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show me on the body, where is your country?
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File: kiKBy8zrT.jpg (19 KB, 459x828) Image search: [Google]
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show me on the body, where is your country?
Wher da benis :DDDDDDD
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ok :DDD
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This is going to be one fucked looking planet.
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it shall be done
seems about right
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On the middle finger tb.h
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italia, loud mouthed so the mouth it is

france, the fuck you i am frecnh finger it is
We want to be knee.
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illusions of grandeur thinking you support the world or humility from being on the knees?
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fine, gonna roll with this
surprisingly accurate
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Benelux in feet, because we low countries
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Leaf reporting in
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as per request

very good, on time, now decisions decisions
Pinky, cuz your useless
actually the pinky is important
how so?
OK, then appendix
i started thinking about north korea, completely useless and might blow up
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fuck it, the closer pinky to france it is
Asshole for us please
the pinky actually does a lot and you're not gonna grip right
Were you forced to choose one to lose, the index finger is the least important apparently
That's not true at all
armpit for my flag pls
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sorry, asshole is reserved for russia already
dick is also reserved

you shall receive!
you know what take it with a grain of salt because I read it on ESPN
heart for funland because we are loved by everyone :333333

a HUGE grain of salt
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here we go

France so close to Canada, fuck off hes ours.
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Big benis :DD
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Lange schlongland :DDD
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elongated and mountainous, front of leg it is (bony and long)
B-but my long penis shaped country
everybody can not be penis! sorry mr. black
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also, one cheek is obviously reserved for hues, the other is up for grabs xDD
hey, you wanna be 'cheeky'?
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silence means agreeing, cheeky it is
Put the Aussies on the ass
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Who will see for us all?
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hold on, looking up NSA/GCHQ logo

it's going to be a cyclops xDD
if hungry hungary doesnt get to be tummy im going to sage this thread to oblivion
Hey, we earned that place fair and square.
you blind nigga
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You can be the left cheek while they are the right
>australia upside down
Fear not, funnlander we are uncontested as the tummy
America confirmed for cock of the world
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Can NZ be the pimple on the Aussie ass cheek?
i was thinking about that rudimentary bone where the tail used to be, but this is not visible on the picture so... somewhere close to australia anyway
Draw a zit coming off the right cheek then place the NZ flag on it
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Switzerland would be the nice soft part close to the vagina that is always getting fucked and raped hard (Europe) but hiding away enough that it never feels the impact of all the raping and the cum and the drippings of semen and childbirth from generations of mongrel and inbred rape. Switzerland sits close to that tight little Geographic pussy laughing casually to itself because it knows it picked just the right part of the body to avoid that hard rape.

But now the clitoris, sore from years of rape has invited 1 million Muslim cocks to fuck the pussy all at once. The pussy walls are already tearing and the vaginal Europe is already collapsing beneath itself

Soon the nice spot where Switzerland is might become the new pussy opening. And we can't resist rape pain anymore.
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the left hand, ah, the one muslims use to wipe their ass, perfect! :DDD

kek alright
What the fuck is the point
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very lewd! but fine, here you go :)
did you on purpose left your sentence with out one?

there is none btw
Kek, Eesti is besti
where is esti?
switzerland is the prostate. literally keeps control of the gold flow
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Fuck off
Penis and balls belongs to Sweden and Finland
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