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What wars have your grandpa been in?
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>Grandpa Kim
>Drafted at the age of 15 during Korean War
>Was the only guy to survive in his platoon
>Killed many NK and chink commie scum
>ROKMC marine in Danang
>Killed many VC scum
>A certified commie remover

And me a snotty college cuck with no aspirations.
Too young to serve in ww2, was peace keeping soldier in Berlin right when the war had ended and Berlin was in ruins.
both my grandpas served in the war against russians. one was in coastal artillery and the other in recon. that's about it really.
fought with Westerling
t. Chinchong
My grandpa fought in the Resistance during the Nazi invasion
not my grandfather, but my great grandfather was an officer during lithuanian - polish war, lithuanian independence war and later was in the SS
WW2 vs Nazi's. A grandfather wws in hiding I heard.
WW2 vs Japanese. My grandma was in the military police. And ended up in a Jap camp.
Post-WW2 vs Indonesia. Grandpa killed some Indonesian rebels.
Salonica front. Aged 93, seen last days of king's rule, seen Tito's rule, was a professor of geography and history and also a librarian, had 2 cancers..
Other grandpa came down from a small mountain village, never seen a light bulb before, was so impressed by electricity overall he became an electronic engineer in Yugoslavia, built 2 houses in the city from literally nothing, worked for the army, was on homefront, which one? All of them. Was also army boxer.

>tfw both of my grandfathers were certified legends and some of the best men humanity had to offer
>I am an utter disgrace and failure, cant even get a gf or study regularly
Its amazing I could sprout from such men..
To add. My grandfather who was in hiding got funds as a war hero for being in the resistance. But my father said he's full of shit and probably did nothing.
Only my great grandpa have fought in a war. And it was in Finland against the Soviets.
WW2, both of them. One was a paratrooper the other served on a submarine.
Flying bike squad I presume?
Korea. Drafted as a private and came home a sergeant. I don't know much about his time in Korea but I know it haunted him.

Stupid me once asked if he ever killed anyone. "They don't promote you for not killing people."

RIP Pops. I'm proud to have your last name.
WW2 with age 14
Fought against Nazis and Bulgarians
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One was in the back end of WW2, then did Korea. The other did Malaya and Aden. Neither spoke much about it.

This might get a lot of people angry but chances are your granddad stacked boxes or stripped engines during the war, as even your typical Infantryman saw less than 24 hours of close combat. Strangely, everyone on 4chan has a knife between the teeth story of raiding and killing.

Face it, he probably spent the war shagging whores and stealing bits of guns to send home to his friends. Over the years and over the beers he's turned himself into a war hero, the sole destroyer of battalions. Instead of the reality, where he saw a dead man, he killed him. Then after a few drinks he killed his mates. Then as the years go on it turns into a whole company.

I eagerly await your greentext.
one grandpa trained troops during WW2, the other was in the navy in Korea. I dont think either saw combat
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>named kim
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>your grandpa
Yeah okay there, Wong
Mine was in your mom's ass
>But my father said he's full of shit and probably did nothing

Which is probably the case with 99% of war stories. No one ever tells the ones about how they spent 14 weeks hitting a tank exhaust with a spanner or trying to fix a radio.

The vast, vast majority of men to have served have done nothing of any excitement. It was important, but not exciting. Unfortunately they feel the need to compensate.
There was no war against the Russians. It was against the Soviets. A different country and a people oppressed by dictatorship. Stop spreading russophobia.
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>You will never fight in the war with the best soundtrack
my granpas never told tall tales.
when I asked my dad's father about his time in war he just told that he used his SMG to scare the soviets away but he was probably involved in some nasty stuff being in a unit that operated behind enemy lines.
My grandfather was in Korea during Korean war against north korean and soviet commies.
Why are you so complexed my sweet britcuck?
WWII. Fought against the Nazis in 1944-1945
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my great grandpa got shrekt by the Germans for some trite bullshit, didn't want to pay taxes or whatever

other grandpa fought on the gommie side
Grandfather was in WW2 in New Guinea against the allies.
My grandfather served in the 1st Marine Division in Korea. He never spoke much about it, but we know he was at the Chosin Reservoir, saw more than enough combat and received three Purple Hearts during his tour.
Both of my Grandfathers were too young for WW2, but my Great Grandpa fought on the Russian front for Austro-Hungary in WW1.
Grandfather got drafted with 16 in WW2 near the end of the war and fought on the western front in Germany.
He was part of a death squad during the Bangladesh Liberation War. Then he tried to kill my dad and his brother so they ran away.
Paternal grandfather joined the Wehrmacht in 1937 and was an artillery sergeant when he was captured in Tunisia in May 1943.
Maternal grandfather was a miner and hence spared from military service.
fathers dad

he wasnt asked any questions when he was drafted to germany of whatever at age 19. aparently


pretended he was lost for a few months and then joined partisans by the advice of his village friend who was in partisans and knew about him being in ustashe - yes it was a weird time

moms dad

both were pretty uninterested in ideology
Nice, my grandpa was in the occupation force in Denmark. Maybe they met.
Dads side served, but didn't go overseas as he was a mechanic, mums side fought all through the islands and PNG, saw quite a lot of combat.
Can we talk about WW1 instead, or the Crimean war.
Aside from Resistance narratives, there's nothing for me to share on WW2 ;-;
Mine narrowly escaped Hong Kong before it fell as a kid. Was drafted into the army by the end of the war but it ended before he saw any action.

He ended up serving as military police in India, where he was shot in the arse by a drunken squadmate.
My grandfather-A didn't fight, because he was just a year young to go to the Pacific war.
My grandfather-B didn't fight too, because he was an elite.
He fought on the Estonian side in WWII (nazi army)

Got busted after and deported to Siberia for 25+5 years. Managed to come back earlier, but he was there still for about 20.

Hated communism, never was in the party or anything.

Died soon after Estonia got free again.
Grand-grand father fought in Korean war. He was artillery officer. And our surname comes from that.

Also;grand father was just simple private at Cyrpus War,did nothing much.
My grandpa served in the people's army during the spanish civil war. He used to tell stories about fighting against franco's moor hordes with his machine gun.
He fought as a partisan in WW2. His father fought against the Italians on the Soča front during WW1 and he died in a military hospital.
On my father's side, WW2. After the defeat he escaped to England and ended up joining with FFF. He fought in North Africa, and later in France.

On my mother's side, possibly the Spanish Civil War. I say possibly because no one is sure. Not even my grandmother knows what he did before coming to France. He never talked about it to anybody.
>Hitlerjugend during WW2
that's it
Do tell
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>, or the Crimean war.
Luftwaffe, Worldwar II.

Shot down by Brits in 40, spent 6 years in canada because they were afraid they'd conquer the UK back then.
My step-father's dad was a navigator on a Lancaster bomber towards the end of WWII.
He didn't really have any stories to tell, so either nothing interesting ever happened, or he saw fellow airmen die or just felt regret for bombing people.
My maternal grandfather was drafted during Korea, but couldn't serve because he was an only child so they put him in the National Guard.

My great great grandfather somewhere on my mother's side served in WW2, mostly in the pacific, and Korea, then He was stationed in West Germany for a while.

A great great Uncle on my father's side served in WW2 for Italy after Mussolini was ousted from power.
I've seen this story before, good to see you're still with us serbbro
Heh heh, Spitfire'd.
>The German pronunciation of Spitfire also sounds kinda cool.

he got drafted at age 18 was in the normandy invasion, i was playing medal of honor and he was watching and the first level was d day and he told me that i had to turn it off
Well, they were a scouting plane.

Probably in a captured Supermarine Walrus or sth.

Saly your guys did not fall for it, also you had radar.

Unafir advantage :^)
none actually
My granddads were born in the 40's
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My paternal grandparents had it comfy.

>Grandpa was a telephone operator for Hong Kong telecom, had extra rations. Grandmother was a lifeguard.

Maternal Grandparents had it absolutely shit.

>Grandpa captured by Japs and tortured, luckily escaped when the camp was bombed by communist guerrilla fighters

>Grandmother almost died of hunger and her nose and fingers were frost bitten. She had to get a prosthetic nose.
What aircraft was he flying in?
>Implying the tactical advantage wasn't pissed off Poles in Hurricanes
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>Shot down by Brits in 40,
that wasn't the Brits
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This one, no idea how they got it.
>his granddads were spawned by liberator seed
supreme heh
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My dad never knew his dad (>inb4 nigger)
On mum's sl*vshit side, my grandpa disarmed mines on the eastern front.

[spoiler]He died in 93 from getting hit by a train. My mom said that it might have been suicide[/spoiler]
No idea who was it, but it definetly was the british airforce..right?

Even if it was polish pilotes.
Oh I see, probably found abandoned on a French beach tbqh.
He had it good in Canada, he and the others got paid for their work on the fields..they buil themselves a swimming pool and a tennis court.

Could also move around rather freely.

It sucked that they took the cigarettes away from him when he left which he saved money for to help his family back on its feet with as they were worth a lot to barter with.

But hey, better than my other grandfather who was a flak assistant in Berlin in the Hitlerjugend.
Of course it doesn't.
What matters that the german went down.

And it couldn't really be Poles. Poles flew all the way behind the German plane to make sure he dies, not escapes.
I did not mean to imply they didnt do great.

Also that is a dick move, there was something like a gentelmans agreement between pilots.
None, both weren't even schoolboys by the time WW2 was over, and both sides of Germany didn't participate in wars for a very long time afterwards because of their delicate global political situation.
my mother's side great-grandpa was a partisan.

he met his future wife (who was a lot younger than him) because she was bringing him and his mates her older female friends so partisans hiding in the forest had something stick their dicks in.

my father's side grandpa was from the eastern borderlands, so when the commies came he joined them.

He was in berlin liberating german women with the First Polish Army.
Later settled in western Poland (vicinity of Wrocław)
>Also that is a dick move, there was something like a gentelmans agreement between pilots.
Where was that agreement when the Germans were slaughtering polish people with bare hands, killing children and raping women?

Don't mean to sound butthurt, but there were no rules in WW2.
Nothing very interesting, my great grandfather served in both WW1 and WW2.
However my great great great great grandfather served the Confederacy in the American Civil War.
>However my great great great great grandfather served the Confederacy in the American Civil War.
Pretty silly tbqh because if you run out of fuel you're just going to land in the English Channel and die.

>better than my other grandfather who was a flak assistant in Berlin in the Hitlerjugend.
Crikey that's rough, very desperate times I suppose though.
What the fugg. Story about confederate grandad pls.
>Pretty silly tbqh because if you run out of fuel you're just going to land in the English Channel and die.
Poles were flying closer to the German planes than Brits, so it was kind off easy to finish them off.

Foolish yes, but it was more like a revenge.
>not having been in a war yourself

shiggy diggy

anyway from world war 2 and up to yom kippur for my grandad [though he did not really participate in ww2 or 48 since he was too young]

most americans families were still in europe during the civil war, i have no idea how a serbian guy was in the south of all places in the 1860s
Great grandfather was a resistance fighter during the war, and a spy of some sort in the cold war, but that's all we knew about him. He wasn't allowed to talk about anything.
Don't know much about my paternal grandfather, I think he was in Nam, the last person to serve on my mom's side was my grandfathers' grandfather, he served in the Prussian army in the Franco-Prussian wars.
He threatened his to disown any of his progeny who joined the military, I guess he'd seen some shit.
fuck off chingchang
my great grandfather fought against the Austrians in ww1
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>He was in berlin liberating german women with the First Polish Army.
He immigrated to the United States (Texas) in 1858 or earlier, when the war broke out he decided to serve to Confederacy. He fought in the war for all 4 years, and because the CSA lost, he migrated back to Serbia in 1867 and brought all his fortunes with him.
Spanish Civil War
>liberating women

weird/cool story, i was really thinking it was bullshit but because you said he went to texas i believe you

if you ever went to the US south and told people that you would get treated like royalty
My grandfather went for Japan-China War.
His rank was a first class private.
He was a soldier of the light machine gun.
Because he returned home in the first half of the Japan-China War, he did not become the captive of the Soviet Union forces. By the way, the neighboring person who was younger than my grandfather was caught by the Soviet Union forces. And he had to live as a captive in Siberia during several years.
He said it wasn't as bad as leftard feminazi historians want to make it.

The thing was, at the time LIberation of Berlin happened, Germans were fucked and people were starving.
Polish/Soviet forces storming Berlin had food, so German women saw opportunity in that. And the only thing all of them had to offer were their snatches.

So most of the time they fucked for a piece of bread and weren't actually raped.
>grandpa stationed at a naval base in Japan right after the Korean War for 4 years
>he hates anything with noodles in it
Don't worry... I've already been confided all that. I only meant to draw irony from using "liberate", which isn't too exact.

The mirror image of those "rapes" were mirrored in France with how much French women near Belgium and Strasbourg bein starved out by the Battle of the Bulge were fucking Americans left and right.
Hope he liked rice then.
Funny, I'm eligible to get a US passport since some of my family lives there (they aren't even related to my Dixie rebel grandpa though). Too bad they live up north.

Perhaps one day.
>Battle of the Bulge
that's a gay name

we call it "Ofensywa w Ardenach"
occured in France*

Fug I screwed up my sentence. I'm sorry Poland.
>Polish/Soviet forces storming Berlin had food, so German women saw opportunity in that. And the only thing all of them had to offer were their snatches.

Now I was Polish or Soviet at the time.
>I only meant to draw irony from using "liberate", which isn't too exact.
Of course it was a joke, Russian historians love to call soviet invasion of Poland "liberation".
>French women fucking American left and right during the battle of the bulge
There's a rude joke somewhere there.

Though it technically devolved into a litteral bulge that Americans were in, and it can be understood that they'd want to stress that aspect of the battle since being in that position really screwed up them over.
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>French women
>fucking Americans left and right.
>Battle of the Bulge
>the Bulge
My grandparents were in this war too
Fucking ruskies
Huh? Erm do tell?
American were battling with their own bulges apparently.
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>Your Granda died before you could talk
>He will never tell you stories of how he saved millions across Europe from the Nazis
i laffed
semi partizan when he was like 14-15 in world war, once knocked out a german and took his gun but didnt have the guts to kill him
after that enrolled in JNA (yugoslav national army) and just chilled traveling the country and getting paid for it

pretty much it
>millions across Europe
When the population of Europe then was of 60, 000?.. Seems like you got your facts wrong.
great grandfather fought in WW1 in German-AH Imperial Army, died at Verdun.

Grandfather fought on western front of WW2.
See >>52942198
>died at Verdun

I will thank my great-grandfather, who fouht at Verdun, for this the next time I visit his grave :^)
Mum's dad was a lt. then a cpt. in the Pioneer Corps in east Africa, mostly Kenya. I have a book of his wartime photos from Jerusalem down to Durban. I'll scan some tonight.

Dad's dad was a CPO in the navy - one of his exploits was the Murmansk run. His brother was in the army: captured by Japs in Thailand in '42 and sent to a POW camp in Tokyo.
Paternal side
>volunteered for the US Army, had nowhere else to go
>Served in the Korean and Vietnam wars
>fought at la drang with the 1st Air Cav
>saw one of his friends get burned alive by napalm in a friendly fire incident
>nice guy, no PTSD but grandma says he hads nightmares and flashbacks often.

Maternal Side
>Wehrmacht soldier on the eastern front
>told me nothing except how one time he beat a Russian to death for his boots and jacket so he wouldn't freeze to death
>his brother died at Stalingrad
>never found his family after the war
>nice person in general, but extremely bitter about the war
From my father's side:
>Fought against Nazi occupation, part of the Resistance
>Later fought in Indonesia and shot the shit out of Mohammedan rebels, had his whole platoon starved to near-death
>Later went back to The Hague with a Javanese wife (my grandma)

From my mother's:
>Part of the NSB (Dutch Nazi Party)
>Married a German officer (my grandma)

Imagine the first time they met.
It's not like we had choice.

Either fight in the real Imperial army or fight in "Imperial" army of Russia.
>not swimming to France to enlist in "Napoleonic Imperial Royalistic Republican Victorious Army of France"

wait why did he fight for austrohungary did they even interact with poland at all
My grandpa technically died in WW2

I say technically because he landed in Europe and snuck on a boat back to the US
>wait why did he fight for austrohungary did they even interact with poland at all
Yes. Austrians despite being a poor shithole actually respected the Poles. They allowed us to have our own army and our own insitutions, if not for that, it would be harder to regain independence.

Russians on the other hand stole everything, even stole the whole fucking library TWICE, with books collected in Poland since "ancient" times, it was the first library or one of the first in Europe.

Germans deported Poles and germanised the regions.
grandfather (born 1898)

>joined british army in 1915
>shot in the shoulder at the somme
>sent back to england for a few months to recover
>sent back to france to serve in the labour corps (mostly wounded men and objectors) fixing roads and telegraph wires
>discharged from army in late 1917
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+10 Ruble
Indochina, Algeria
Both were in the Yugoslav army in the 50s
One drove tanks and the other was border guard.
It's not german soldiers, it's Polish soldiers.

And polish bear "Wojtek". Get your facts straight.
>grandfather born in 1898

How old are you o.o ?

>grandfather: 1898
>father: 1949
>me: 1989
one of my ancestors was a cavalry officer in American Civil War, Union side

back home he was jailed by the tsarist government for 10 years lol
Damn those gaps.

>great grand-father: 1984
>grandfather: 1934
>father: 1962
>sexy beast: 1996

10/10. you grandfather still alive?
>it's Polish soldiers.
I'm fairly fucking sure the guy on the left has the nazi eagle on his cap and the bear is stuffed
>Great grandfather confirmed to be a time traveler.
The one used to go to the free territory of Trieste and flirt with Italian girls. He got in trouble alot
- Grandpa was born in Manchuria
- He and his father funded Chinese guerrillas in some parts of northern China against Japanese soldiers

- Now, I'm a socialist living in South Korea.
Shaddup gook and get out of vancouver.
I was drinking coffee and when I read 1984 I laughed and spilled coffee on myself
Thankfully yes...
The other's dead, though he was semitic lover, or admirer would be the better word.
A great grandmother's still alive within my family, though she's half-dutch, which makes 1/16th dutch (eww), sowe shun her for this, and I never see her.
빨겡이 게세끼 북한으로 돌아가.
You're welcome friend! Why the coffee at this hour?
Man there should be an extra generation in there. So far apart.

Thank you. I love soft-shell crabs.
Because I just got back from my morning run and shower. It's 11. I normally wake up at 9
>My grandmother's sister's husband, but he is the closest one to fill the role of grandpa in my life
>Japanese occupation
>Joins the resistance to destroy those yellow dwarfs in his city
>They are overpowered and my grandpa ran off to the forest
>He survived by eating tree roots and drinks river water for months before being captured
>Sent to Nusakambangan (pic related), basically Indonesian Alcatraz
>Escaped from Nusakambangan to mainland Java by goddamn swimming across the strait
>Apparently he had a spiritual master when he was young who taught him shit like that

I don't know if he made the swimming across the strait up or not, but he's still alive and well despite being 80 something and always smokes since he was 15, so he probably managed to pull it off.
He sounds based
What would Polish soldiers do 70 km near Leningrad in German uniforms and signs that show the distance to random German cities?
Both Grandfathers just too young for WWII, however Great-Grandfather:

>Enlists in WWI
>Sent to Gallipoli, survived
>Re-deployed to Western Front for the remainder of the war - survived with medals for bravery
>Becomes an Electrician on his return back to home
>Dies in Electrical accident 1 year after the end of the war
Conclusion: He is a bad-ass Muslim.
He did his part. He died a hard working Australian
I like to think so anyway.
He already cleared that up. My bad.
I'm >>52942344

>Nazi greatgrandpa 1898
>Nazi grandpa 1917
>Resistance grandpa 1921
>Mother 1957
>Father 1962
>Me 1986
Bäckman pls go
t. 빨겡이 사회주의자 병신 대학생.
great great grandpa left everything to go help out the imperialists in the russian revolution
>nazi grandparent
>resistance grandparent

Was there a family reunion where both met haha?

Based otherwise.
Grandpa was working for the resistance in ww2.
He was supplying them with food and was stealing bullets from the local garrison.
Eventually he was betrayed by his neighboor who was colaborating with the Italians ocupators.
Granda was sent to Mathausen concentration camp...but he was one tough bastrad and survived for 11 months untill the allies liberated the camp.
And here is me... shit job, no gf no ambitions...
He would have been so ashamed of me.
Rip grandpa.
Great Grandad, died at Dunkirk. Serjeant 4185994 Cheshire Regiment 07/06/1940 Age: 34 Col. 52.
Grandpa served in 101st airborne in Italy and D-Day until he got shot and was sent home
My great uncle was an Ustaše who admitted to torturers 10 Serbian prisoners
>le surrender
>Spent 5 years in a german Arbeitslager
neither of my grandpas where on any war.

my uncle was dead on WWI, he fought for the Austro-Hungarian side, after that his brother emigrated to Argentina.
My grandpa born in Budapest 1889 and died in Buenos Aires 1972.

He was a good lad
Are you do pathetic as you paint yourself?
paternal grandfather was a chaplain in europe during ww2
maternal grandfather worked in naval engineering for the korean war
neither ever saw combat

sorry lads lol your relatives did the heavy lifting
Grandpa was in the chetniks at first, until they started collaborating with the germans.
In order to save his family he joined the partisans and said that he had to shove croatians into caves and blow them up somewhere in slovenia.
His older brother got executed by the partisans because of some massacres he was responsible of, and then there is his stepbrother who saved grandpas ass because he did actually join the partisans and followed orders.
The other grandpa was a muslim that ran away from everyone who tried to recruit him, but still ended up in slovenia too with the partisans.
If my father's stories are to be believed, they already met in WW2.
My resistance grandpa frequently broke in and stole from them, and Nazi grandpa had tried to have him arrested multiple times.

When my mother married my father he refused to let her go since my pa is half-Javanese Indonesian and not a Dutchman (he has a slight tan).
She ran away but Nazi grandma (a former German officer, uniform and all) forced him to go to their wedding.

Neither side wanted to take the first step and let the hostilities become history, so they didn't liked to meet. When they did, they didn't talk.

Resistance grandpa died first though, but Nazi grandpa did go to his funeral unexpectedly. Gave my father his old war memorabilia, first time I've ever seen them talk too.
My great uncle fought alongside Bosniaks and said they were very brutal
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>tfw grandfather got drafted after WW2 and before Korean War
>tfw no cool war stories
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He served his part
My great uncle was also a sailor on the Murmansk route. He has a picture of the ships deck covered in half a metre of ice
I'd join the military if it meant sitting around being bored all the time, bullshitting with each other that you want to see some shit but actually are just happy you're not getting shot out in a muddy puddle somewhere.
Both fought commies, the other was killed defending Kollaa
father side great grandfather on serbian front in wwi
mother side on iosonzo and galicia

father side grandfather in 369th croatian reinforced infantry regiment runaway from soviets when paulus surended
mother side too young
My grandpa died in WW2, in Auschwitz.
He fell from a surveillance tower when he was drunk during his shift.
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I am the only one that served in a war as far back as I can find. Kind of sucks to think that I am the only one.
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korean war

>mfw gramps undefeated
my father fought in cyprus
lmao stay mad grekos the north will always be turkish
One was an Air Force doctor during Vietnam and the other was in the Coast Guard during Korea
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Korea, Vietnam
He was an artillery officer, got snatched by the IC and played spook until he "retired" to the DIA.
pic related

Other Gramps was in the Brown Water navy during Vietnam.
Just a Monitor, no zippos, doesn't have anything to note minus using the artillery piece to launch flaming chickens into space.
It would be cool to see that. I don't have any photos from my grandad's naval service.
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