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Is this accurate?
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Is this accurate?
> Ireland
> Savage nation
It's spot on.
> includes Sweden
> does not include Turkey or Russia


"If the world was a nation, Istanbul would be the capital" - Napoleon
hello africa
also why the fuck would you consider turkey or russia a part of european core
Only if you keep this in mind:
Sardinians refused it because of their superiority.

They achieved civilization much before other "Europeans" or whatever you wanna call them.
if it wasnt for us irish preserving western culture yurop would be paki tier
we wuz scholars n shiet
shouldnt you be bombing loyalist pubs Patrick
already reached my quota for that today
shouldnt you be making a porno for 5 euros czechia?
They could have at least included Tyneside
I would say so.
Very accurate map of Islamic values in Europe :^)
brittany has an enormous christian history. their folklore is all talking up saints and shit. pagan? they haven't been pagan since the fourth century
so does south italy and sardinia and greece
Maybe they are refering to druidism n shit that is still quite alive today
Napoleon was a deluded by propaganda. Don't scratch a Russian please.
i do porn for free
having sex is fun
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its a quote from 1967
idk about you but ive lived in brittany and the older ppl there are wickedly christian

idk what the guy is talking about "Frankly pagan" doesnt make no shit nigga
go suck your putin gosoudar's dick
Based Dumas knows how it works
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>his country is not predominately within european core
Fuck off Ahmed the terrorist.
>Africa begins at the Pyrenees
and ends at Belgium desu
Yea pretty much but I would include north England, it's really no different form the midlands which are included in the pink.
Poland desu
Kek I do live in Brittany, and I know most people are really christian, but some people also practice druidism and maybe that's what he's refering to as "pagan"
China begins with Vancouver and ends with Halifax.
its not literal paganism you autists
its metaphor for being uncivilised
oh shit whats up man. i miss rennes

best year of my life maybe

that makes sense im prob autist
>best year of my life maybe
Noice, glad you enjoyed your time there !
he wasnt even white tho
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Advanced outpost? It's literally catholic Russia here
what was he?
Wasnt he half black or sth?
>mfw these """"peripheric parts of europe"""" are now less islamized and more western than all of its """"core""""

Literally all the parts that are barely european right now are inside the pink blob.
there would be no europe without the pink blob however
Sardinia should be at the core since they repelled the Arabs multiple times throughout the centuries
Yeah right
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