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What is your opinion on the Pledge Of Allegiance? I think its
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What is your opinion on the Pledge Of Allegiance?

I think its blatant indoctrination, but im open to new ideas.
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>I think it's blatant indoctrination

>Daily Mail

theres your problem.
That's not a defence. Both of those stories are legitimate and they are both vile examples of how broken out country is.

It definitely is, considering the Mail's deliberate cherrypicking, dodgy extrapolations and questionable interpretation of the facts.

This is like me quoting a "Christian Moms Of Merica" article to prove that the US is broken

I remember when we used to do it back when I was between 1st and 5th grade. We knew the words, said them, but beyond being something we just did at the start of the day not a single kid gave a shit.

We were kids, our biggest concern was when we got to go see our friends. The whole pledge was pretty much lost on us, along with any meaning to the words, because what the fuck do we know about loyalty to a country? Whenever you heard a kid spout something along the lines of patriotism, it was almost always what they heard their dad or mom say one night.

I also remember when it got taken out of schools. Some story about a couple kids who turned their back on the flag because "fuck usa" and demands that they be deported or some shit. Some of the teachers had a pretty ornery demeanor the rest of the day. We couldn't figure out why some phrase was making them so mad. I guess that's what happens when you just tell the kids "say this before class" without explaining what any of it means or why they should care.

Anyway, that's what I got on the issue.
>I think its blatant indoctrination, but im open to new ideas.

No, you're pretty much right on the money.
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I'm not sure. Looks stupid. I did it in school and I always was a cosmopolite. Maybe it has it's utility. I don't know.
A complete waste of time. If it actually worked in instilling a sense of patriotism, America wouldn't have an infestation of self-hating cucks and useful idiots as it does today.
We didn't do this here
religious endoctrination
I think that Europeans let Muslim hordes stride into their countries with indoctrinating them.
Nothing wrong with it. Much better for people to indentify with their country than their ethnic background, specially in societies like the ones in the americas.
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Just sayin'...
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It's great. I wish we did something similar. Gives kids an healthy sense of patriotism. It shouldn't become a meaningless routine, though, and kids need to be reminded that doing this is important.

>blatant indoctrination

You say that like that like it's necessarily a bad thing. It's important to teach children good values, here pride in their country.
Is there anything wrong with the Roman salute, especially in a nation that has seen itself as a new Rome since basically the beginning ?
Because patriotism has brought nothing but wonders to the world... ignoring absolutely every fascist dictatorship ever.

Heck, Stalin promoted patriotism and look where he landed, comparable to Hitler.
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America has promoted patriotism since its birth and look where they landed
We sang o Canada and did a prayer in the morning at my Catholic school. Part of it was memorization. At the public school I later went to not all kids knew O Canada by heart which was a little weird.
Outdated and no longer necessary. Do they still do this in schools?
Greatest ally
It's hard to really say. Sometimes I think it is kinda creepy that kids, who don't really "understand: the Pledge of Allegiance, repeat it day after day, essentially drilling it into their heads. Yet, at the same time it does fill them with a bit of patriotism, instead of being cynical and hopeless about their country.
There is nothing wrong with it. Instills American values of liberty and justice for all. "under God" should be taken out though; it was a mistake for it to ever be added.
good thing
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This is what nationalism gets you. Talk to me when your country is drawing dicks on mars just for the fun of it. Europe is weak, it's the past.
It was added to piss off godless commies, right ? Then there is nothing wrong with it.
We had to sing the national anthem and stand for a moment of silence for fallen soldiers every single morning

it was fun desu
Yes but it has no place. All the "keep America Christian" politics is Cold War horseshit that really needs to die. This is coming from someone who is a right leaning Christian.
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>All the "keep America Christian" politics is Cold War horseshit that really needs to die.
If this was something that happened in the Soviet Union, it would probably be something that America ridiculed them over and used an example for how horribly they oppress their people.
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You live in America, you serve America.
What has non patriotism brought?
Even if it is, would you not want to instill loyalty and nationalism at a young age?
It is indoctrination (and not particularly effective indoctrination, unfortunately), but I'd rather have a semi-forced belief in national unity and pride than the self-hatred of Europe. Your countries are undergoing cultural collapse yet you sit here mocking a fairly innocuous form of nationalism
all memes aside the UK is truly becoming a joke country. it's sad. pls fix it britcucks
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If the citizens don't care about preserving a national identity nor even identify as a citizen exclusive to that country (ex. German who feels like a European but does not care at all about Germany) then the country stops being able to protect itself, which is fine with the citizens because they don't care about the country anyways

The same phenomena could be observed in the middle east, pan-arabism is often more popular than borders originally imposed by European imperial powers, so there is no will for or loyalty to the state
yeah it is blatant indoctrination but nobody minds because patriotism is a positive aspect to have in a citizen
Why do Western powers not stick to the west?
Propaganda is beneficial if it serves your purposes.
It's almost like a civic prayer. After you memorize it in first grade, it becomes a comfortable routine in the morning. It's hardly indoctrination, in that it's not swearing us to act in any sort of way that is preferable to the government of the US. Merely that we respect our birthright (or what we have earned) before beginning the day of lecture; much like the removal of hats and the singing of the national anthem before every sporting event. Is it really that controversial to recite that you won't commit treason and then praise your countrymen?
I pledge my loyalty to the Constitution rather than the government
> Trip is عبد الرحيم الله
I only recognize allah but oy vey
Yes. It's disturbing to hammer that sort of thing into a child's skull before they even appreciate what a country or government is.
and this is why you Brits are massive faggots that almost all of Europe laughs at
No it isn't, children are molded for what ever purposes they are exposed to, if are in an American public school then your children will be raised to serve the nation.

nazi's ruined it just like they did with nationalism
Yes, its indoctrination, to fill the gaps and keep bad indoctrination out.

The thing non americans fail to account for when they criticize america, is that america basically has divine mandate. our constitution is inspired by god himself.

Keep that in mind :^)
What did Germans in Germany have to do with the USA?
Its better to instill loyalty early because thats when a child's brain absorbs the most

If you want to wait until they really know what a country and government is then you might as well not teach it at all because the majority of kids don't give a shit about what they learn and never truly grasp the concept
blah blah blah hitler youth blah blah blah nazis blah blah blah 6 goyzillion

>These assholes do something
>We don't want to be like those assholes
>Therefore we won't do that thing

Out of curiosity did you actually need me to explain that to you?
What do "nazis" have to do with Americans?
You don't even speak the same language or are in the same continent nor are racially the same.
99.9% of Americans can't even understand a German, nor have ever spoken or seen a "nazi".
Did you read the second part?

And we had absolutely no contact with them, especially not any adversarial relationship. Nope, not once.
yes and frankly, I don't give a shit
you're no better than an average pinko
You did not, they never sought out Americans.
I'm not even him.

Oh so that entire war in western europe and north africa was just in my imagination?

Good to hear. A lot of people died in that.
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Africans kill more people than Americans died in ww2.

14,827 Americans die each year from crimes, that's 90k Americans dead in 6 years from criminal murderers, 50% of which are from blacks which compose 12% of the population, blacks are responsible for 45k deaths every 6 years.

Yet you make up excuses for Blacks and not for Germans, why?
What war in western europe and north africa?
Those were British and French colonies, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

None of this had anything to do with the USA, Americans in 1939 never met a "nazi", only ones who had an interest were international finance.
What the fuck are you even talking about you absurd raving mudshit?
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Maybe because Germans were starving and poor is the reason they committed those crimes and murders, they didn't do anything.
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didn't do anything wrong, rich and privileged Americans should feel sorry for the crimes that the Germans did, they did them because the Americans were taking all the money.
Having people forcibly embracing national symbols is far better than letting them shit on it
>t. Frenchman on vacation
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>nationalism is bad

Ah, the invasion of France and Russia was because Americans caused high inflation in Germany, good point

Who do you think you're convincing?
France declared war on Germany.

Dont bother, that guy might actually be high on bath salts
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The Germans were POC oppressed by whites when they just wanted to be united with their fellow POC, the white man declared that POC can have no unity and declared war on them.
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Here is the oppressor Americans declaring that POC have to be beaten down.
We sang "My country tis of thee" and said the pledge of allegiance every day when I was in school. We didn't even have class with Spanish speaking children. The Charles Whitman shooting in 1966 was the only one I had ever heard of until high school. Unity beats diversity every day of the week.
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racist Americans need to pay reparations for killing poor oppressed POC Germans.
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here is a dehumanizing propaganda poster against the poc Germans, this systematic racism is responsible for German crimes.
How can Americans deny this systematic Racism?
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more proof.
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>This is like me quoting a "Christian Moms Of Merica" article to prove that the US is broken

But you wouldn't be wrong, crackjobs like that have broken America and now you're next; manner up or be the victim of a mudslime stomp squad. For fucks sake, American television sexualizes little girls for money, but If I goto the park and give parents $5 to hang out with their kids and end up in jail.
What are you even talking about, you crazy dog
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