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How does it feel knowing that the Anglosphere will aways domnate
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How does it feel knowing that the Anglosphere will aways domnate the Earth?
File: Happy pepe.jpg (70 KB, 400x388) Image search: [Google]
Happy pepe.jpg
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I like this thread
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Feels like.......victory.....
>you will never visit every anglo country

Feels bad man

I've only been to the worst one (Canada)
We have to summon the Eternal Anglo Kraut
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The Dutch Empire will never exist again
Yeah, because Spain has multiple languages because it is a relic of an empire that is on the edge of falling apart. Meanwhile, we get hardworking Catholic people seeking a better life. Meme better, Johan.
There's only one Anglo country and we lost power when the ameribrowns jewed us after ww2
ww2 was a mistake.
Finland was a mistake.
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third cod war.png
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good joke

We've won THREE Cod Wars so far. The Brits can't even defend themselves against a couple of fishermen.
I'm worried about the UK though. I don't want the United Islamic Kingdoms.
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%1 Islam here
Poland is still mistake.
We'll see in 10 years.
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