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ray edition

post ray
nth for don't bully!
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Mejor rojo que muerto.
Better red than dead
Plutot rouge que mort
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>that emotional state when no female significant other
I thought I was gonna escape it, but nothing in life is that easy.
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>quentin is never coming back
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the Runescape account recovery is fucking ridiculous, instead of just emailing me a new password they make me fill out a form where I "must fill in at least one previous password" and then they review my application
fucking stupid
Plutôt, not Plutot

stop raping my language
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>need to get Piety for pvming and morytania legs 3
>you need over 2k dbones just to go from 55 to 70
>mfw that's practically half my bank at these prices
someone sell me a staff of air for 2k
I don't even know what my goals should be desu

I'm just cutting yews til i can figure it out
sorry man
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same here, just training agility while hoping for dbone and prayer pot prices to go down

might just rush to 72 slayer and camp wyverns, then bite the bullet and buy some bones/pots to train
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its worth it

doing anything with piety makes it much better
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like clockwork
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إنجلترا بلد عظيم مع العديد من الديانات المختلفة كل يعيشون في سلام. فليحفظ الله الملكة. فليحفظ الله الملكة. فليحفظ الله الملكة.
You're welcome to stay forever if you'd like
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keep it moving, nothing to see here
good taste
i am still wanting a GF from an ex-soviet republic
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>mind running from fally to the mind temple

truly a fate worse than death
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raise slayer! it's the best
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>tfw no busty jew gf

I need the runes
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don't open.jpg
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Having a few drinks of whiskey hehe
you could be my 2nd worst enemy....but you are so based
girls from ex-soviet republics are cute
but they're dirt cheap

literal Eastern european perfection
I just bought a membership. Are you the one that wants a staff of air?
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>the anti-Kiwi mexican is a Milanabro

eh, it adds up, and I need to grind until 25

already bought 1
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do you have more pics of her? :D
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Is it to late to post this
What world are you in, skrub?

I miss lmm
I hope he became a normie and is enjoying his life

f2p, fuck giving jagex any money

lvl 42
>it adds up
pretty sure you can make more money chopping normal logs right outside the GE
you can
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asuka 5.gif
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baka desu senpai
What's the fun in that? There's a whole wide world out there.
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>there are posters RIGHT NOW not compulsively collecting pictures of their waifu

I know there is. I was a member since 04/05

but current jagex can literally fuck off and die

>swifty folder actually outnumbering my waifu folder

Im worried
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>not botting rs3 to buy bonds
Not trying to turn this into an e-dick measuring contest, but I've been playing off and on since 2001.

What's wrong with Jagex these days? Haven't been keeping up with them.
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>tfw Milana folder only has 25 files
I-i am sorry
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Never played rs desu
Why are you still playing if you dislike jagex?
Don't apologize for a tryhard
>americans wanted to exterminate this
want a bond?
squeal of fortune/treasure hunter
what world nerd
wind strike is only 5xp per cast. God help me

raising membership cost, squeal of fortune microtransactions, EoC is garbage, fucking over combat in general, ruining protection prayers, adding 2 skills literally nobody likes, the list goes on
I'd love to exterminate her pussy lad
I just sneezed
Did you shit yourself a bit?
I've made another stupid post, feeling a lot of shame tBH
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reagan tried to kill her when she was only a little girl
Did he wipe you off
Do you think this sneeze will affect race relations?

will I ever get a gf?
Why am I?
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hol up
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Have you ever kissed a boy?
he attacked russia?

I dont want you to buy me a bond, but I wouldnt decline one
where's that mini australian?
he tried
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when did he try to attack russia?
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Am I a skrub?

Yeah a little

Yes, very much so


You are I my child

No, i only kiss pussies
Steve Harvey was an idiot
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*smacks hips*

t-thanks, you too ;_;
Give me someone with nice thick hips to fap too please.
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>philippinos are still the most powerful race
Go to the /r9k/ archive and find the high test thread
Your mother lol
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>all those low stats at the bottom
>60 melee stats and 20 slayer
>71 fishing
I don't even
Trying to identify herbs with a dying mouse is torture
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Try identifying this herb real quick
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I found a hearts of iron 3 torrent with all DLC AND IT HAD NO FUCKING SEEDERS AHHH
Fuck farming
Fuck construction
Fuck runecrafting
Fuck slayer

Fishing is fun, fuck you.
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heed my advice

runescape sucks dont play it

>only 83 agility

get a load of this pleb
What to play instead?
there was a thing called cold war

Do you know what made it a COLD war, retard?

Christ almighty. i would say >mexican education but i don't even know if such a thing exists
when you tried to kill each other via proxies
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Recommend me a free game like runescape
did your taint hurt
i've sneezed hard enough that my taint hurt before
p weird desu
this isn't even remotely anything close to president reagan trying to attack russia
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The guy is kinda retarded. Just ignore him.
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Are there any other anime girl characters that have a handblade similar to what is depicted in this pic?
cuck desu senpai
Just had a flashback to my time spend in the early days of YouTube.


9 years later, and the comments section is still full of butthurt fedoras just because the video BRIEFLY mentionned the idea of a creator (not even an Abrahamic God, just a "creator"). God damn fedoras are cancerous, I can't believe 9 years ago I was one of them.

Also, 9 years later and that soundtrack still gets me.
not yet.
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>reading YT comments for any reason
these posts are of very high quality

pls dont leave forever
mods triggered
god damn poorfag magic training sucks
>2 new IPs
>spamming the exact same thing
>17 seconds apart
now this, this seems legit
I don't anymore, but back then actually I was very active on YouTube, keep in mind this was before the "social media" meme became a thing, and youtube wasn't that mainstream yet. And most importantly, Google hadn't completely jew'd it yet (in fact I don't think google even bought youtube until 2007).

And as I said, back then I was a hardcore fedora, so naturally I was heavily involved in all these comments sections.
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i dont know of any two posters that could be behind something like this

whats nerdy about zeratul
i like this guy
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I think you're the nerd.
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don't post that picture
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If you ever see anybody post a picture of kuroneko but fat, call him napoopan.
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Going to start swimming again buds.
It has been too long since I haven't been doing it regularly.
I'm really excited, I have no idea why I stopped.
Jesus how mutch did that video cost to make
many roubles
anti-santa just got rekt
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you are my friend /cum/
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Swimming is the best desu
would you take some creep shots and post em here?

I said that yesterday
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this is just like in my animes
You too
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>wake up
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is that finlan boy
Are platonic sexual relationships possible
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Yeah it is great!
Looking forward to going back on Tuesday.
No thanks
Have whatever fantasies you like, anon.
The parachute budget alone must have been giant
There's a girl in my class with that anime stylef backpack. What is the show called?
Are you ottermode?
those trips confirm it
just made 2k in an incredibly time consuming way, lads
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its a cute Japanese swimmer boy

I have read many doujins on this subject


It may as well be ecchi for girls
No I am bear-cub mode
Not going full bear-mode because eating that many calories is gross IMO.
If I do more cardio I'll probably get a bit closer to otter-mode.
Rerocking 2 and a baby?
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good on you anon

i loved swimming all the time, really miss it desu
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Just had a wank lads haha
good lad lets get some cheeky nandos
gross. penises are for peeing
to what?

I love that comic
post location/world/level
Why did you stop?
Oglaf or that one specifically? Curse Spectre is the best character.
do any of you guys wear rings? is it gay?

oglaf in general, I hadn't seen that one yet though
thats minority tier
>not wearing a ring
How do you deter and repel wanton female advances?
by never going outside

I logged off for the night
I wear my alumni ring.

why would I want to do that?
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What does /cum/ look for in their potential buds?
i wear a ring that i get in mexico, a man forged one out of silver for my specific finger size and sold it to me for $15, and probably used that money to feed his family

so yes, definitely gay
Quenched thirst
I am not taking applications. They'd have to already be my bud.
not sure, it was quite a while ago. i know i never grew sick of it though

would love to start again but i would need a gym membership if i wanted to walk for 30-40 minutes to the nearest place
a big dick
Good humour.
That is the main thing above absolutely everything else.
Fug man, I wish there was one that close to me.
I have to take an hour long bus ride one-way.
You should definitely do it again, you sound like you got a lot out of it.
then get on and tell me where you are
>Good humour.

I mean, I am being serious about what actually transpired.
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Are your buds some kind of water mercenary?
Are we buds already anon?
Do you say good game and pop a feel on potential buds?
/cum/ is my bud, yes.
People who can banter... harder than expected in America, a lot of people just want to stroke each others dick and affirm everyone's emotions
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Thanks vapormigo
laughing things off instead of getting worked up desu

no good bud would get mad at their buds over little things

>I have to take an hour long bus ride one-way.
that sounds pretty awful anon!

i'd put up with the walk if i could pay for it, guess i'll see how much it is these days after christmas

Is the red sky dependent upon what map you get? I don't think I've seen that before
dammit anon stop making this so hard

post where you are tomorrow
I wear one on my middle finger. It's not guy in my opinion
I think /trash/ might actually be worse than /tv/.
January is coming up anon you might see about any newyears deal for the year. You will have to suffer the first couple days but alot of people quit after that.
>Be white
>Have Asian gf
>All her Asian girl friends have white bfs
Literally MADE for white cock.
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I think so. I'm using a tropical map atm

It's called Auckland.

It's a trap, anon. They want to breed white people out and have the numbers to do it. #staywoke

whats /tv/?

You mean /star wars/?
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I will gladly breed myself out by drowning in Asian pussy.

fine, Im on 301 at the GE
yeah i just thought about all the people returning to the gym after new years, tempted to push it back a bit but i dont want to keep pushing it back

i'd be most comfortable with walking there at ~5:30 in the morning anyway. doubt it would be too busy at that hour on weekdays
You should definitely go for that then.
Does Canada have a high Asian population?
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stand on the sword icon in the northwest part
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>tfw weed and runescape
It's like I'm a teenager all over again
Depends on province, but generally yes.
Ontario & BC have tons of Chinese, and here in Manitoba we have tons of Filipinos.

I assume you're trolling though.
No Canada is 100% white
If you don't have to work or you go early you dont have to deal with the rush of newcomers. Traffic is at max around 3pm-7pm because everyone is getting off work but outside of that its just really nice old people
t. Xi Chen
Who else /doesn't feel like Christmas/ here?
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Are Pakistanis asians?
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Truck driving test tomorrow morning buds, it's all on me now. Hopefully I pull off correct the air-brake system verification.
They're subhuman
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>tfw getting my autism on
Trains are so fucking fun

I wish I had model trains to play with
I'm not I just see alot of Canada posters talk about asians and assumed you were getting a ton of foreign qt's
Honestly, most places do, although it depends if you're into Asians or not.
The Filipinos here are bretty gud.
Like Bakuch and northern Indians

No bullying until new years
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Can't wait desu
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I forgot minecraft existed
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Don't tell me what to do commie
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Best girl
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those are the rules anon

no bullying allowed
just rushed thru a paper in 20 minutes to submit by midnight deadline, ama
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Did you cry?
no but i was a little nervous
Should I watch or read Midori no Hibi?
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you should suicide
cum lol
Y-you too.
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Not even a little bully anon?
How is it going tonight /cum/
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jeff goldenbloom.gif
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Manga was better imo
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 117

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