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>Be Australian >Have a national language WOW, HOW ARE
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>Be Australian
>Have a national language


>Literally hundreds of comments all saying it's disgusting that an Australian would say such a thing
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we had a good run but it's over

You are a hot version of Sweden 2bh
>not taking the opportunity to banter back to instead claim muh sj rights
Normies are boring.
>the same country that a couple of decades ago had a 'white australia' policy

how fast do whiteboi fall
As somebody that loves languages but hates non whites I don't know how to feel.

Help me /pol/-lite. What do?
Keep on keeping on. Stick to weird European languages.
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Honestly, White people are a cancer.

All this science and advancement has led us into a post struggle environment where we have nothing to do but tear each other apart.
You can love languages while still acknowledging that people should speak the national language.

t. rational person
The language a person speaks among themselves when you are not a part of the group literally does not matter.
When will Australia dump the Southern states pls
Soon brothers

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>tfw my cuntree can literally play the minority card (and even the "we wuz oppressed" card sometimes) and thus we're allowed to tell people to speak our language or fuck off
>durr she speaks another language

I see people speaking English all the time in this country and I don't see anybody bitching about it.
Your province. Also many people speak English in cuckbec and laugh when beta quebecucks get mad

quebec please
>we wuz french n shiet
Nice, make good use of this victim card.
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>Tried arguing on /r/Canada that people in Canada should be expected to speak English or French
>Get called a racist bigot
Why does it matter which language they want to speak between themselves? Say you're going to some country with friends, would you all force yourselves to converse in the local language? If I were speaking French with buddies abroad and a cunt were to come and scold us for not using Spanish in Spain for exemple, I'd be quite pissed off, and rightfully so.
How's that racist? I mean, it's a cunt move, but racist?
I found the problem, ma'am
kek, in Quebec even SJWs agree that everybody should speak French

God bless the "marginalized minority victim card".
>give person definition of racist and bigot and ask them to elaborate on how your statement makes you meet that criteria
>no response, just downvoted
oh cbc viewers, you so silly
Yeah I know now.

They were even getting pissed because the government is building a "victims of Communism" monument. I saw comments like:

>"that's so biased! Communism is a legitimate ideology!
>"They should build an victims of capitalism monument instead!"
Wish I genocide everyone who posts there. Leftist scum
She had racist intentions. The fact that she even brought up the language issue is not because she wanted to be a general cunt, but because of her intentions.
It's fucking retarded to tell people not to speak a certain language. Half the time in my country I hear people speaking English and other foreign languages.

It's none of my fucking business so I don't bother with it
kek CBC commenters are turning against Trudeau already.

Fucking hilarious. That place is filled with literal retards.
>She had racist intentions

>implying language implies race or has anything to do with race

dutchcucks, baka
This bitch is a dumbass.

There are so many fucking Aboriginal languages and so many of them don't have numbers past 3.
I'm sure she did.

>oh look another wetback speaking spanish, let me teach her a lesson

is what she most likely had in mind
Was more referring to immigrants thanks to tourists. And if they want to babble in their own language, do it in private.
>>oh look another wetback speaking spanish, let me teach her a lesson

she wouldn't have had any idea what language they were speaking
This has happened to me in Germany, specifically Berlin. They fucking hate anglos there (probably cause they lump us all in with yanks). I was physically and verbally assaulted numerous times by locals just for chatting with my mates in English.

I agree with you, who fucking cares what language people speak amongst themselves, as long as they can use English to communicate with the rest of society. Moreover, it's their loss if they don't speak English. It'll downgrade their experience of living/travelling here and make life in general difficult.
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Don't be angry with Australians, they just want attention because they need our help.
desu that's pretty dog, I hear arabs speaking their mudslime language all the time, same as Indians, and Africans and maori, but Spanish, come on theyre bro tier.
But I still stand that Rachael Hutas comment was liberal driven nonsense
>coming from Israel
>literally help us: the cunt
boy oh boy do I love it when serious words are diluted to the point of being weak
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>They fucking hate anglos there (probably cause they lump us all in with yanks). I was physically and verbally assaulted numerous times by locals just for chatting with my mates in English.
>thinking there are differences between Anglos
You are all the same. Same language, same '''''culture''''''.
Who just randomly yells at someone for speaking another language? Fucking uncultured Australians, no wonder their 'english' is garbage.
>Tell people to speak French or fuck off

Lol what a joke.

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you got something on your shoulder lad
stopped being enforced fully in 1945 when they started letting Greeks and Italians in unhindered (my grandparents got here around then)

Then in the 1950s students from Asia were allowed to come here. Then in 1965 the policy stopped being enforced pretty much across the board, then in 1972 it got repealed entirely.
oi why's that lad got a crisp on his shoulder?
Abos were not even close to having a civilisation when the settlers arrived.
what did you expect from reddit baka senpai
Speak white!
Il est si beau de vous entendre
Parler de Paradise Lost
Ou du profil gracieux et anonyme qui tremble dans les sonnets de Shakespeare

Nous sommes un peuple inculte et bègue
Mais ne sommes pas sourds au génie d’une langue
Parlez avec l’accent de Milton et Byron et Shelley et Keats
Speak white!
Et pardonnez-nous de n’avoir pour réponse
Que les chants rauques de nos ancêtres
Et le chagrin de Nelligan

Speak white!
Parlez de choses et d’autres
Parlez-nous de la Grande Charte
Ou du monument à Lincoln
Du charme gris de la Tamise
De l’eau rose du Potomac
Parlez-nous de vos traditions
Nous sommes un peuple peu brillant
Mais fort capable d’apprécier
Toute l’importance des crumpets
Ou du Boston Tea Party

Mais quand vous really speak white
Quand vous get down to brass tacks
Pour parler du gracious living
Et parler du standard de vie
Et de la Grande Société
Un peu plus fort alors speak white
Haussez vos voix de contremaîtres
Nous sommes un peu durs d’oreille
Nous vivons trop près des machines
Et n’entendons que notre souffle au-dessus des outils

Speak white and loud!
Qu’on vous entende
De Saint-Henri à Saint-Domingue
Oui quelle admirable langue
Pour embaucher
Donner des ordres
Fixer l’heure de la mort à l’ouvrage
Et de la pause qui rafraîchit
Et ravigote le dollar

Speak white!
Tell us that God is a great big shot
And that we’re paid to trust him
Speak white!
Parlez-nous production, profits et pourcentages
Speak white!
C’est une langue riche
Pour acheter
Mais pour se vendre
Mais pour se vendre à perte d’âme
Mais pour se vendre

Ah! Speak white!
Big deal
Mais pour vous dire
L’éternité d’un jour de grève
Pour raconter
Une vie de peuple-concierge
Mais pour rentrer chez nous le soir
A l’heure où le soleil s’en vient crever au-dessus des ruelles
Mais pour vous dire oui que le soleil se couche oui
Chaque jour de nos vies à l’est de vos empires
Rien ne vaut une langue à jurons
Notre parlure pas très propre
Tachée de cambouis et d’huile
Speak white!
Soyez à l’aise dans vos mots
Nous sommes un peuple rancunier

Mais ne reprochons à personne
D’avoir le monopole
De la correction de langage

Dans la langue douce de Shakespeare
Avec l’accent de Longfellow
Parlez un français pur et atrocement blanc
Comme au Viêt-Nam au Congo
Parlez un allemand impeccable
Une étoile jaune entre les dents
Parlez russe, parlez rappel à l’ordre, parlez répression
Speak white!
C’est une langue universelle
Nous sommes nés pour la comprendre
Avec ses mots lacrymogènes
Avec ses mots matraques

Speak white!
Tell us again about Freedom and Democracy
Nous savons que liberté est un mot noir
Comme la misère est nègre
Et comme le sang se mêle à la poussière des rues d’Alger ou de Little Rock

Speak white!
De Westminster à Washington, relayez-vous!
Speak white comme à Wall Street
White comme à Watts
Be civilized
Et comprenez notre parler de circonstance
Quand vous nous demandez poliment
How do you do?
Et nous entendez vous répondre
We’re doing all right
We’re doing fine
We are not alone

Nous savons que nous ne sommes pas seuls

I need those shovel hands
There is nothing wrong with Reddit.
People should be able to speak in whatever the fuck they want desu senpai
hush, now. quiet. we know that, but it's a thing among the cool kids of 4chan to hate on reddit, so we all do it.
>we know that
speak for yourself

Specifically, Reddit's upboat system is cancerous and leads to the worst echochamber mentality possible. Not to mention the cancerous "thanks for le gold!" shit.
sort comments by controversial, then
I think letting people speak whatever language they want is what we should do.
That way, once the Purge begin, we can easily identify subhumans by their accent.
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>Get bantered
>Could banter back with literally anything
>She's even chubby, you have all the ammo you need
>Have a cry instead

>Keep to European languages
That doesn't deal with the overlying problem of the hugbox mentality which prevails there though.
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