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Are Finns xenophobic?
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Are Finns xenophobic?
I don't like arabs and africans, unless they are nice animeposters.
WTF I hate Finland now
I don't like arabs and africans even if they are.
Nobody likes animeposters because they are a bunch of attentionwhoring shits.
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Someone is mad
xenophobic is literally a buzzword

They're just very, very stiff.

And they speak slowly, so it takes a while to initiate social relations.
Yes, but you have to understand that it's racism against "people" who are just shitty in general.

Arabs and Africans are bad people in general.
Man, no. No. :(
Not as xenophobic as us :3c

On the other hand you will have more luck getting an individual Finn to change his mind compared to e.g. a Swede, who pretends to be open and egalitarian just because that's the consensus, the same conformism hindering him from developing a personal opinion.

Japanese aren't really xenophobic imho, it's just that you have very definite opinions about how things should be done.
no just gay
Yes. it's you
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I am highly xenophobic

just look at these fuckers they have ACID FOR BLOOD!
That literally makes us "xenophobic" tho
I like Finnish anime posters :3
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I like Finnish feminine boys. Sometimes I'm jelly I don' look like them ;___;
Go away fagman.
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good one
how is your english teaching job again?
I didn't know Finnish femboys are tsun tsun too. Nice :3
leave Ken-Sama alone.
Why are weebs so assblasted that can't ever admit the mere presence of Japanese on internet? Do they feel frustration and inferiority for not being Japanese?
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