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I fucked up /int/ >have a Mudslime coworker (originally from
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I fucked up /int/

>have a Mudslime coworker (originally from Pakistan or some shit)
>finally get fed up one day
>after Brussels, confront him and tell him that he's not welcome in America if his people continue to chimp out like this in our countries
>mudnigger takes offense
>I end up calling him a shitskin and a sandnigger among other things
>mudshit complains to HR and the boss
>I am now fired and out of a job

What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to sue for my freedom of speech?

Fuck this country.
wtf i hate america now
You should shoot up your work place.
You must rid the world of those commies.
how inbred are you to think that was a good idea
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This is what happens when you leave your echo chamber
Would be funny if he was actually a hindu or sikh
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How did you honestly fuck up this bad? Did you actually say "shitskin"? Why not make an impassioned argument against Islam to all your co-workers, discussing in-depth how inflexible a belief it is. Instead, you resorted to names and got fucked. lmao you can't sue for shit, it's on private grounds
This happened
Cool but did you check these mad dubs
He probably was

Americans are fucking idiots tbqf
Ameircans aren't muzzled like Europeans are. This scenario could have very likely happened

Shut the fuck up, mudshit. Go back to your shitholes. You're not welcome here.


>Why not make an impassioned argument against Islam to all your co-workers, discussing in-depth how inflexible a belief it is

I did start out that way, arguing that it is a death cult and does not deserve to be considered a religion. The mudshit just smirked with his taqiyya, said something along the lines of "let's agree to disagree and let me get back to work", so I naturally got pissed at the smelly Paki fuck and let him know that he wasn't going to taqiyya his way out of this.
Fuck off, back to /pol/

Kill yourself, Achmed.

White men are talking.
You're not white Juan
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>/pol/ """""""banter"""""""""
m8 try harder, you should try >>>/pol/ where they're retarded enough to grab it

Sue them for violating your First Amendment rights.

They cannot, I repeat CANNOT, stifle your freedom of speech like this while aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States (Islam and Muslims) at the same time.

Take your employer (most likely some degenerate Mudslime himself) to court.
This is an absolute outrage.
I doubt this happened
subscrizzled and updeathrowboated!

Americans aren't cucked like Europeans are. This scenario most likely happened

t. HR veteran
Thank you for your service
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>the reply counter went up
>the poster count didnt
Quit using, commas where they don't belong
Give me things that never happened for $200 Alex.
a comma represents a pause in speech and as such can be used anywhere you want to add a pause for dramatic effect, :^)
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But you have freedom of speech. You acted like a cunt and got punished.
Freedom of speech=/=saying whatever you want without consequences
>50% of americans are looking like nigger or mexican or asian
>OP could be one of them
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This is fake, but the fact that there are indeed people who believe that the First Amendment protects them from being fired from a private sector company drives me up a fucking wall.

So Argentina is cucked by mudshits too?
How did you infer that from what I posted?
Why is everything about "cucking" with Americans?
Cuck this, cuck that, always.

So you're a mudshit "refugee" living in Argentina then?

Why else would you be defending the mudnigger terrorist that got OP fired?
You thought you was in the net but you were in real life, now grow up and get another job, this time try to be an educated person.
Why do you infer I'm "defending the mudshit"?
Do you know how to read?
Americans have a cuck fetish.
Political correctness truly is the cancer killing American society
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This can't be real.

You said OP acted like a cunt.
How was he acting like a cunt? He was reminding the mudshit of his place in our country.

Sorry we're not as cucked as you, spic.
Ok stop replying to every reply , we can all see it's you
You're pretty retarded and have a lot of issues , even with this story is being fake your thought process was :
>post a fake story on /int/
>let everyone circlejerk about how based i was
>no one does
>get mad and start calling names
Do us a favor and don't come back here again until you're of age.
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>freedom of speech
>in a private company
You deserved to be fired.
Well at least you did the right thing.
You can do that after work,
It's not about being "cucked", it's about behaving like an adult.
Something manchildren can't understand. Good luck finding a new job.
Serves you right.

Where are the proofs?
Even though this is bullshit.
>Blaming a random person for the actions of other people

let me guess you post from 24 karat gold laptop or phone
Even then, putting a pause in the middle of "fuck off back to /pol/" just makes him sound like Yoda.
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>Am I supposed to sue for my freedom of speech?
its the american way
you could probably get compensation from this.
Wives should obey husband. Literally nothing wrong with that.

What about all the other shit, huh?

Death for adultery? Death for apostasy? Fucking SHARIA should rule?!?!????

KILL yourself, Achmed.
>death for leaving islam
>584 million
Would stop the whoring. Would be a bummer, Jennifer.
knowing how retarded americans are about islam and how they think islam is a country and shit, this is most likely not b8, I mean I want to believe is b8 but, it's absolutely possible that this happened. In any case, insulting a coworker with very rude comments is indeed punishable with ending your contract as an employee. You should be aware of that, retard.
Also for god's sake stop misusing the term "freedom of speech", yes you can say whatever you want, IF you are absolutely ok with the consequences that those words may bring to you in the future.
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death for apostasy is in the quran
fyi, muslims are purposely deceptive. For example when they say things about innocents, innocent only refers to followers of Islam. Anyone who is not a muslim cannot be considered innocent.
>He takes the Quran literally
No, but they do.
We need to round up all the Muslims here and put them in death camps. It's the only solution. They're children of Satan and enemies of democracy and freedom and liberty.

They shouldn't.

What an ugly Russian cocksucker.
this happened
shut up indonesia

though I do agree
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Shut the fuck up Abdul al smellykebab get the fuck out of my country
Who? Your imaginary muslim nemesis?
he's probably referring to the hundreds of millions of muslims that want to enforce death upon people who leave islam?
9/11 for the shitposting, you've almost reached enough (you)'s to become Australian.
Just tell them that it isn't a logical thought.
I know this is bait but I'm gonna pretend it is not.
Even though I agree with you, you are still a dumb motherfucker for saying that.
>ugly Russian cocksucker
This is what JIDF internet warfare looks like.
I hope this is bait. What kind of fucking retard would you have to be to do this?
i dont care n*rd
I don't understand what you are saying, nigga.
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im acually glad we have mexicans instead
>t. HR veteran
You've been sucking dick for years, is what you're trying to tell us?
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That's what you get for messing with a paki you faggot.

>pic kinda related
we shoulndt have either you faggot cuck
why do you care, Mexicans are basically white people anyway
fuck off sand nigger
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>/pol/tards and Stormfaggots are literally THIS retarded

holy shit I can't even

my sides
Use the second amendment to defend your freedom of speech just like the founding fathers would have wanted you to.
make me
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then i won't fuck off
haha fuckin gloser
Please look up the word "tact" and try again.
I once verbally attacked a person at work for supporting Obama. In front of my boss and everyone.

And nothing happened.

Did you call that person a nigger or use any other racial slurs?

Because OP was retarded enough to do so in a workplace environment.
No. I just did an angry rant. That's all.
Netherlands, talking about Obama? Dont you have Muslims to worry about
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>getting buttmad over an election in a faraway cunt
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That's borderline territory in the US, depends on the boss but still.

Harassing your coworker about his religious beliefs, calling him a nigger, and starting ranting about how Muslims are sandnigger terrorists that aren't welcome in America will get you fired pretty quick though.
whoever our president is has a p large effect on the entire world tho
reminds me of something at work
>arguing with muslim coworker because he is literally one of those "behead those who insult Islam" guys
>he specifically said that those who burn the koran should be beheaded
>I tell this motherfucker why he's wrong and in Norway we have the freedom to burn whatever book we want and it's wrong to kill someone just because they burn a book
>then later on the HR guys have some obligatory talks with all the employees (unrelated to our debate)
>while in there, they ask how people are doing, how the work environment is
>this kebab motherfucker tells the HR guys that I am an islamophobe, harassing him and being rude
>because I was only temporarily employed they never bothered to talk to me, I was only gonna work there for a short while anyway so it's not worth their time to talk to me
>they only get his side of the story and likely don't know they got a literal muslim extremist working for them
>they think he a good boy dindu nuffin
at least they didn't do anything about it like the typical useless office people they are
they never spoke to me about it, someone just told me he had said these things

I was THIS close to reporting the guy to PST (police intelligence service), had it not been for the fact that this kebab is all talk no action. He's too beta to go through with anything (I hope)
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>He's too beta to go through with anything (I hope)


Pick one.
They have the aggressiveness of Congo niggers crossbred with pack wolves on crack cocaine.
top fef
Here employers need to have a dossier about multiple accounts of bad behaviour before they can fire you. Unless it's really severe and fire you on the spot. If you dont fire you on the spot then it can't be that severe.

So you can tell your boss to go fuck himself whenever he pisses you off, skip work whenever you feel like, show up late, surf the Internet all day instead of working, and still not get fired?

Holy shit.

Eurocucks really do have it too good.
sorry dude but (unfortunately) I have met a few muslims and of course they have their betas, awkward nerds and cowards who will never do anything with their life.
I know this guy quite well and I know he never does anything he says he's going to do.
Do it anyway. No need for his savage kind in a civilized society.
You can skip work a couple times but not so many times that he demonstrate your consistent bad behavior.

Telling your boss to fuck off is a bit of a grey zone. And might get you fired.

If you shout that you quit and storm out the room, then you can still come back the next day if you didnt mean it and only said it because you were angry.
If you insult your boss he has to fire you at that very moment or send you home pending investigation and then fire you.

If your boss just leaves it and fires you the next day the judge will say it wasnt a severe insult to the boss. Because he didnt instantly act upon it.
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gg no re

Well at least you're not a wagecuck anymore, you're just a cuck without wage
Horrible b8
you were right. islam has no place in america.

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