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How did English get so retarded?
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How did English get so retarded?
Surely no one says this

How else are you going to say it?
Woah men?
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>being monolingual
It's called context. Is it too hard for you or something?
This shit is so dumb. It's all about context. English is hardly the only language where different letters and letter combinations sound different depending on context,
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Another continent please?
The Normans
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Is he an autist? His point is that English is so great, because you can tell meaning, origin and history of words by the way they're written. But that is literally how agglutinative languages work and we also pronounce things the way they're written, unlike English which is retarded.
Ghoti wouldn't be pronounced like that, this is a troll pic


here is how I would pronounce it (I have the Hudson Valley accent)

I am talking softly in order to not disturb others, so my voice will sound a little weird.
>Ghoti wouldn't be pronounced like that, this is a troll pic

The elusive neo post-ironic double troll.

Among the European languages, yes. I would say french too but the fuck up in their writing shows more or less consistent patterns.
English orthography is a little fucked, but ghoti is a pretty dumb example. It's not *that* fucked.
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Yeah, but all those "gh"s are at the end of the word.
English went through a major sound change (great vowel shift) after being standardized, and a spelling reform never happened.
>people are STILL pushing the ghoti meme
>poly and bologna rhyme
what new retardation is this?
So you are acquainted with George Bernard Shaw... bully.
Are you fucking retarded?
It's not ba-low-knee, it's pronounced boh-lon-ya stupid fucking americans
It's the shittiest of lunch meats either way.
That's how it's actually pronounced.
In the states I hear Budda, rather then Butt-ter.
So it depends who you are raised I guess.
English is just a shitty language to begin with.







don't you have any critical thinking, you GHOC
Lunch? You mean dinner? That's what we ate, ramen or pb&j are lunch
Americans confirmed retarded, it's Baloney you dumb cunts, Bologna is a place that is pronounced "bol-on-ya"
suck my ass
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