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Finland Best Russia 2nd place
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Thread replies: 24
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Finland Best
Russia 2nd place
Finland is Russia, only in denial,same for all of eastern euro.
don't you have a street to shit in?
t. pajeet "wagon wheel stuck in shit" mohammed
File: atalel.jpg (43 KB, 410x380) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 410x380
>that filename
File: finland loses.png (31 KB, 339x294) Image search: [Google]
finland loses.png
31 KB, 339x294
BOOM. National pain I see in your posts, lel.

India is British in denial
File: Naval_Ensign_of_India.svg.png (71 KB, 2000x1000) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 2000x1000
agreed , we still have St. George's cross
with the same logic india is the same as russia because both in asia

only northern russians and st petersburgians share something with us and even then a small portion

the rest are of the slavic tribe

for your knowledge sweden has way more slavic blood than finland...
my logic was that you were part of the russian empire once under the Tzar, India wasn't ever we belong to UK by my logic.
what does that have to do with anything? they gave us autonomy? I'm talking to a retard...
you'r the one that dragged simple bait and banter to "logic".
it only becomes simple banter when you lose
did you not see the gold face i posted before you eve came to the thread?>>53145610
what do you think my intention was? to have a scholarly discussion?
when you post the butthurt picture is still implies that you were right but the people hearing are butthurt
no it means I got a rise out of the eastern euros and they take the cue without losing a second whenever one utters a pro russian imperialism statement on this site.
if you wanted to clarify that with a reaction image you should have posted the troll face or some other similar image
Thread replies: 24
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