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What stopped this from happening? It could have been one of
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What stopped this from happening?
It could have been one of the leading super powers.
This is basically happening in /int/ right now and the memes are taking over the board.
Capital: Mexico City
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this chilango right here >>56955847
> Cold War: American and Soviet intervention
thought hit of states and pressures.
> Corrupt politicians
>what happened
The USA didn't want more competition so they kept them separated
yeah but not this >>56955870
it happened way earlier with Monroe, we're talking about 1825 - afterwards
lmfao @ u believing this

we definitely broke up gran colombia and took central america from mexico :^)
Uruguay is rightful brazilian clay. Or at least neutral.
Without the Monroe doctrine Euros would have constantly fucked Latam up
You reserved that privilege for yourselves instead
El chicANO
Somebody would have done it no matter what if you're too weak to defend yourself
because then it would be an ugly looking country
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vos decis?
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