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Your country is now a belgian colony. Describe your feel.
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Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 7
Your country is now a belgian colony.
Describe your feel.
slechte draad kerel
where is my hand REEEEE
I can't, I have no hands to write.

so, are we speaking Walloon or Flemish?
50% muslim feel
"I miss my hand"
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hotel rwanda.jpg
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Scared. Last time belgium ruled a country shit happened after
Finally, we can ditch our puke chocolate.
We have waffles? I don't know much about Belgium
Delete this

>translation: Fuck I wish I still had fingers
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We were a colony once. Once.
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>all these uninformed posts
Sounds like less ordnung and more Moroccans.
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Don't worry, the health minister said I am in the healthy range of BMI
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>Colonialism is bad, leave africa alone!
>All the niggers are genociding each other, why won't you intervene?
gib dotation cyka
I am in pain because my hands were just cut off.
I can't feel my hands
can't shoot guns if you don't have any hands
This woman is the embodiment of human perfection.

Everything from the facial skeletal structure to the hairline to the height, to the body proportions...perfect.

Yes, Belgium, be my colonial oppressor.

So woman like her can trap me in dark dungeons and taunt me with their sexuality while I am shackled to the floor, crushing my balls with her stilettos..and pissing on my daily rations..while slapping me.
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Danger Colouration.jpg
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Beware females with bright colours, liable to be poisonous and cause some kind of bodily harm
I don't care if she decapitates me after intercourse, I just want to die having experienced any sort of sexual interaction with her.

>tfw this woman is literally one in 3.5x10^9 in terms of beauty
Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 7

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