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Warm weather in eastern Canada.
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Ottawa hit 17 Celsius earlier this afternoon.


17 Celsius. That's 62.6 Fahrenheit, for American readers. A few degrees shy of room temperature. On Christmas Eve.

So yeah, it's not always cold up here.
its 43 f where i am right now in the middle of california

ill trade you some cold for some water :^)
canadian reader pls it will be 88 fahrenheit here tommorrow and it was 83 earlier today
fugg 78F and 98% humidity here in Texas.
Fuck el niño 2bh.
Lmao 4° F where I am right now.
Thats like negative something Celsius
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christmas weather.png
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-8 C here family with a windchill of -15 C

it started snowing 4 or 5 hours ago. should have a nice coat for tomorrow

there is no need to be upset
43f? That's still too far above the freezing mark to give us a white Christmas, we need something more real.

And we'd love to sell you some electricity to desalinate your seawater, but thanks to the combination of anti-nuclear, anti-hydroelectric, and anti-putting-on-a-damn-sweater-instead-of-insisting-on-a-warm-house antics among various segments of our population we don't have as much electricity as we'd hoped.
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>tfw no white christmas
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Not with the amount of Syrians Trudeau is bringing in.
Bravo, Canada
I'm in Manitoba and it's been snowing and at least -10 for 2 weeks already

The warm shit didn't last long here
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