spreading of our memes because it means outsiders sometimes come.
wow apparently /lat/ isn't as disgusting as the rest of those faggot generals. Fuck off homosexuals.
What are argentinian memes? Do you guys pretend to be white?
there are lots of memes on /lat/ and some of them already spread out of here. like the pasta of el peruANO and UNA VELA
argies at /lat/ don't care about whiteness. if you go to /pol/ you'll find the muh heritage ones.
/brit/ is shocking really, mostly losers with no idea about anything, no future, virgins, obsessed with childish things, basically they are the fat guy in a Dr Who tshirt working at Blockbusters when they are 50 waiting to happen. The lack of social development is extraordinary and not really representative, /brit/ seems to be a kind of MLP for kids who don't like ponies, kind of a club for kids who will never experience enough of life to start growing up until its too late.
/int/ used to be a normie board.
/esp/ is full with autistic Jorges and a guy drawing comics.
Also the alien who posted his gigantic dick commited suicided last month
It IS a normie board now. The rising of general, similar to subreddits makes it obvious.
/esp/ayyylien is kill? Proofs?
A few gays. Too much anime and gook loving in general. I don't think there's that many immigrants though.
It's all natives. I think we had an Albanian who chose Albanian identity because he had an Albanian ancestor centuries ago. Well...
Otherwise it's all natives
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