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Minnesota/NorthDakota Thread
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Anyone else from the area? Post Home Counties. Thoughts on living in this region? Ill Start: Norman County MN, live in country, Farm. I enjoy it.
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Olmsted County. Love midwest threads. Tried a midwest general never caught on after the novelty of the first one. Live in Rochester (currently in school out of state though), would love to live in the county tBH
Would love to go to either MN or WI. Only been in the Deep South so far and it was better than expected.

How obvious are German influences up there?
Yea it seems like people aren't interested in this thread at all :(. Been to Rochester a few times! What are you going to school for? Where?
MN is pretty fun. There were a lot of German settlers, especially farther south in MN. What part of Germany are you from?
The upper midwest is heavily german. Minnesota is objectively better than wisconsin. You'd probably like it.

I go to school in Colorado. Transferring to a school in Alberta. I will be studying geography after I transfer (yes, I know what board I'm on lol)
Really? The twin cities sound nice desu. So do Milwaukee and Madison though.

I'm from Bayern also known as the German Texas.
The twin cities are great, especially Minneapolis. So many lakes and natural areas and a vibrant downtown. Friendly folk as well.

Madison is nice as well. I have a friend who goes to university there. He loves it but I think he'd say that about most non-degenerate cities to remain non-confrontational. It's nice though.

Milwaukee, well, that's a bit sketchier and a bit more dangerous. Another friend of mine is moving there this summer with his girlfriend, we are giving him shit about it non-stop.

The northern portions of both states are beautiful forest and lake country (and quite hilly too) and Lake Superior is a huge part of the culture up there, not to mention absolutely beautiful. I'm biased, but northern Minnesota is way better than northern wisconsin (which is nice too) because it's bigger, more wild, and more beautiful.

Anyway that's a bit of a ramble but that's some info about the upper midwest.
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Lol sounds interesting Anon! I go to the University of Minnesota Crookston. Just about done with my 4 year in agriculture.
>>56706111 What do you do in Germany Anon? What is there of Interest in your area?
Northern Part is great. Im from the edge of the plains area(Pic Related) and only a 45 minute drive from Itasca State Park and the start of the Mississippi River. Pretty country! We all make fun of Wisconsin but its alright I guess. The Wisconsin kids get really defensive if you say much at my school though lol
>Minnesota/ND thread
We are your neighbors too am I welcome?
t. Iowa
Why not? Where you at in Iowa Anon? What do you do?
I'm just an electrician down in the Quad cities. Eastern border of Iowa right on the river about 1 hour from Wisconsin.
my siblings both went to the u of I. Iowa city is a nice town tBH
Thats pretty solid. I thought about going to Lineman school when I was younger. Ever make it up north?
Iowa city is pretty nice, GOAT bars and college girls.
Yeah I've been to the twin cities a lot and have family that lives in Bloomington and driven through the state to get to Canada.
get up and live in MN, dude
I've actually been thinking about moving to MN its nice it's a lot like my area in Iowa just with more pine trees and bears. I'm sure you guys have a similar job growth situation as we do so it would just be a matter of actually filing applications and moving.
Yes. Minnesota would be an upgrade, pretty much anywhere you end up. The outdoors are nearly unmatched IMO
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