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The Germans are a strange bunch
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>Germans start the most destructive world war in history
>German women get raped en-mass by Russian men

Is there a pattern here?

>Germans start most destructive mass migration in history
>German women get raped en-mass by Muslims
> en masse
not really
I fail to see how Germans started it. What makes this different from all the other influxes of refugees?

Pretty sure that started in the early nineties here
The only pattern you're gonna see is that fern of yours m8
Frankly speaking, Germans only reacted on the situation. Russians forced jews to leave the country so they moved to Poland and Germany. I doubt they would start killing jews otherwise.
Concerning rapings, americans raped more german women than Russians.
>>Germans start the most destructive world war in history

Poland started it obviously, you bluepilled cuck
Poopland believed UK would come to help immediately if Germany invaded them, so they unnecessarily provoked Germany in various ways persecuting German residents, refusing to Polish Jews Germany wanted to send them back to etc.
I don't think Germany started war.

>en mass

Officially three have been raped as far as I know. Hundreds were molested though.
>be german
>get raped
t. Mayor of Köln

I couldn't care less about cologne and
>german women
The German women list for these Syrian studs. I bet that when German women preference studies come out, they'll show a very strong preference for the Syrians.

I wouldn't be surprised if a porn company took advantage of this. Instead of blacked, something like "Refugeed" or "Syrianed."

It's actually no secret that white women tend to prefer mediterranean/brown skinned men

i kek'd
i dont expect less for you
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