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Thread images: 111
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lakeside gf edition
i want a brit gf
first for /balt/

final poll

make it really count this time
going out tonight edition
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come to london bb x
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>If international finance Jewry in and outside Europe should succeed in thrusting the nations once again into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevisation of the earth and with it the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe.
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I have no life.
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no gfs and no surprises
Full of dinner, going to go and do a shop and get some refreshing beverages for this evening.
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>He hasn't ascended these feels.
gookrap 2bh lads

I have a gf and a life lol. pathetic desu
>wake up at 11:30AM
>do a shit
>do a shower
>eat soup and bread because no eggs left
>go back to bed because I'm tired again

Alri lads
just realized i'm gonna have to go out with "friends" tomorrow

god sake
im finna
hit a lick
finna finna

chicken dinna
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I didn't ask her anything 2bh but she gave me some rather upsetting news today and I'm doing a feel
did she die
Check this out mandem: wagwan brejjan
got no respect for people who've never tried drugs


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got no respect for people who've never tried drugs
What is the origin of the word cueing?
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Ed Farage.jpg
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I present to you,

Nigel Miliband.
>went with gf to her grandparents
>they started getting out old photos of them when they were our age
>her grandfather took me to one side later and said he thought I was right for her and that I should marry her
>been seriously considering it since he said that
Gone in a flash tier:
>Malteasers Teaser

High tier:
>Galaxy Caramel

Perfectly enjoyable in their own right tier:

Not really what anyone wants tier:

Inevitable dregs tier:
>Milky Way
Who /WeirdFeel/ music here?

who fucking cares

its peoples choice to do what they do

t. drug user
how do you tax fatties
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Anonymous: Hacker Group Warns Donald Trump Over Proposed Muslim Immigration Ban

"Donald Trump, think twice before you speak anything. You have been warned," an Anonymous member, wearing the group's signature Guy Fawkes mask, said in a video uploaded to YouTube.
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No red head Irish gf
Mars are delicious you twat
Galaxy Caramel are obnoxiously sweet, bin tier.

Also, swap bouny and twix and we have ourselves a deal.
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Who would u fug?
Mars should be higher
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Guaranteed replies, good lad.
>no kinder bueno

off yourself
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Just tax the fuckers. Tax 'em real good.

I have travelled to dimensions they couldn't comprehend. I have pulled back the curtain of reality. I have delved deep into the rabbit hole. They haven't. They are too scared. They're fine with their relentlessly dull automaton life. They are lesser beings.

Tax the food they eat
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>I do drugs recreationally
While I will give you that Mars are indeed nice when eaten, the fact is that no one wants them in the face of the higher tiered options. Mars is ALWAYS among the dregs, so it must be ranked low.
So is my dick
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Post traps

i'll start
>boy in a bad wig
>his brother in a slightly better wig
>darts player
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isn't /brit/ always up in arms whenever a sugar tax is mentioned
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ahh so you are just fedora baiting

carry on
K-on is the pinnacle of writing
Why does pissing with a full erection feel so good?
alri lads
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she was my team leader but she told me she's not my team leader anymore because she has a new group for training and I've been handed over to some other guy so I probably won't get to see her that much for a while and I'm sad and want her to be my gf
You can't piss with a full erection. The urine tube is sealed and the cum tube opens
wew very funny lad.
>that middle-aged slightly chubby bald bloke at the pub
Not done an erection piss since I was like 15 and testing the limits of my dick. They do feel nice but it takes ages to start the flow (for me at least).
bollocks m8
He does magic tricks.
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So brit lads

What do they teach you about the father of all fedoras, Guy Fawkes, in school?

What is your opinion of the film V for Vendetta?
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me on the right
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>you will never be normal
going to take a incredible comeback from starship troopers

pirates of the caribbean coming in for a easy victory

>watching VEEP
>she goes to the UK
>in a pub
>gets a pint
>people start chanting down in one
>she starts saying 'Danny Wah' thinking they're being genuine
>everyone laughing at her

pretty accurate, stupid yanks
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>used to take an hour to drive to work and back
>now it takes 3 hours due to flooding
>What do they teach you about the father of all fedoras, Guy Fawkes, in school?

They basically run through Remember Remember The Fifth of November and call it a day.

>What is your opinion of the film V for Vendetta?

Almost prescient for what should and will happen to Stephen Fry eventually.

Are the Wachowski Brothers/freaks aware that this guy was the most based character in the whole movie? Or are they just hack frauds?
FUCK pirates of the Caribbean
Nobody close to me.
Nobody knows my name.
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literally me on the left
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I wish Veep was as funny as the thick of it.

I really enjoyed that show even though I'm not british
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>No sir, I am not a yank, in fact, I wish our country remained a British colony! Long live the queen mate! The sun never sets on the empire!
>tfw have "friends" but they're all as socially retarded as I am
The level of her drink goes back up
desu i've already started downloading it
What language should I learn lads?

I'm thinking about German, Chinese, Japanese or Russian.
I took one year of Chinese in highschool, but I've forgotten most of it.
reminder that you are in a state of waking sleep. you are not self aware, you're just a robot.
they're both good but yeah Thick of It is way better
Just sat in that fucking cereal thread thinking it was /brit/ and wondering why there were so many JFs and so few posts in it.

Ban all Canadians.
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who /hasthetellyonjustforbackgroundnoisesotheydon'tfeelquiteaslonely/ here?
>tfw seen it recently
>tfw going to get comfy and watch it with my virtual buddies/pals/friends/therapists etc.
>being a loyalist is fedora
ebun ebun ebun
Used to, I upgraded to ASMR instead
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an elf.png
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Mandarin la
you've lost all my respect
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bald bloke.jpg
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looks like nye bevan

funny scene 2bh
blocked canadians a while ago tb h

they're just unfunny australians
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got given a bottle of white wine in work lads haha
>blocking canadians
hmmm excellent idea
where did you get this pic of me
wish I could wear a skirt in public, they're too cute
I pretend to be an underage girl in a few chatrooms and pretty much everybody falls for it.
We erp and whatever and the few guys I talk to that I actually give attention to want to impregnate me.
I don't know why it gets me so hard, but I usually fap to it.
pirates of the caribbean win

probably will start stream at 9ish

you still going to the pub then?
i'm a miserable alcoholic
Would love someone with Ed's economic views and Nige's social views desu
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>you will never inseminate a high test tier female with perfect child bearing hips

why fucking live
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>He spelled "Just" with four Js
drink it all and message your future gf
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>I am not a yank! I hate America and love the glorious British Empire. I watch football (soccer for you yanks) and drink tea. I say "lad" and "mate" to let these yanks around me know I'm 100% Anglo-Saxxon. Long live the queen!
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i watch you sleeping.
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post butt
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>Ed's economic views
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>you will never have a quirky, socially awkward cute but not amazingly hot gf
wew lad
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no more boys please mr. Yank
I have a union jack on my car
She's not socially awkward at all but otherwise yeah
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>My wife
How do you filter a flag on 4chan X?
Fuck off Tory twat
Christmas party at work today lads
I wouldn't go but I'm also scheduled to actually work today, not that there will be anything to actually do.
soon m8
bizarro rorke
Install gentoo
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wew lad speak of the devil
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>go to brit
>filter UK flags
what should i do tonight
Sure, just go to the FALKLANDS
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Thailad In McDonalds.webm
2 MB, 1280x534
Thailad has a webm of how, ask again in 10 hours
fuck OFF you stupid BINT
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don't know who she is desu but the picture makes it look like she's quite socially retarded

fondle your friend's wank when he's sleeping
I was talking about canadians
capitalism has failed

heh, good one mate
In the oven she goes, desu, senpai
Which is why I'm a socialist
Just got rejected from the Treasury Fast Stream lads.

Turns out the average avge to get accepted onto the Civil Service Fast Stream is 25-28

Doesn't that seem old to anybody else for what is basically a glorified grad scheme?
That's Rose Byrne mate
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hngggggggggg she needs an anal ravaging so badly
l a a a a a a a a ds
I don't care m8, I'm projecting just fuck off.
>Just got rejected from the Treasury Fast Stream lads.

Proof that there is justice in this world. Serves you right for getting /brit/ to answer the online questions for you.
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This is me tb h
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civil service is shit anyway

wew lad
sick of this life tbqh

gonna become a nomad

For the seventh time, that wasn't me.

The tests were timed so no idea how he even managed that if he did
pirates ladsssssssssssss haha
>I am an American but consider myself a British loyalist

No fedora picture can represent this fedora tip
>decreasing poverty=success

Enjoy your African dick when they're over 2 billion of them and our population is still shrinking.
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>get scottish gf with red hair
>tfw blonde roots

Fucking bitch wtf
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so lads do you think watching anime has made you more, or less gay?

Me: more.
Seriously, though, met any old Nazis recently?
>I am a shitposter who is literally making our country look so bad that people are filtering our flag
It has made me 2dsexual
blacks cant be nazis
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>I care about my country's reputation on 4chan because I spend 10+ hours here everyday
White people are going to be genocided at some point, thank god we;ll be dead before then
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What are your plans for tonight?
>>51987889 desu
>For the seventh time, that wasn't me.

I don't believe you.

>Turns out the average avge to get accepted onto the Civil Service Fast Stream is 25-28
>Doesn't that seem old to anybody else for what is basically a glorified grad scheme?

It's a grad scheme for external applicants, but it's also open to all current civil servants regardless of whether they have a degree or not as a method of quick promotion. So the abundance of 30-40 year old AO/sEOs in shitty departments like the DWP would explain the higher average age.
I don't think the physical act of watching anime itself has made me more gay. However, anime culture in general led me to 4chan and kept me hanging around where I of course discovered /d/, futa, Poju etc etc which all definitely made me gayer than I otherwise would have been.

I'm not gay though and I don't worry about my sexuality at all.
Well it's a good thing I'm not white tb h
post on the 'chon and videogames
what are you supposed to on weekends when you have no friends
>i recognise the legitimacy of nation states
Gonna go play some Hat Simulator 2007
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>I don't believe you.

I don't really give two shits.

But that's excluding external applicants in the report, keep up.
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>thanks Dave

Drinking and crying in bed
Who is this ball-butter banshee?
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>I'm a woman
F*cking my gf
>white "people"
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abtirsi quiz.png
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>tfw no gabagool
Haha I'm in Spain right now lads

Oh yeah it's really sunny and stuff
drink a smirnoff
watch a pirates
post a gimmick
What does it feel like when you bus a nut but she keep suckin lads?
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>Women can't reach high things or lift heavy things

LMAO how fucking useless can you get?
good life
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Mommy and daddy are kicking me out tb h. No more neet life sadly
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Feel like pretty much 100% of my effort is just maintaining the facade of normality lads.
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as long as you find 'feminine' attractive and not 'masculine' sure, personally i love traps futa, /d/ stuff and feminine penis, but i'm not gay you know.
no, I came home instead to do friday night feels about no gf
are laptops better for the environment?
what the fuck
it's literally just stringing together a bunch of random nouns desu
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Also, Hitler was black(Austria-Schwarzenegger- Black nigger)
throat hurts from singing and rapping all day
parents have been out since like 11 what the heck gives
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>you will never shag a prime MILF like Liz

bad feel
gonna stop wanking desu
Better than what?
post pic
probably a good idea desu

watch the film with us then senpai
>You are a: Communist Anti-Government World-Federalist Humanist Progressive

>support welfare program

god bles ameriga :DDDD
is it likely i'll have any luck getting this amazon refund? literally just putting back in the parcel after peaking in for 2 seconds
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she's not married desu...

well, power consumption wise, yes. My laptop is pulling about 16w right now, compared to my PC which can pull 80w idle
Liz was a good meme, but she's past her expiry date now

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Alri lads

Rate my personal finances
what are you watching

I'm missing 2 socks from my pack of new ones and I'm furious
2D futa and traps are hot because the artists can (and do) literally just draw an extremely cute girl body and then whap a big strong willy where the vagina is normally.

But 3D traps do nothing for me. No matter how soon they get on the hormones, they still have male features and it ruins it.
chiselling information on a stone tablet and throwing it at people

whats that in real money, like a couple of quid?
a computer that is permanently plugged into the wall i.e. PC or laptop with a broken battery
Fucking hell lads I just want a war to start so I can kill a few people and commit a few war crimes before a bullet is put into my very much deserving head.

Literally the only thing keeping me going at this point.
>having a chequing account

What sort of backwards country are you people living in?
are you drunk or on drugs or just having a major feel session

pirates of the caribbean

take them back
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what does TD mean

i like the U
somebody has stolen them
Fuck off
fuck off billionaire

what a devil
not him but you can literally tell just by her face that she isn't socially awkward

you can tell a fuckton about what a person is like just by their face
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I used to be disgusted at being attracted to males but gayposting in general has made my sexuality a much more fluid than before.
edgy as fuck
Where did you get 10 grand from? Cheeky twat
is /brit/ literally just young adults who work but still live with their parents?
>Overdraft limit: £0

someone fucking link this reeeeeee

he has a house and a gf and everything the lucky twat
>is /brit/ literally just young adults who work but still live with their parents?

is /brit/ literally just young faggots who live at home with their parents?
who /revising/ here
it was in his cashcard account saved from paying no rent or mortgage because he lives with his parents. he just transferred it
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>when your mates girlfriend and her friend says they're just going to toilet in a club, when they're actually clearly going to get absolutely ruined by some normie cunts in the girl's toilet

He's so trusting haha. I bet they held hands over the cubicle and screamed as they were pumped full of normie cum.
>housemates are making jokes about retards

Who does this when you're 20
working really hard on obtaining qt gf lads. definitely in with a shot, know she's into me, just have to not fuck up haha. im a bit of a spesh mind.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 111

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