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Thread replies: 65
Thread images: 42
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Asia edition
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>doesn't have a rapid transit line in the median
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you what ? >>52862634
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wew I thought the thread will stay dead
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desu we need to make /urban/ a bit more popular here

I guess there is much more people on /int/ who like traditional cities?

most of the time I see people who are like "concrete steel and glass are disgusting, modern cities and architecture are shit muh posting qt german cities"
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Taipei, Taiwan
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fuck asia tb.h
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I wish I was a Russian daredevil
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Second tallest building on Earth.
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>tfw when the smaller building is as tall as WTC 1 and 2 were
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Such a sweet video.
are these your photos or what

Watch this video. Knowing you, you'll love it.
Got any photos of Shangai?

Also, the guys who scale it are a Russian and a Ukrainian working together. Such bros.
So sad considering what happened just a few days later.
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>Got any photos of Shangai?
I have a lot of photos of Shanghai desu
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have you ever been to one of these cities
>this Shinkansen
muh dick

what city anyway?
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nice pic, saved
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Shenyang, China
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Nanjing, China
FUCK thats comfy
My dick has.
That's cool.

What is the fastest developing city?
Nicer pic. Saved
Lego house.

At least they have houses.
fastest developing in terms of what?
Best city in China, except for HK.

Urban development. An overall measure. Buildings, people, urban planning, parks, and economy.
My vote goes to either Mumbai or Nanjing desu.
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My city. San Antonio. Mostly hispanic, fast growing, 1.5 million people, but rather poor and the cityscape...

I love it though. Sad to say goodbye now that I moved to college.

Cool history and best Tex-Mex around. Don't let the faggots in Austin, the dirty Houstonians, or pathetic Dallasites fool you.
San Antonio is the best city in Texas.
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It's Shinbashi, Minato ward, Tokyo.

In case you wanna see the place through google map or google street view, here's the address:
Tokyo, Minato, Shinbashi, 3 Chome−26−3
I don't thinks it's possible to say which city in the world develops fastest

for sure Chinese cities like Wuhan, Chengdu, Xiamen, Hangzhou and many many others develop really fast

I dont know about India as for now I don't see anything particularly impressive there, I know there is a massive boom in Mumbai but still this country is literal 3rd world

in terms of skyscrapers Shenzhen, Chongqing, Kuala Lumpur, Tianjin, NYC, Dubai there is actually a list somewhere
Where duh skytree aht?
>American city
Alright. Thank you.

China is developing fast even as their economy slows. Especially in their southern cities.
India is third world as fuck but Mumbai, Chennai, and New Delhi have some impressive building sprees going on. Of course, there's a giant slum a mile away from city center.

On wikipedia they have the list of skyscrapers under construction and a bunch are in those cities.
The current slowdown in Malaysia, fall in luxury apartment prices in NY, and slowdown in China might put a brake on the most ambitious buildingd though.
It's all relative.

Imagine a hispanic Warsaw with some rich whites (like your germans) holding most of the money.
How insecure must you be to post this in this thread?

I mean seriously.... only in America huh.
(I am trying to bait people to get this thread more lively)

(And it's true)
the future tallest building in China already stopped or rather it's not being built at all
desu when I see city like this and read it has 1.5 million people I really wonder where like I just see some offices, maybe some residentals and a fucking forest
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Good. Stupid investments is what got China into this mess. Better to stop it first and avoid a Japan.

It's nearly 20 miles wide. The picture has maybe 300,000 people in it.
Shenzhen Guangzhou super city has like 45 millions in area of LA
Thread replies: 65
Thread images: 42

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