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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 86
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white house edition
Why do you believe in god /cum/?
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no Iowa allowed
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B-but were neighbors
Also nice edition
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Sleeping Rin.jpg
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Good night
>we have to use the fucking limey cunt /cum/
Fuck my life
slimy limeys go away
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This thread is fine desu
I know this one sucks
Best irrelevant state isn't even allowed
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why is she so perfect
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>tfw I feel bad because my friend links me to his autistic co-worker's YouTube animation channel it's literally the worst thing I've ever seen in a non-funny way
It just doesn't feel right.
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I want to marry her, settle down, and raise a family
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This is the reason why I wouldn't ever share my "art" online.
She looks pretty good. She's not perfect I don't think anyone is but she does have some nice eyes.

She's also a highly intelligent prosecutor with heavy Russian ties.

I don't really care either way, I just don't see the attraction.
post accent pls
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natalina 3.jpg
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I don't care what the memers say, nothing wrong with being attracted to slavic woman desu
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>run out of iron
>have to move my iron production south to a new deposit
>enemy bases surrounding the new deposit

>Poklonskaya is divorced and has one daughter.

Why would her husband divorce her?
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time to remove alien scum. That land is yours and yours alone
I dunno, but I can be a stepdad
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maybe hes a proud ukr*nian
I imagine you'd have to know her personally and live with her to be able to answer that question.

Just get a real girl.
How many of us are there?
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I just woke up lads gonna do a futeball match
u better get some sleep
That's the plan but I just don't feel like doing it tonight since I just finished revamping my oil production, which I only did because I needed more advanced circuit production so I could make more electric furnaces so I could move start working on the south.
And at this point my factory has grown out of control so everything I do affects some other thing in ways I don't want it to.
God I love this game.
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>have to choose between cruz or trump

which should i vote for lads?
good luuuck
I live in 563. Davenport.
just rebooted my save and have no clue what I was planning on doing next fugggg :DDDDD

it is a neat a game though
good morning ireland-kun enjoy your ball game and thank you I am going to bed
Hahahahhshahshshshaaaa the German funman spreading fun in Taiwan hahahaha
Wanna have a meet up? I'm in Ames right now
I don't.
563 as well in the shit hole known as Clinton.
politics aside, you'd be throwing your vote away desu
i'd be surprised if he didn't suspend his campaign because of this sex scandal
I moved to Davenport in 2010 from Chicago. I'm 28 now. Don't know why I'm still here.
Your vote doesn't really matter so you should probably not waste the trip senpai
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Irish disguise worked yet again
Some other time I'm down desu
I'm going up to Madison then Chicago this weekend.
We live close enough I go to the QC all the time.
At least it's the QC and not one of the minor outlying towns desu
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but without votes meme magic wouldn't be possible
don't get shot ;_;
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i would genuinely be fine with either cruz or trump but you're probably right about throwing my vote away. sex scandal? what?
pic related
Yeah it's not terrible. There's a lot of easy girls here so that's good. I'm back in school for electrical engineering.

There are some good opportunities around here.

I'm only in Ames for college but maybe sometime when I go home to the shithole that is the Burlington area I'd be close
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>he doesn't know
see >>56860997
/pol/ is creaming itself right now
Damn, Ukraine is more important than his family?

Who wouldn't

I think she's divorced because of the threats from the people who's involved in the Ukraine crisis
not latvian/10
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>that gif

Ever make it to Davenport? If you do ever the downtown is really good for eating and getting trashed it might not be a bad idea.
Shit cuz EE here too
>electrical engineering.
Yeah I'm an electrician that field really exploded since I left easy to get a job now.
>easy girls
Yes they are, only problem is finding them.
Wait is there 3 of us?
We should go to the district in Rock Island it's pretty awesome on Fridays.
holy FUCK is that katrina pierson!?!
oh yeah it literally says it on the gif.

thats insane, did she used to work for him?
Why? Religion, people or science?
Only once went downtown to a small cafe that was good but we walked by a homeless shelter to get there. Now that my Rotherham doesn't live there I haven't found a reason to go back
Damn crouded on Fridays but yeah a good time.

Ok so you're QC too

Let's get something on the arrangement at some point. Maybe in a few weeks. I can give you guys my email or just catch up with you in another thread.

BTW I'm usually the namefag that goes by George.
Shameful display
Alright as long as a job doesn't come up ill be open.
Why would you care? I just don't.
Post accent
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This whole election is insane
In your life did you ever think something like this would happen?
Demo #1 is so shady feds busting her ass any day would come ot no surprise
Demo #2 is literally a socialist
Repub #1 is a businessman and got famous from reality shows
Repub #2 is getting his ass blow wide open by a huge sex scandal
Everyone else is a joke and almost equally as funny

This is an election for the historybooks
We're living it, boys
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I have yet to find a proper channel for spirituality, doing everything on my own feels like autistic roleplaying. I just want to find a genuine religious community somewhere or a tradition that isn't mired in fault. Around here church is basically a social function for middle class people. I want to feel whatever the fuck god or whatever spiritual force there is with other people that seem to understand and actually give a shit, I am disgusted by how often people mix politics with religion.
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Alright man [email protected] is my email.

Anyone in the QC hit me up let's grab some pitchers.

Good night.
It's an election in the prime of internet era

Enjoy the email m8y
Nah mate I'm Ames but my home is close.. I probably won't be back home till after graduation though
that's painful to watch
>Demo #1 is so shady feds busting her ass any day would come ot no surprise
Wut. She's the Democrats golden child, you think they'd let anything come out against her while they control the executive branch?

They will literally have people killed before that happens.
I don't know why everyone thinks this is so funny

This entire election is fucking horrible. Not a single candidate has any redeming qualities and to make matters worse they all act like children. The Republicans sling shit constantly, and the Democrats are so fucking up their own asses about being as liberal as possible they can't even tell how crazy it all is.

I honestly wish we could vote to have all the current candidates ejected from the race and banned forever from ever running again. But instead one of these idiots are actually going to be running the country.
this is who i side (the first four i side with are a bunch of no names)
not sure how i feel about this tbqh
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Just let it happen
I mean whats the worst that could happen
It means you're a conservative. Congrats I guess.
>Siding with Cruz
Good morning. Can somebody tell me what's happening? I've heard that there's some affair that Ted Cruz seems to be involved in, but there's not much to find here so far as today is a holiday so there are no newspapers etc.
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I conceal carry, not to worried desu
im not sure. i side with john mcafee at 89% the most ha
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Gonna make some food and stroke my penis. Lads.
You could learn from different sources and practice on your own. Use a nickname, e.g Heisenberg
We getting turnt up or what?
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post accent malaysian scrublet
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My mic is broken desu
It's late as fuck
Good night /cum/

Sleep well. <3
Good night
You don't like drill?
be my tomodachi

post accent
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good night
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I came here to post this handsome fucker and now I will leave.
>tfw only one left
I forgot where Germany fits in /cum/
hello buds
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Why are you up bro?
right in your bed
to play metal gear 2bh

I'm hoping you're qt but I already know you're that one autist that always posts
I make 2 posts per month

No that's me, or do you mean the shitposting guy. I haven't posted much today.
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Uni has a break for easter, I'm up late watching movies

Well you just made a third so congratulations on your new record

Probably shitpost guy, I know there's two and one freaks out when he doesnt get constant (you)'s
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Akari yay.png
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>congratulations on your new record
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>3 potential germans

I'm the guy who likes Nevada and the desert states, the other guy is an obnoxious shitposter, that's probably the guy you're talking about.
seein this molyneaux head around alot recently
what does he shitpost about
Mostly his fetish for asian women but usually he posts random webms
ok that's definitely not me

I also only funpost
about fun things

Anything. He always gets us both banned because the janny can't seem to figure out who's who.
speaking of shitposters whats the deal with the obnoxious chile and argentina posters?
Well I'm going to watch Frozen and go to bed

They are mostly underage and come from there own types of chans so they use this as their shitposting grounds
Let it go~
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I hate having to live with strangers
Do you live in a dorm?
Question time, /cum/

My best friend's sister is trying to set me up with her boyfriend's sister. They invited her and myself over for drinks. She is quiet, kinda mousey, seems nice. I check out her facebook and I find out she's a full blown Juggalo.

This couple that's introducing her to me are some of my good friends. I see them maybe once a week. They're expecting me to try to get this chick out of this shit and somehow it's my job. What would you do?
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>tfw you samefag so hard when arguing that you feel your personality shift a bit
>They're expecting me to try to get this chick out of this shit

I'd be wary if that's their only goal. That shit has nothing to do with you.
no, i went through a program called Workaway, and you work at a place in somewhere different for a little while part time in exchange for somewhere to stay and sometimes food.
The place I applied to promised a private room with the hotel. He messed up with scheduling so I have had to stay with him in a guest room in his apartment for a few days.

There is a schedule thing that they put up that says who is staying where, and he didn't tell me but I'll be staying for more than a week at his place.

The apartment is super old and every single movement can be heard, and there is a huge window in part of the room that has a window staring to where the bed is from the kitchen. All there is in the room is a dresser, a bed, and a place to hang clothes. Not even a chair or anything.

Not to mention he wakes up at 5:30am every morning and the walls are so paper thin there might as well not even be walls.

He also has 2 7/8 year old daughters that are always running around but are nice enough.

Kinda sucks since I wasn't told about this until I arrived at the hotel with my stuff from my flight. If I had known about these arrangements I either wouldn't have come, or would have only stayed a week or two, and not a month. I'll probably change my return tickets or something.

sorry, my rant is over
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It's all good. Hang in there and be a cool big bro to the girls
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sad doggo.jpg
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I don't want to tho
I came here to enjoy myself on a trip
Good morning

Good morning.
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Why is it so hard to find a job? I mean, I'll admit I haven't been looking as hard as I could be... but you start to get discouraged after 3 interviews and no second calls.
What kind of job? Just some shitty thing? You could take lifeguard classes and do that. At some local pool it's probably around minimum wage but if you guard at lakes or oceans it's a lot more.
if i ever get the power to kill people over the web i won't use it for any great cause i'll just use it on people who disagree with me over trivial shit like rei vs asuka
Who /upforwork/ here?
Been up since 5 AM, wew.
It's a silent holiday here, means literally nothing happens, nobody works, besides paramedics and people in the public transport.
I always find it kind of strange that you have a bigger focus on christian values, but you don't celebrate the holidays we celebrate.
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chicano is here now.jpg
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>MFW spic
>Walked into a Panera bread., Made casual small talk in spanish to the qt cashier girl.
>Ate some overpriced sandwich
>Asked if they were hiring.
>Girl gets he manager over.
>Started working the day after.

Don't call or anything just walk in and ask.
Places like these are always hiring.

Unless you are thinking of working somewhere else?
We have Easter in a couple of days and I get a day off for that, thankfully.
you don't have today off? It's Good Friday
It's just Friday. I'm stuck at work until 6:30, and there is absolutely nothing to do.
No but at least I only work until 1:15
That's basically when I woke up yesterday
In the office with nothing to do
Just called my sister the neighborhood pagefile and she got upset
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hello amerika
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>tfw /cum/ is slow during the day because most of us have jobs
>tfw /brit/ is fast during the day and night because they're all worthless NEET's
I thought it was because all the neets stay up late and are sleeping now
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>American intellectuals
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Be ashamed, /cum/
I am chubby. I refuse to work out. I'll sooner kill myself.
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About my country:

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That's cause we don't have "allowances" for every little thing.

>being such a man child that your GOVERNMENT gives you an allowance
Please dont bully, I need the money to search for work h-honest!
Eating pancakes with high quality maple syrup (vermont maple syrup) this morning lads

tastes really good
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>ukranian nuclear power plants
One day I will wake up and change the world. You will all be so proud of me.
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All I ate was a shitty toasted roll and some Haribo. I'd die for a nice pancake right now.
Does anyone know anything about Kingston ontario? I'm thinking of moving there?
Payday, lads!
Why so few Canadians in this thread ;_;
>bullying the white house

why laddie
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We have today off for easter, so everyone is still snoozing
>A D.C. fag enters the thread
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Cookie cat.jpg
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They aren't just any pancakes though Hans. The are made from buttermilk pancake mix that was made locally and topped with the highest quality vermont maple syrup (none of that cheap canadian garbage).

They are extremely high quality pancakes.
just woke up desu
>jew york
You're no better. And even if you don't live in the city your entire state is cucked by kikes in jew york which is even worse.
Canadians get off work today or just students? Because in America it's just students
Why the fuck are people on Jewbook so fucking gullible?

I mean jesus fucking christ, I'm pretty sure I could literally take a picture of a fucking toddler with blue eyes and blonde hair, insert a caption along the likes of "This is Muhammad Bin Al-Qaeda la ilaha-la-durka, he's a Syrian refugee who's a brain surgeon, environmentalist, nobel prize winner for his English-language novels, and last week he single-handedly saved 100 Trump supporters from a train wreck and gave them all of the food he had even though he's a poor refugee with no food to begin with. Unfortunately, the evil nazis in Europe want to deport him.", and there would be enough retards sharing it for it to go viral.

God damn I hate people
If I lived in the city I would have a retarded tricolor and a dildo up my ass
>uses facebook in 2016
>other people are gullible

I forgot how early it was over there.
unfortunately it's a must for university

I make them like this too. The problem is we mostly only get strawberry buttermilk which is annoying, because I want blueberry ones, for proper pancakes.
So you admit to being a cuck. Nice.
Most businesses are closed and all students have today off
Will Canada ever man up and become a real country?
define "real" country
A country that doesn't collapse when oil prices fall and a country that doesn't elect a leader because he promises to legalize weed.

lel. They are doing this stuff all the time.
It's a meme on /deutsch/ because the stories are so obviously fake that it hurts.
Famous examples were: this old lady had trouble trimming the bushes when suddenly refugees showed up and cut the bushes for free.

Refugees found a lost back of money with ten thousand euros and returned it.

Refugees saved a member of the nazi party, but they disappeared before anyone else could see them.

Two old people gut lost and wandered into a refugee hostel, because they thought it was a Hotel and everyone was nice and gave them stuff.

We say "dann passierte das Unglaubliche" so and "then the incredible happened"
In that case, no
A lost bag, not back.

All other countries aren't real countries
why would a NEET grow up when he live with his rich brother?
If Americans stopped buying oil for a week would Canada completely collapse as a country?
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Any Mexicans 4 Trump in here?

you would first, cuckbois
Gonna talk to some people later to see if I can get something different arranged.

Because she's not American.
reminder that this is just tripfagging-lite and you are a cunt if you use it
>Any Mexicans in here?
I hope not.

I'd want to hide that if I were you.
Lmao no, China is our lifeline mate
Ignore this person

He is using flags and is from Missouri
You do realize we have our own oil supplies right? enough to fund our industries, it would be domestic that would suffer the most but a week wouldn't do much damage domestically
fuck off to reddit you fucking attention whoring fag
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Who here /dual citizen/?

>tfw voted Trump in Michigan
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are they at least nice?
maybe they wont be strangers after a while

wow rude
>dual citizenship
On the day of the rope you traitors will hang first.
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Me on the left, americute on the right.
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he speaks french so no reason to bully right?
this >>56876004
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Mum is American and dad is Canuck.
He probably doesn't speak the "right" french though
No, seriously, if you want to have a tripfag-like identity and want to have the equivalent of fucking users, then fuck off to reddit. The entire fucking point of imageboards is that posters shouldn't have an identity you fucking cockmongling faggot.
the guy has a heart of gold, and the daughters are really sweet
It's not really the fact they're strangers, it's more the fact I don't have much privacy, and get woken up at 6am every morning.

I just need to be alone after being so social the entire day
i do desu
studied really hard in school in french immersion and most people think i'm a native speaker
Are you having a bad day? Want to talk about it?
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benio mashiro.gif
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I getcha

pretty sure I get grumpy if I spend too much time around people
no, fuck off you redditfag, you're the cancer that is ruining 4chan
yeah, it's 5 hours of work while being super social, and then i go out with people almost immediately after the shift is over and hang out with them for 4-5 hours
Check 'em

Also whattya guys up to?
go hold a door open for some geese.
I'm fucking bored
Why don't you lift /cum/?
Maybe it's tedious at first, but after a while you can become addicted to lifting.
If you have adapted to a lifting routine and decide to not lift on a day you should, you feel shit, both mentally and physically. Your brain and body are not functioning at peak performance like they could be so you feel the need to chase that pump and those endorphins just to feel right.
You feel competent as fuck after a vigorous session.
talk to >>56876415
exercise is shit
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it's really not
it makes me feel alive
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Hey man, what's up?
Yeah Nah m8. I go running every so often, planning to do it more often. After my run and a shower I feel more awake than before.
I'm not a child anymore, I don't have time to spend hours at the gym every week.

I have a job, hobbys and actual interests that don't involve picking up heavy things.
I don't know, I hear that some people like the feeling of pain brought on by exercise and say shit like "no pain no gain" or whatever else, but personally I just don't see what's enjoyable. All I get is the pain, without the post-workout high. So for me it's completely shitty and not even slightly fun.
The pain is your muscles being used. Use them more and you get less pain. That or your doing something completely wrong that ends up harming yourself.
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Nothing much, just chilling desu, I honestly have plenty to do but I don't want to. I'll get to it but I'm feeling lazy today. Yourself?

I'm the same as you but I try to force myself anyways

But you have time to post on 4chan about how little time you have
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Be my jogging partner lad
I used to have one but he has gone off for uni.
Now I'm not as motivated to go as often as I used to.
> I don't have time to spend hours at the gym every week.
Nice excuse. You think you're the only one who works?
Because lactic acid means you're doing damned good and are going to make some gains.
>All I get is the pain, without the post-workout high
the endorphins are definitely there. you probably notice the pain more because your body is not accustomed to strenuous activity
Because I can post on 4chan while doing things like eating breakfast and traveling to work.

Are you really this dense or are you a millennial who only knows how to attack people when trying to defend your view?
well, whatever the explanation, it's not at all an enjoyable experience for me.
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But you're posting here.
>Nice excuse. You think you're the only one who works?
Most people I know that work don't have actual hobbies or interests that they study in their free time.

It's work, then go to the bar, or work and exercise then go home.
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Whatever you say Brayden, surely you aren't a millennial cause you were born in 88 and remember nirvana being on the radio
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pointing and laughing.jpg
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loving every laugh
I-I'll try being your partner. May be a long trip to just go jogging with you.

>capatcha: select all taxis
It's like it knows m8
Thinking about moving to America but its too hard so ive decided to settle for second best and move to Canada because it seems easy as shit to move in. Especially if you have anything going for you, like a needed skill set. Plus I like the fact Canada has a slight stronger connection to the UK even if it might not be there anymore culturally.

Can anyone confirm the best region to move to, would prefer to avoid Quebec if possible or anything resembling the arctic.
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Keep Quebec on a leash already
I'm also eating breakfast before I head out to work.

Is your imagination so shot that you can't even imagine people posting on a forum while eating or doing some other activity that preoccupies them?

>hurr durr I lift while eating breakfast all the time you're just making excuses.

People like you deserve the gas
>The earliest I could theoretically get Canadian citizenship and new identity is age 32

Fuck my life up senpai
> surely you aren't a millennial
Struck a nerve?
wtf I hate canada now
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I'm not the lifting anon m8. Im just saying that you say you have no time to lift but yet you still find time to post on /int/. I'm not saying go lift, but you can At least find some time to stay fit like you found time to post here.
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