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Why is it that Anglos commit war crimes and crimes against humanity,
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Why is it that Anglos commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, these acts are always downplayed and rationalized?

See for example the holodomors engineered in Ireland and India that killed millions, the extermination of the native Americans, the mass firebombing of German civilians at the close of WW2, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc.

If a non-Anglo country had committed any one of these acts, they would be vilified as some of the worst actions in history.

How did the Anglo countries come to be immune to criticism?
winners get to write history


We won, both culturally and militarily.

Now, imagine discussing Nazi or Soviet warcrimes in a world where they were the dominant cultural and military powers.
That's why. Nothing of value was lost.
What are you going to do? Even if anyone with power even cared about these events, nobody could do anything to stop us.
The Jews are on our side.
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youd be monitored and imprisoned in guantanamo for being a terrorist then tortured for nothing?
oh yea like now
As expected, all Anglos can do is posture impotently and brag about the accomplishments of their great grandparents
That's what we want you to think.
le eternal anglo
British propaganda machine was always quite good
Well, we're talking about American (or "Anglo") warcrimes on this board, and do frequently.

AFAIK, nobody's ended up in GITMO or classified as a terrorist for it.
Where did I brag in >>52872180?
>all Anglos can do is posture impotently and brag about the accomplishments of their great grandparents

Recurring /int/ argument #27:

You can't brag about your ancestor's accomplishments but you can be blamed for their crimes.
shit shit shit
>potato crops keep failing
>irish keep planting them
>they all fail and its britains fault

Because they are Kikes
Native Americans weren't all killed violently, they were largely killed by disease. European diseases spread among them like wildfire which caused steep population decline. Much more so than any brief war did.

In the case of World War 2, no one cares what happened to Germany because Germany started it and had a laundry list of fucked up war crimes themselves.
>tried to starve and destroy the entire city of St Petersburg, Russia, all while looting the outlying buildings.
>complains dresden got bombed

No one cares about the Irish because they were the ONLY whites to become lowly drug dealing terrorists. Literally arab tier people.
Start shit get hit.
>Why is it that Anglos commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, these acts are always downplayed and rationalized?
>these acts are always downplayed and rationalized?

No they are not. Outside of /pol/ White people are guilty as hell about their past.

White people under 18 won't even exist post 2050.

Anglos are paying for their crimes with a genocide.
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