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ebin cat edition
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Aww hell, have not seen one of these in a whil
Come on guys, give me some rare flags
wtf is a hot Ts?
got this dude telling me all the things he'd do to me and the last time he did, he kept true to his word and jfc i'm a mess
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Damn, this shit brings me back
Pumping 4 /little irrelevant islands/
Ts= Transsexual, preferably MtF
Bumping for cribbycrab
Well hello there little rare flag.
I'm here almost everyday

Went to town bought lots of beer
4 from Germany
1 from mexico
4 types of blue moon
1 Crate of Hairoun
1 Crate of Stag
I can finally drink myself into oblivion
>drink until the pains over, but what's worse the pain or the hangover
Pump in carb
Bump in the name of crab
Sup, nigguhs
Sup senpai

Still not back in Canada?

I'm am argie on a cruise. Is he on a cruise as well? Imagine running into some guy browsing /int/ on his tablet while sitting at the beach.
The Argie has been to more /carib/ islands than I have,that's a new level of
sad for me.

/carib/ is moving slower than usual, I wonder where everyone is
Hola, /carib/
parents are planning a trip to one of your countries to celebrate my graduation
theyve been asking me where I want to go.

I was thinking Aruba, but what is the best destination?
Well you should ask Aruba if she is online

Trinidad has carnival in Fed so it's going to be partying for
about a months straight.

Grenadines is pretty rad but you need to lots of money

Barbados is your generic tourist trap

Dominica is the "Nature island: but there is fuck all to do

Curacao has a massive whore house so that is a huge plus
MfFs - look female so I find them sexy

FtMs - Have big clits(which is nice) but look male, which is gay brah
tell me more about Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago, and Curacao
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My PC is starting to break down crib. Never buy AMD.

I don't know TnT but I don't think there is a lot of difference between Aruba and Curacao if you're visiting as a tourist. There's differences in culture and dialects of Papiamento, but I think all islands are good for diving and great temperatures/beaches.
But please don't go to our ABC islands, Americans are so obnoxious and loud.

Also like Vincy said, Aruba might be able to point out the exact differences, but I'm not sure you'll notice them as a tourist.

Also like Vincy said, Curacao has a huge brothel, but there's only Colombian and DR women working there, locals aren't allowed in there.
Trinidad is the party capital of the Caribbean,during the Carnival
season January to Feb 6th There will probably be a part every night
and a huge part on the weekend.
The thing with Trinidad is that you can have an extremely good time
or a bad one. The people can be super nice and helpful, but it has one
of the highest crime rates in the Caribbean.

Tobago is the designated relaxation island and where most people go
during holidays and stuff to just unwind. The island does however have
a slight history of killing Tourists so....yea.
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Found my old communications studies book
gib sum flags
Well the rest of my compatriots seem to be out in the real world having fun
>I am the last
Atleast I'm here

>tfw not rare
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What are you talking about, 4 chan is the real world.
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Hold me senpai

If 4chan was the real world I would never ever leave my house
I'm here 4u senpai
I have pics of my com studies book that I need to take but I can't be assed right now
>west indians and their language
but you already posted a pic>>53007517
Yes, one of like 12 explaining that little figure and why
St.Vincent and Barbados are right in the middle but
sound nothing like each other.
Can someone post the Saint Vincent and the Grenadine polandball meme ?
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this one?
I recommend Harbour Island. Very beautiful, few people, nice restaurants, however very little events for tourists, BUT, awesome beach to lounge around on. and exploring on your own is totally encouraged and safe.
yeah ty

Grenada is in trouble pls send halp
I like more the one about the saint islands
>I attract so many stoners
>Most of the guys I find attractive turn out to be stoners
*insert angry tears feels guy*
why tho
why tho what
lads im tired
why so many stoners?

I should've slept 7 hours ago
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because they're a plague

>just ordered pic related using points i've saved up for years lmao
i'm such a homo
So glad St. Croix's carnival season is finally over and my days off aren't cancelled anymore.
Drunks > Stoners

Why in the fuck would your days off be cancelled?
h-hi /crib/!

What's news?

>americans think Christmas is over
muchachos nos estan haciendo enojar...
Hi. No news. Just reading about degeneracy as usual in /carab/.
Ey, te vi en un thread hace unos dias, sali de 4chan boludo
PD: Aguante Boca
Pumping in carb
Please 4 crib
>tfw my HDD just died
>no Pc in the near time

What do guys im scared.
black market
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No monei
Only 2 weeks left of Christmas lads....
Which brands m8?
I will,check when I get home

No lad, it's Carnival time, I am hoping to go down but
my contract gives me no vacation days.
>not celebrating christmas for 2 months
sup yall
Im puerto rican brodel.

Only I few days till I leave this hellhole and go back to my hellhole.
pa' donde?
What's news senpaitachi?
I was watching some video from what I guess was Jouvert or Carnival on St Croix, and my god the women there are fat. Is St Croix flatter than St Thomas? The women here aren't exactly models, but Christ o my, the shit I saw from St Croix was continental tier.
I visited St. Croix a few months ago.

I did not like it at all
I've only been to the most important of the respective Virgin Islands: St. Thomas and Tortola
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>god the women there are fat
That's not nice anon, recently everyone here has been
trying to slim down, which a a nice change.

In the news
>opposition party still causing shit
>opposition party member arrested
>International airport stuff
>guy that was shot...died
Ebin bump for the glory of cribbycrab
So I went out to drink with a guy and didn't do anything with him... wtf is wrong with me
Its too cold and lonely here. Which island would you recommend?
>Its too cold and lonely here
I envy you m8
>implying you wouldn't be even more lonely somewhere else
But at least the weather would be nicer than the island I'm on right now.
requesting the following flags are summoned for muh collection.
>St Kitts and Nevis
>Caribbean Netherlands
>Sint Maarten
>British Virgin Islands
Why are you on svalbard?
business, only here for a day or two more
post pic
Vielen Danke!
Take pics of the vault!

Go to anyone,just don't get shot
i can't since im NEET
He can't because it's a proxy.
I've been to Svalbard. Not sure I took a photo of the vault though.
It's close to the airport but it was raining when we left.
I really want to go there just to see the samples from the Caribbean.
>all dat genetic diversity in one place

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It's not open to visitors.
You can take a digital tour though.
>Follow a seed deposit from the front door to the shelves.
>seed deposit
>Go there with some university, this what my supervisor did
If I ever get into a university that is,oh well I'll take what I can get
Apply for a job there.
PK can you please post as Myanmar/ burma
I don't really know who works there,I doubt they do
any genetics work. I just want to be free anon or
go to that brothel either one is fine.
>Literally preserving genetics
>"I doubt they do any genetics work"
Who knows senpai
Seed vaults generally don't fuck with the contents
I'll check anyway

Caribbean Netherlands stopped being a country in 2010, pleb
also, all those have been here
my car got rekt
Montserrat pls show up
They post all the time.


Not your bum that's rekt for a change.
There are about 2000 people on that island so that is a really
low possibility.
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I am here for my clay, please.
Snapchat made me realize that I'm a terrible person for going raving tonight instead of spending the night with the family because (Víspera/Noche) de Reyes
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I NEED my clay, please.
The only /carib/ flag I miss is Saint-Barthélémy. I think I will go there just to post and get the flag.

That is MY clay.
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>wanting French anything
absolutely disgusting
Can I use an image as an avatar?
>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.
Aw man!
Wait a minute. ..

t. Alberto Barbosa is a signature, isn't it?
At least you have the choice. O'm literally being forced to stay with the senpai.
Because I'm a popo
Yes they are fat as fuck
Shit meant to reply to
Working security sucks
t.Alberto barbosa
Makes sense

We might have the church of Scientology ship here,
going to try and sore some qt cult punanny.

Anyways, saw Major Lazer yesterday, god it was great
maybe i'll post pics
>Major Lazer
Cool shit right there
You can't hit that unless you join
funny thing is Diplo is coming back again in a month but as Jack Ü
>gommies kicked out of the national assembly
>gommies btfo in social media
>all images of chavez are being taken out and destroyed or send somewhere else
>all these leftie tears

fucking nice way to start this year.
What do you guys think of Cuba?
Communist shithole that spreads its filth to the rest of the world.

nuke it.
holy shit
I'm back, i have been busy studying for my exams for almost a month, what did i miss?
mfw barbados is now a dutch colony
heathen, stop being a commie and celebrate Reyes
Fucccckkk, I will find a way

Feels good mang

My friends say they kind of like it in a weird way but
I think it's just the freedom of them having random sex
without having to worry about STDs
What's news /crib/?

fuck u desu.

How is that edgy at all?
>I was forced to travel
>I am being forced to interact with family

Where did you get this from?
tú que tienes memoria de pez no te acuerdas de nada
I have a question for you Mr. police man, I'm certified in K9 handling by the state of Florida, do you know if there are any positions open? Also is it possible I could get a raise on the starting pay? $27k is pretty shit.
Aprenda a leer brodel.

Ahi no digo que me obligaron a venir o a interactuar con ellos. Me estan obligando a quedarme.
As far as I know there aren't any openings. The pay is garbage across the board. I doubt they'll negotiate it.
Thought so, thanks anyways man.
Not sure where that 27k figure is from tho. We make 28 in the academy and 30 upon graduation. You have to work a shit ton of OT to make a half decent check and there is a 40 hr cap on overtime. At least on St. Croix. Can't speak for St. Thomas.
>it's getting colder everyday
How often do you see St. Croix sheep?
>it's always the same temperature

There was a massive fire at some government warehouse this
morning, people don't know if it was the work of the protesters.

>the fire rises
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Didn't the government party get reelected?
Mostly that is no recipe for disaster.
Well they go reelected three times,I don't really know
how this whole thing is going to play out.
I sent your PM an email about joining our kingdom but I don't think he will respond.
Knowing him, he probably would answer if he actually sees it
Hey PK, are there many Ukranians in the Netherlands?
>tfw cool and cloudy
>no need to leave the house

Maybe some, not a lot I guess.
Putin's daughter lives or used to live here though.
>tfw cold and ugly skies

Can't wait to go back to the /crib/

Hmm. I see.
desu I've lived in the uk and europe and the only thing I don't like there is the cold. it can be as cloudy all day as long as it doesn't rain excessively i don't mind
Why you want to know though?
I met an Ukranian grill who will move over there to live with her mom, so I was just curious.

Cold really sucks ass.

I prefer clear skies desu.
>got the apartment finally

wew lads
Which is better us virgin islands or British virgin islands ?
hi guys im i rare flag?
Not particularly

I like the overcast and chilly weather, the constant sun
and blue skies gets boring after a while.
Dominicans is rarer desu
Any other cuban expats hiding out on /carib/?

I've only met 2 others on 4chan, wondering if I'm not alone in this world.
Go to the other side of the island.
That's what the online application stated, I applied and got a call back a week or two later, but by then I had already gotten a job that paid more then they were offering.
Spanish Virgin Islands :^)
you are US clay too tho? I really wish Puerto Rico would become a state.
I'm the son of a cuban expat.
eyyyyy your probably in South Florida too then
I've never been to South FL. Unless you count that one time I spent 5 hours at the Ft. Lauderdale airport.
Depends on what you're looking for.

Unrelated note: it's Carnaval season, lads. Not feeling the vibe.
>tfw no carnaval.

I found out even Domis have one. Why the fuck don't we have one.
odd to see cuban expats elsewhere, except mabey New York, where are you from?
Don't Americans have Mardi Gras?

Even Le Weedman Country has Carnaval.
I'm Puerto Rican born in NYC bruh. I've met gobs of Cubans over there.

Forgot to mention: see above.

We have Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastian, but I'm not sure that counts as carnaval.

>Even Le Weedman Country has Carnaval.
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How the fuck can this thread be up for 6 days?
SanSeb is our carnaval, cuntboi
Our record is 15 days

nice quads btw
Idk. Carnaval can range from a small street parade to Brazil tier partying.

Sun and coconuts gives us slow shitposting powers.
That's nothing. We've lasted twice as long.

Shut up cockgobbler. I thought carnavals were usually longer and not just a 3 day drinking party.

Hmm, I see.
4 days*
does anyone from the Caribbean ever post here?
na just expats, islanders are too busy working slave wages all day to make up for inflation.
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Almost missed you there.
Nice stealth rare
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post your face
Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 25

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