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Why are Dutch people so progressive? I envy them https://ww
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Why are Dutch people so progressive? I envy them

It's shit and overhyped and overpriced. Your money is better spent in Berlin.
>brazilians don't have whore houses
>brazilians don't have regular women who do this shit on a regular basis
ok... my "white" friend
I swear you guys are like Argentina, except dumber
>mfw tourists still fall for the red light district meme

Have fun sticking your willy into a 40 year old slav with a gaping pussy. There's better pussy to be found in brothels, or just get an escort
Red light district is a tourist trap.
t. tourist
I've never heard of any kind of stories of Dutch brothels but I must have heard at least five stories of German brothel trips. I don't practice sex in real life myself but I have heard stories.
This desu. Getting gangraped by men in leather in lab.oratory is so much more progressive than Amsterdam.

Jokes aside it is my favorite city, been there three times this year.
It is not a good idea to take pics of the prostitutes, they get pretty angry and will send people for your camera.
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>I don't practice sex in real life myself but I have heard stories.
What's progressive for you is conservative to us. The red light district has been there for many centuries.
I'm married and have lost total interest in sex since our child was born
I spend more time doing dishes, taking care of the child, and walking the dog than I do thinking about sex
I also work six days a week.
So by the time I come home, sex is last on my mind. I just want to do what I need to (maybe watch some tele) and fall asleep.
My wife is still in post-pregnancy horny-ness so we still have sex 5 or 6 times a week, but I could do with once
ill have sex with her if you want to :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
thats ok bro (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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ok grandpa thanks for your blog post

oh and I masturbate daily
I never got it why Amsterdam is seen as the capital of whores and nobody talks about Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin ...

In Hamburg the whores walks directly on the street between the clubs, there ae huge bothels for all kinds of tastes and you also have the window prostitutions if that's your thing.
are they frequently checked for HIV? or other STD's?
always use condom whenever you visit brothel
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I went to some big ones in Frankfurt.
One had 5 floors, and the girls got uglier and cheaper as you went up.
I was a 2nd floor kind of guy.
how much it cost ?
They normally have a certificate on the wall, and of course they make you use condom.
It ranged from about 60 to 250 euro at this place. The Asian girls were the best, but they had everything from young to old, skinny to fat.
I went to Hamburg once and the Rapebahn was boring as fuck, couldn't spot much hookers
All girls with fanny bags are hookers.
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