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Tell me about this country.
it's nice, I like Switzerland
Based af
Cheap alcohol, train travel between Gdynia - Gdansk is cheap as fuck

Cost as much as a movie ticket to go there also (from sweden)
Gondor or Rohan?
Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country.
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hi, Poo Peeland
Hmm. Your words remind me of another country. Which is much bigger and has poverty/corruption/HIV more than polish one.
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I didn't mean your country. But your country is shit too, don't worry.
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Super religious, partitioned, bullied but promising
good lad
Too long to describe. Pick someone else, maybe Netherlands.
Shouldn't exist.
Proxy leave?
File: poles on poland.jpg (219 KB, 1010x1493) Image search: [Google]
poles on poland.jpg
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bo be
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