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Fuck. Germany.
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File: French and British Empires 1920.png (50 KB, 1425x625) Image search: [Google]
French and British Empires 1920.png
50 KB, 1425x625
Fuck. Germany.
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495 B, 13x12
Praise tengri
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This tbqh.
thank you germany, greatest ally
Wow Poland was huge then.
I love it when libcucks start showing pictures of how small Europe is compared to every other continent as if that's supposed to make us feel humble and less eurocentric. If we're so small, everyone else must be pathetic for letting us take over the world.
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we gave you the chance of aiding us willingly but you elected the way of pain
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Fuck Germany
Fuck UK
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>no British empire to be exploited by
>now Americans rule the world

>tfw Ethiopia kicked the shit out of Italy in Adwa
You didn't conquer them for shit, stop lying
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>This was only 100 years ago
Where did everything go wrong?
It's 2016, blud.
Londonistan is considered as a shithole now.
>be Brit
>speak a dialect of German language
>call yourself "Great"

>of German Language
a dialect of German with a lot of French borrowings 2bh lad
Verwijder dit.

Is this supposed to be some sort of insult? What are Romance languages but retarded Latin?
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>tfw this was literally the peak of the german empire
>Is this supposed to be some sort of insult

it's not
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Why do these maps never involve the US? Have they finally wished it so hard that history changed to say the US has always been?
>Poland existing
You got the wrong map there m8
hold up son you're confusing German(Deutsch) with Germanic again, a confusion ironically only possible because the english labelled the language that way
I am happy that happened to you.

If you have to lose, have the others lose more.

Should have allowed Willi to play with you.

Because it's the British Empire at it's height I believe, not all their combined holdings, and the empire reached its height after the lost the 13 colonies
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>blacks in lederhosens
But that's just silly when comparing empires without a set date. No set date would suggest the empire in its lifespan as opposed to an instant.
I'm pretty sure that usain bolt man. He's the world famous Jamaican runner who has the world record for fastest 100m dash. That was probably a publicity picture he took when he was doing something in Germany
This was meant for>>53040098
Was Libya not worth invading or what
Hitler ruining nationalism and empire by attacking white people
Also that was back when America straight up owned the Philippines during our brief stint with blatant imperialism
Italy were the ones who owned Libya.
Italy did in fact conquer ethiopia the second time around not long before ww2 lmao

What do you think Europeans were doing for the thousand years prior to Hitler?

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