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What do nordics consider cold?
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I used to think I was a badass when I was a kid because I could handle leaving the house in a t-shirt during 30 F weather (-1C). Then I grew up . Most normies here start wearing layers when it's 40 F (~4C) , when do nordics decide to put on jacket?
When it's +12C

fag, please.

Canada has much more people living in colder places than Scandinavia

>average temp in Stockholm during winter is a mere -5ºC
>a place like Calgary can get as low as -40

Scandinavia is cold is a meme, only their northern territories are actually cold
Most people in Canada live on Romania's attitudes though.
>can get as low
Average in Moscow in winter is -6, but it can get -40 too, so what?
it's not that bad when it's not windy

wind + cold = fuck that

Honestly if you look at Calgary, it's not the far north, it's just the combination of mountain range and being so far inland. I lived there for a year and it reached -40 often.
I usually put on a jacket when the temps are below 0°C. Otherwise a sweater is enough unless I need to be outside for a longer period of time.

-25°C is cold imo. The lowest I've experienced is around -35°C which was pretty awful.
Personally I don't use a cap or gloves when I bike to work in the morning at -5/10 and I sweat using a jacket unless it's like 10 minus. The only time I feel cold is when I'm tired.

Whether it's cold or not depends on the year, I think 10 in the summer is cold while -20 in the winter is cold.
is it humid cold or dry cold? it makes some difference I guess
also when I went to Beijing in winter it was super cold, I don't know how much, but it was a lot
Whether it's cold or not depends on the season*
It really depends on where in the country they live. The coast is quite mild. Average winter temperatures of about 5 to -5 celcius. Further into the country the average is -20 to -30 celcius.
It makes a huge difference. I'm the guy that lived in Calgary above, I also lived on Vancouver island. While Calgary was a dry cold, living in Nanaimo at -5 felt almost as bad because it was so humid. Especially if there was wind.
have you ever seen snow in your life?
not him but i know the answer is no.
averages are much lower
it also gets much hotter here though

Moscow is probably similar because its continental as well.
it depends on the temperature, which depends on the season

definitely, humid cold is tough to handle
>the only time I feel cold is when I'm tired
25C feels like hell on winter but its not so bad in summer, i remember in the winter 2 years ago i was thinking 18°C was hot af and now it would be cold for me.
yea big difference
it would get sub -40 pretty often in Sasktatoon but since it was pretty dry all you had to do was cover up and you'd be alright

where I live now its pretty humid and wet all the time so -20 feels a lot worse than it is.
Distance from the coast matters more than longitude in Norway

I used to live in a fjord and it was warmer in january/february than in Hungary in those months.

Then in march we went into the mountains to a skiicamp. It was around -25 - -30 and windy as fuck.

People keep forgetting we got the golf stream
-5C is cold if you're not wearing winter's clothing. -15C is cold if it's windy and -25C is cold no matter what. 15C is cold if you have a cold.
Nobody cares about you. Danes don't even know what snow looks like.
The opposite is true too.

30 degrees in North Queensland is much worse than 40 degrees in Johannesburg.
I never wear a winter coat. I just start wearing hat and gloves below 0. Long johns below -5. Thick fabrics just make you tired. It's more important to cover everything.
still way further north than any of the murcan mainland
You need a shell though to break the wind
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Does your mom know your shit posting on her laptop ?
can you faggots stop having retarded opinions about our temps
we don't have one temperatur that applies to the whole country
it varies a lot, and Norwegians don't always stay put in the same place
so I've experienced minus 40 and temperatures like that

>What do nordics consider cold?
A few minus degrees I guess
>when do nordics decide to put on jacket?
this really depends on your jacket and what other clothes you're wearing
we wear a jacket when it's raining or hard wind, or minus degrees
I generally put a jacket on once it drops below 15C and keep the same jacket on in the -20C weather.

>only have one jacket, much poor, send moni plz

Cold is no problem, there isn't really a difference between -10C and -40C except you need better clothes. The constant darkness is the only bad thing about winter.
I only have one jacket also, but it's completely unusable above -5C since you pretty much melt inside it.

>Anything but a thick sweater under 15C
I could probably go with a sweater, if not for the constant fucking downpoor we get from September to November.
Seriously, 0-5C is so much worse here than temps below freezing.
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>-10 C walking to school
>Spring Jacket on and gloves
>German exchange student has like 3 scarf's on and a jacket and a toque.

And I always thought Germans were mountain people.
Anything below 0c is what I consider cold. I'd consider wearing long johns after -20c.

The coldest weather I've ever seen, or at least remember seeing, was -35c during army. These are extremely rare though.
You're thinking of Switzerland.
What, -10°C is nothing and I'm from the warmest (on average) city in Germany
>30 F (-1C)
>40 F (~4C)
What's wrong with that?
it kinda depends though
if it's windy it feels 5x colder
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I used to bisycle to school in winter everyday 5km and back with just a hoodie and normal pants on.
It wasn't that cold unless it was windy when i just put a scarf on.
It has nothing to do with being cool. My body temp is really high so i didn't need that much really. If its like 15+ outside i start sweating like a fucking 600kg american.
Those armpits must've smelled lovely once you arrived.
Actually no. I ofcourse had a t shirt under that hoodie and 2bh, my armpits didn't really smell like anything when i was young, ofc i use a fucking deodorant also. I'm not french.
Same. My anxiety makes me hot 24/7 and I am skelly af. If I wear a jacket during a blizzard I am still fucked.
>+5 degrees
>Japs all look like the Michelin man with all their clothes and mouth guards and shit
>some Indians pass by in light windbreakers and flip-flops (yes, they wear flip-flops when only going between the buildings here)
>jackets look like they're from the future depicted in Back to the Future, aka they dress in out of style colourful 90s jacket
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>tfw my regular body temperature is 36.0-36.5 degrees
>poor circulation in hands and feet, always cold
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I put on a thin jacket at ~10-12 (it all depends on the wind too)
I put on a warmer jacket at ~4-7 (it all depends on the wind too)
I put on a very warm jacket at ~0
I put on more layers underneath, such as wool base layers at ~ -5
I put on even more layers underneath when it's below -15, how much depends on how cold it is. I put on quite a lot when it's -30, which luckily I haven't experienced many times due to where I live.

I think I can presume to talk for all (or most) Norwegians here: we don't care about being badasses with the cold. The average Norwegian spend a lot of money on proper clothing and winter sports gear and such, thus most of us has a lot of good clothing for cold weather. And we tend to use it too, becuase why be a retard who freezes his butt off in order to be a badass?
Just went to the store to buy some bacon. It was like -5 celsius so I put on my winter jacket for the first time this year. I was seating like a pig in it
Same's here's. I always sweat especially if I walk fast with my leather jacket on during winter.
it's a curse, either you are sweating or you are freezing and then the bus is late or something
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siberia man genes man
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Wind is always a factor. Give me -15º and no wind over -5º and windy. Also buffs > Scarfs
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