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>Portugal >"t. alberto barbosa" >france >"surrender
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>"t. alberto barbosa"

>"surrender monkeys"


>"where is proofs?"

>"mehmet my son"

>"cannot into space"


>"binland :::DDD"

>"pay denbts"

>"get a life bin dat knife"

Is there a SINGLE European country that isn't a meme?
Portugal is not a meme. This "Alberto Barbosa" thing already died a long time ago.
Since when is Turkey european?
>rare flag
t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa
Not a dedicated meme
t. Alberto Barbosa

t. alberto barbosa
The rest. Chech Republic, Ukraine, Ireland, Scotland, Whales, Baltics, literally all of the rest.
>"switch sides"

"get shot"

keeping it in the family
In denial I see?
sheep shagers
remove usa, I didn't see "European"
>"t. alberto barabosa"

t. kebab remover
Wales - Sheep shaggers
Ireland - Potatos, drunks
Scotland - Drunks, eat disgusting Haggis
haggis is pretty nice desu
t. alberta barbarosa
I thought we used to mock Dutch posters because of marijuana or something
t. Alberto Barbosa
What about Ireland?

>"A fucking cheese slicer"

"Switch sides" tbqh.
i love it when some portuguese posts on /int/
he's immeaditly bombarded by t. alberto barbosa replies and literally can't say a thing. it's even funnier when they say "please stop this barbosa meme"

>t. alberto barbosa
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>switch side
>lose to ethiopia
>we wuz romans
>pic related
and many others
only real answer is slovakia or slovenia
t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Apeberto Baboonosa
that's Serbia
t. Alberto Barbosa
Yugoslav Jews.
t. Alberto Barbosa
More just insults than strongly recognized memes.
>mock Dutch posters because of marijuana

That torch has been passed to Canada and Prime Minister Dude Weed LAMO
whats the difference tb h?
Stereotypes and memes are the same shit man.

Also kilts; Scottish meme clothing.
dare not tell that to them
i dont know this one, post it

it's getting cold isn't it
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What about Switzerland?
I remember >a fucking medpack but it seems weak.
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Can't think of any meme for Denmark.
where does the pic come from?
EuroJews, neutral

Pigs, vikings
/x/ I think
>Also kilts; Scottish meme clothing.
You're damn right, how could I forget.
some albanian on /pol/ posted it and he typed like one of those very long posts talking about a war in the balkans that will happen soon
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fuck that got me good
is the thread archived somewhere?

t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa

Cheese Grater
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if dubs im alberto barbosa dies
>That toke has been passed to Canada and Prime Minister Dude Weed LAMO
if dubs, t. alberto barbosa
Trips and im the real alberto barbosa
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looking it up here http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/country/AL/
Goddamn has she always looked this Methy? 99% of my childhood faps are inside this cumdumpster
We also have Polish intellectuals
> Germany
> 1 500 000
> 5
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
> 0
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Thread replies: 70
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