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Global Warming
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Athens is colder than Toronto right now

How can you explain this /int/? Is global warming real?
fugg why is mia khalifa such a top #1 pornstar, so overrated, so what if she's from lebanon

you know i hate when pornstars make it out like they're happy, like they're better and more "successful" than you, like a mini-celebrity, when all u do is fuck on camera for a living and im just sittin there jerking off with no gf YOU FAGOTS

man i think i need to fap to mia khalifa now
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>Is global warming real?
It's probably nerve gas.
What is 48c in real temperature?
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>tfw doing no fap
>tfw really wanna beat off to mia Khalifa now

>masturbating to fake tits
Would you watch porn where everyone was sad all the time?

porn is evil
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>fake balloon tits

and yes global warming is real
I dunno man, Jenna Jameson is probably happy with all that bank she's making, considering she came from dirt.
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>those tits
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as hot as ur mum's fat ass
Toronto is on the same latitude as Florence or Monaco.
>Jenna Jameson
probably the exception though i've never fully understood her popularity
>porn is evil
which is why they have all these pseudo-retarded drug addicts haunted by a traumatic childhood pretend to be happy in order to sell more porn
>giving a fuck
Yes Britain is suffering a massive flood. El Nino is really fucking shit up.
>having no standards whatsoever
Okay brb masturbating to tits that look like balloons with nipples drawn on. That really gets me hard
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>Is global warming real?


>Is this weather related to it?

Freak weather patterns. Temperatures have hit similar highs ~10-15 times in the past century alone, but this was *slightly* higher than the other highs.

>Can we do anything about it?

>melting Siberian permafrost contains 10x the methane in the atmosphere right now
>methane is 4x as bad a carbon dioxide for retaining heat in the atmosphere

No, we're fucked. But...

>increased CO2 = increased plant growth, greening of currently less fertile regions = decrease of atmospheric CO2

It won't be but so bad.
>Arabs #1 consumer of porn
>Only one famous arab pornstar

IDK anon. You tell me why shes so popular
Does she have any videos from before she got that awful boob job?
yeah, so why do we celebrate the porn culture?
when i see like sasha gray buzzfeed article or opinion pieces from stoya in a fem-magazine or whatever i just think - no, why is this being glorified when it's a seedy fucking fuckhole of a business
Because her popularity peaked in the early 90s, and she jumpstarted her business career from there.

She was bigger than any other porn star is today, due to marketing of the day and a lack of choice to individually prefered girls playing on fetishes and physical quirks.
Like 115 F or something
i liked how arabs publicly condemned it but secretly they were all FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP

btw i kinda like her massive fake tits and usually im not a fan of those
It's only northerners
Not really a concern
>why do we celebrate the porn culture?
We don't
Contrary to what you may think actual mainstream society looks down on pornstars
Is that Wiz?
that's good
I wish there was professional arabian porn...
nvm, according to efukt this is her first shoot and she already has them

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beurette porn will always we better
Speaking of porn, how come Indian porn is so fucking disgusting yet bollywood ladies are so hot
Nobody celebrate porn. But everyone will without a drop of sweat confess to watching porn these days. Porn has become accepted as a part of the daily life, whenever male or female. At least in Scandinavia. And moreso, nobody gives a shit, because we all know and expect it.
would probably be hotter that way desu
This... Indian porn is utterly disgusting.
German porn is horrible too...
attractive Indian actress/actors from Bollywood are all foreigners.
around 538 sunbeams
Who in here likes to watch those cheesy 80's porn movies with an utterly hilarious background story?
She went to my school, it would've been neat to see her around campus sometime.
Never mind, she's just a fan of our football team. fug
>How can you explain this?

Canada is full of hotheads
W-what's wrong with German porn? I-I actually enjoy it...their language makes for great dirty talk.
>How do you want your face senpai?
>Is global warming real?
Yes. Complex systems act in unpredictable ways when they change.
i'm pretty sure she has a unibrow and grows a little stash, but trimmed it doesn't even look all that bad
the actresses are usually 45 years old

one of the biggest hoaxes to ever exist:


choose any.
Pure autism.
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>seriously posting Mollynew

Wow stop posting anytime
not an argument
global warming has always been real, no point in worrying now because everything is fucked beyond repair.
post more tits plz
Those are some great huge tits but there's a problem
>that fucking face
1,57 kiloLaser
Global warming is one of the effects Climate Change. Climate Change is the main issue but Global Warming is the most talked about effect because of how it effects the ice caps.
She's so ugly when she takes her glasses off
I'd have more respect if the tits weren't fake.
Everyday weather is important but the overall averages is what is the big deal in climate change. Just because its colder in Athens than Toronto doesnt prove or disprove cliamte change. However the overall pattern of temperature and precipitation of Athens compared to Toronto is what matters. In addition the effects of climate change are not uniform and wont influence the entire world at the same level. The Northern hemisphere will be disproportionately affected by climate change and become warmer.
try watching french porn even most of the beurettes in the industry are fucking disgusting some few of them are actually not bad and kinda appealing also all of them do anal
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>Former ISIS member does her first porn shoot ever
u wot
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