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>tfw no Kiwi gf
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>tfw no Kiwi gf
Dude lol our women are all Americanized whores who think they're upper class.

>not chinese/moari
How inaccurate
Our population is 70% white.

Also this coming from a Yank, you're 63.7% white.
How about sheep?
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What a staggering difference
all sluts
30% maori or what?
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Hey man which one here is your President?
Nah man, Maori are 16% kek.
you dont want one. theyre all munters bruv
Rest are chinks?
Why do kiwi women have a reputation of being ugly?

Did NZ not blanda upp enough or did they send all the uggos over there?
Closer to 80%, actually. "White Hispanics" are white
11.80% are Asian, 7% are boongas
theyre all massive and butch as fuck. loads came to our school and they dwarfed all of us. there wasnt a single attractive women (especially maoris)
All the uggos go on exchanges mate, all the hot ones are bimbos who stay here and experience nothing in life.
How you managed to get 7% niggers down there?
mm true, although there was alot of our qts that went to NZ
im just speaking from experience anyway. they kept nagging me and my mate to speak in a voice recorder so they could show their friends our accent? they definitely werent shy
You fat fucks count mudslimes even white.
Polynesians not niggers
shieet, I went to primary school with her
did you fuck her?
no but she was a massive slut, rumour is she kissed kyle in the school toilets after school

fucking slut am I right
>tfw 2D husbando
>Tfw you hear her thick accent

She should have moved to Aus, I don't know any kiwis that keep their accent after spending a year or two here
you're 67.6%, not much better than America
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