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Why Algerian scum don't pay repararion for their horrible
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Why Algerian scum don't pay repararion for their horrible crimes?

>Pic related, french civilian.
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awfull crimes.

>Implying anyone on /int/ cares about crimes

You are being useless m8
This thread isn't nice, OP are you trying to ruin my weekend?
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Pay back!
fuck you you slave trading colonial piece of shit. no wonder entire africa hates you
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You are obviously Bilel
Have some dead Algerians
>entire africa hates you

Not even true, you subhuman
Haven't you got terrorists to be giving funding and a home to?
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Wtf I hate Algerian now
Isn't Camus Algerian? Please stop, I don't want this alliance to break.
Why you don't post what french have done to algerians, Pierre? Right. Becuase you're a two-faced snake, a rascal, scum, blight on the face of this Earth. La putain.
Why don't you post what you have done to Armenians, Ahmed? Right. Becuase you're a two-faced snake, a rascal, scum, blight on the face of this Earth. Allahu akbar.
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Algerian enslaved million of innocent french/white european.
Don't try to question them. Fr*nch shits are the worst kind of creatures
wew look at all these civilized armenian dogs

There were 2 Dutch blokes who converted to Islam and joined them and went to Iceland to get slaves.
being this retarded...
Being this: >>56623101 retarded
this story is really crazy

imagine the slaves from iceland arriving in Algeria
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