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How important is self-defense in your country? Do you learn karate,
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How important is self-defense in your country? Do you learn karate, aikido, wrestling, or any self-defense styles? I assume that self-defense is useless in peaceful countries such as Finland and Japan.
>How important is self-defense in your country?
It's a protected right in our constitution.
The curriculum has a mandatory fisticuffs class for men, whilst women learn swooning techniques.
Can you protect yourself without using guns and knives, and rely only on physical defense?
personally? yes, I wrestled in high school and lift regularly. If I got jumped by a gang of niggers I would be fucked though.
We are allowed to defend ourselves, sometimes a bit less depending on the state. As for lol no guns, it is a bit sparse, but at least some of the lads in college like to work out
I train Muay Thai but didn't have to use it outside of the gym so far and I hope it stays that way
a literal meme martial art well known for not working in practice
>How important is self-defense in your country?
I'm a little reckless. I prefer to attack with lightning speed.
>Do you learn karate, aikido, wrestling, or any self-defense styles?
>not training anything
>lighting speed
Because of the frequent fights. I already get used to it.
>muh street fight experience

kek good luck with your wild ''fast'' swings that could be easily avoided even by the guy who went on one training session
i lift and rock climb, but i guess thats not really self-defense. I'm god at de-escalating situations and worming my way out.

Isn't it a bit too late for me to learn a martial art? I'm 21
not really a thing
I think that usually training is a way to get more profit(money).
Eh. You do have a point, but on the other hand training is useless if you choke in the real thing. Half of being good in a fight is just having the willingness to maim somebody without hesitation.
Very Important.
Most capable and fit males who go to the gym know some kind of martial art (mostly BJJ).
Still, you should not try to fight against someone with a gun.
And if you are in essence a dweeb, then some kind of training does not make you a fighter, I think. :3
I've once heard France had a lot of martial arts practitioners, but I have no source to provide. However we are a weeb country, have a lot of good athletes in karate and judo and less known sports, and I meet people who did/do martial arts very often so I guess it is pretty common
I did judo, karate and i'm currently doing muay thay
>peaceful countries such as Finland


I trained karate, but obviously only competitive. As far as I know self-defence is rare af and nearly nobody trains something useful style e.g. Krav Maga
is that what your anime told you?>>52855755
yeah because people who can't even land a proper punch sure can be called fighters

muh street fighting
>is that what your anime told you?
No, it's what my karate instructor told me when I was about 12.
>inb4 lol karate
That's my point. The guy said up front that what he was teaching wasn't meant for actually fighting people. What's just as important as knowing how to throw a punch is being willing to throw a punch. If you waste a couple seconds hesitating you're just going to get stabbed.
>if the style I trained was useless then all martial arts are!

and yeah no kidding you have to be willing to hurt the guy what's next advice you have for me? Use soap when you wash your hands?
Karate is still useful against untrained people I'd say

>Tfw everyone expects you to throw a punch and you land you heel in your opponent's jaw instead
Chill out. I have understood your thought.
>strawmanning this hard
I never said they're all useless, I was heading off the inevitable comment that karate is shit for self-defense, because it pretty much is. Nor did I ever say that martial arts training in general was useless; I said that it's not enough by itself. I've known several practiced martial artists who said they'd lose a street fight, and one who went out and landed himself in the hospital because he tried to scare off a mugger and got stabbed for his trouble.
Admittedly he brought the mugger into the hospital with him, but now he can't move the two outer fingers of his left hand, so I wouldn't really call it a victory.

My point is that blowing off somebody who's "only" experience is untrained street fighting is retarded, because the fact of the matter is that if they were that shit in a fight they'd be dead by now. The fact they're around to talk about shows that they're doing at least some of it right.

At the end of the day, the majority of people aren't willing to fight fall-out unless they're mad as hell, and if you get jumped or some shit than it's going to be over long before you've got time to psych yourself up. Willingness to break somebody's nose is a whole lot less common than you seem to think it is.

The only useful part is a decent stance. In just about any fight ever kicks are a fucking awful idea that just leave you unbalanced and exposed, high kicks doubly so. The only time kicks are worth it are nutshots.
It appears to be not very important as guns are heavily restricted.
Not very important as during summer everyone is to drunk on booze and sunlight to do anything, and during winter those 15 layers of clothing and slippery land kind of makes hand-to-hand fighting either useless or at lest very difficult.
Unfortunately even if you don't use a gun an assailant likely will, so everyone ends up arming up to compensate.
>The only time kicks are worth it are nutshots

You are right about the high kick stuff (although if you aren't an amateur there's nothing wrong with seizing the opportunity to throw a kick in the face) but it doesn't mean they're useless. A kick in the stomach will stop someone as easily as a broken nose, easy to do, and powerful. A kick to the legs to make the guy fall. A kick in the knee to fuck up his leg. Not using your legs for anything else than moving in a fight is as dumb as not using your arms. The possibilities are endless and a kick is much more unexpected than a punch
>d, because the fact of the matter is that if they were that shit in a fight they'd be dead by now

you think all street fights are to death are you fucking retarded?
I've done judo, aïkibudo, fencing, kobudo, shooting with military rifles and I'm doing boxing now.

I just do it for the fun since I don't really need to protect myself
You'd be surprised. If you end up on the ground in the kind of place street fights happen you're probably dead. Maybe right there, more likely in a few weeks when you succumb to internal injuries you're too poor to have treated. Even if you live the odds that you'll end up with some sort of long-term damage are never negligible.
The solution, obviously, is to be good enough that you can stay on your feet and run, or stop getting in fights, which usually means staying inside a lot and doing what you're told.
out here they are. we don't get to have our grandpa's fist fights anymore.
>in the kind of place street fights happen

they might happen even in broad daylight on the main street what kind of fucking world you live in with designated Mortal Kombat streets where people kill each other?

Geez karatekas are truly autistic the memes are real just admit you wasted your time and money on a martial art you yourself said taught you nothing instead of elevating common street thugs on martial artist level just to feel better about your failure.
>I've done judo, aïkibudo, fencing, kobudo, shooting with military rifles and I'm doing boxing now
I'm barely resisting the urge to make a Swiss army knife pun right now.
Do it, I dare you motherfucker, I double dare you.

I like being polyvalent. Wanna do some grappling too but I really love boxing

such death duels

I'm pretty sure you know more about it than people who live in shit neighborhoods huh?
Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about. Are you seriously retarded? Is it so fuckin hard to grasp the idea that the guy more willing to hurt somebody is more likely to win a fight?

>what kind of fucking world you live in with designated Mortal Kombat streets where people kill each other?
The First World, where 90% of the country DOESN'T have street fights popping up everywhere and the other 10% is a shithole the rest of us avoid.

>they might happen even in broad daylight on the main street
No, they literally never can, because the people who walk around main street in broad daylight aren't goddamn animals.
are you willing to risk it and find out?
it happens enough to put people on edge
are you seriously retarded? Is it so fucking hard to grasp the idea that martial artist is willing to hurt the other guy as well and because he has more experience and training he is more likely to do it?

also nice knowing you have Mortal Kombat tournaments in the first world I never heard about it before
Why are you such wrangler? Is it because you're Polish or what? It is impossible to understand before someone knives into you body or you get an unexpected blow. You're lucky you do not live in a country where everything is not according to the 'rules'.
>I assume that self-defense is useless in peaceful countries such as Finland and Japan.
Yes, Finland is popular to travel alone among Japanese women tourists, Paris, USA, Italy, Turkey, S. Korea is dangerous for women.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have lived with your tricks there.
he didn't even mention knives retard he just said some bullshit about his ''lighting speed'
>Is it so fucking hard to grasp the idea that martial artist is willing to hurt the other guy as well
Yes, because most people aren't, and no one can truthfully say they know how to handle themselves in a fight until they've actually been in one and found out whether their mind defaults to fight or flight. It is not something that training alone can ever replace. The tested untrained and the trained untested are both incompetent fighters in a life-or-death situation.

Of course, once they HAVE been in a fight, then you have somebody who's both trained and knows they won't choke, and that's infinitely better than either option alone.

>also nice knowing you have Mortal Kombat tournaments in the first world I never heard about it before
I've just been getting rused this whole fucking time, haven't I?
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Our self defense is called a law degree

is that why this video has street fights that happened in broad daylight and there is a fuckton of other examples from all around the world?

Meant to reply to your previous post sorry but as for
>Yes, because most people aren't, and no one can truthfully say they know how to handle themselves in a fight until they've actually been in one and found out whether their mind defaults to fight or flight

correct which is why combat sports are all about overcoming this barrier and you might say ''oh but it's still not same as real fight'' but I never seen a boxer who wouldn't blast someone in the face after he gets attacked on the street and it's still better conditioning than what traditional martial arts have which is ''oh actually our techniques are useless so...just run''
>or you get an unexpected blow.
got it.
>'lighting speed'
>in figurative sense
it hurts you?
I got my concealed carry the day after I turned 21
and how is a street fighter getting cheap shotted different than a trained one getting cheap shotted? What kind of dumb logic is that?
That's what a knife is for. And when you're at home, you are always close to an axe.
So are you really able to fight effective? Have you any experience in fighting outside your gym?
answer my question first then I'll answer yours stop with the constant goalposting
>answer my question first then I'll answer yours stop with the constant goalposting
I see you're an idiot then. Have a good day my heroic lighting fast street warrior.
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