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Why are the French so good at pranks? https://www.youtube.c
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Why are the French so good at pranks?

laffed 2bh
>Bilel my son, this is a prank, u can stop insulting me
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>all those "u wot m8" guys

been on reddit again?
>le pranque
Yes, they provide humorous content like in the OP.

Fuck off reddit
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Almost everyone in the video was a shitskin.
It's funny yeah
How do you say, "It's just a prank bro!" in French?
They give the funniest reactions because they hate homos the most.
Is this what paris looks like ? Jesus christ.
How did those guys even had the courage to do that ?
It seemed like every shitskin wanted to kill them, just because of a hand touch
Are you guys for real? They obviously picked the reactions they wanted from possibly days of filming. If anything these online prank videos have me question if any of them are real at all.
Choosing the best results out of a large sample is perfectly legitimate for that kind of thing.
post your best remi gaillards
this guy is pretty much an asshole, though
Russian trolls are in a whole other league.
French arent even close.

Post this because you myst be connected

bretty gud
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what the fuck like half the poeple in this video aren't even french

that looked like a mall in atlanta. how is that europe? please don't fucking tell me that franceis a brazilian-tier shithole too
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c'est une farce frère

nobody uses the word "farce" though, it sounds québécois, "blague" is probably better
that's a mall what do you expect? of course it's full of niggers.
Why is everyone black or brown if this is in france?
also it's prank video, they targeted muslims on purpose

i mean there's plenty of shitskins in europe but it's not that bad (except for some areas)
>all those insecure fucking arabs

I'm laughing both WITH and AT France. Fantastic!
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i feel sick right now
the fuck
well, that a somehow literal translation

people would probably say something like "je déconne, mec"
Holy fuck so many Arabs and Blacks, is this really in France?
You can't convince me that Muslims aren't inherently violent, look at the difference in reaction holy fuck lmao

Of course they are. It's been a meme since antiquity that Mediterranean peoples were 'hot-blooded', the arabs being the most 'hot-blooded' of them all.
The best prankster in the world is French, and his name is Remi Gaillard.
He's more an asshole than a prankster, actually. Making passing riders fall by kicking objects to them is not what I'd call a "prank". He's lucky he's not in the USA.
Why do people get so mad? I'm totally straight and would find it hilarious.

Fragile masculinity according to feminists.
fame turned him into an unfunny prick
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