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Label this map, how many can you name?
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Label this map, how many can you name?
I, uh... um...... uhh...
Quebec, Alberta, Yukon, British Columbia, Manitoba.
Upper three: no clue, no clue, nunavut
Lower five: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec
Far right ones are Newfoundland + Labrador and Novia Scotia
>Newfoundland + Labrador and Novia Scotia
fuckin idiot

The ones you missed are, in order:
Yukon, Northwest Territories, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
Come on America, I can label at least half of the states...
I thought New Brunswick was the name of the island that Nova Scotia is on.
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>Nova Scotia
>on an island
>called New Brunswick
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>labrador labelled as newfoundland
>not in same province as labrador
>labelled prince edward island
>new brunswick not labelled at at all
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All correct except you labeled the wrong island for Prince Edward Island, that one's part of Quebec, and Nunavut/Northwest Territories are labelled as each other
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Don't know more
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you tried
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All of them, but I'm too lazy to fill that map up

otherwise it's not bad tho
Hint: The only one important enough to deserve labeling is the one to the left of the rectangle and right of the Chinese satellite state.
How's the job search goin pal?
I only know where Quebec is, lel
The oil will come back eventually. Just watch. In the meantime, we can support ourselves by fighting the flips for jobs and the chugs for recyclables.
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i dunno.png
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lel good luck with that
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ok smartass canacucks
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That island isn't (exactly) France, my simian friend. That's a part of Quebec. St. Pierre and Miquelon is south of Newfieland.

I am so cucked
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Forgot image
>no one ever knows where prince edward island is

Yes, yes you are

cheer up though, you got a bunch of the abbreviations wrong and I can't tell what that is below "MA"
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i tried

Abbreviations only matter to ameri americuck. Connecticut and Rhode island
t. Anticosti Island
shit I forgot to label Alaska
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Literally 0.
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canada map spm.png
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was waiting for this desu
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You just fucked up on Vermont and New Hampshire, the rest is correct

You missed indiana and iowa, I think thats it
Top left to bottom right, off the top of my head.

Yukon Territory

Northern territory's


British Columbia



Don't remember




New Brunswick

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

>You missed indiana and iowa, I think thats it
meant for>>54035868
(Starting from top left and going clockwise)
Yukon, Northwest territory, Nanuvut, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia.
why does no one remember PEI
Fuck, I thought it was part of New Brunswick. Sorry senpai.
I like your island. Spent a weekend there, it was pleasant
It's okay ameribro, it's pretty small and hard to remember
Alberta, Sask, New Brun, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, BC, Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec
Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskakaankanakankanakhshsyag, Quebec
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i tried
well you got quebec right I guess
None 2bh
New Asia, actual Canada, New Ireland, Eskimos, Francofags, Territories, America lite

How did I do?
>bc is vancouver
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Forgot pic
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checkmate, amerifat. i think i've won
>not labelled as texas

>all of west bc is vancouver

>literally anything at all
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How good are non-americans at labeling the states?

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Nuova immagine.png
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fucked up a few times
Our country actually maters. It's adorable how you know so much about us but we don't give a fuck to know about you.

I only know Ontario, BC and Quebec
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>not labelled as texas
It's labeled as America, of which Texas is part

>all of west bc is vancouver
Asian circle is a bit big I'll admit, but the point stands

>literally anything at all
Screech and Ireland sum up Newfoundland and Labrador fairly well Tbh. Alternatives include seal clubbing and much more screech.
pure retardation
alberta is texas
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US states.png
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Labrador has <30,000 people, there aren't any stereotypes about them

but they do have a town calleed Happy Valley Goose Bay :3
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>Lithuania in charge of comparing Canadian provinces to American states.
>Happy Valley Goose Bay

Solid name Tbh 9/10
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Nouvelle Écosse
Nouveau Brunswick
Île du prince Édouard
Terre-Neuve et Labrador

Allez vous faire foutre les anglos
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United States of Canada.png
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Wow, respect the fleur-de-lys
Just aboot. The mainland part of NFL is Labrador and the island is Newfoundland.
T'as bien raison, mon petit gars !
>Anticosti Island
erry time
seriously less than 300 people live on that tiny quebec island, why does everyone confuse it with PEI

Other than that all correct, missed the the N at the end of Saskatchewan though
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Canada <3 the fleur-de-lys desu senpai
Ontario should just be NY, Toronto for NYC, great lakes region for Long Island, rest is upstate.
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Thread images: 28

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