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/Afr/ican general: How are we all tonight boys?
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/Afr/ican general:

How are we all tonight boys?
t. rareflag collector
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All good over here. Are you Kenyan?
Nah, I probably shouldn't have made this thread considering I'm Aussie & whiter than a fucking ghost. I just wanted to see what you guys were up to.
Poor, hungry and retarded
Nigerian here
When will white people apologize for imperialism?
As soon as you stop roleplaying as a Nigerian

There's a guy with a brown hand who posts here regularly. I thought you were him.
yeah that definitely ain't me lmao.
Many people have. It never works though. It's just a political tool that gets brought out when poorer nations need to distract their population from how poor/corrupt their countries are.
outdated map, no South Sudan
Why is Niger shaped like a drumstick?
Why are they perpetuating nigger stereotypes?
That may be me.
>tfw not one african in this thread yet
ill fix that
africa is the old name of tunisia my dear brit
West Africa is best Africa. East is least - Somalians can fuck off. Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon are top boys.
you can pass for one of them, india.
What about Central-Africa?
Tbh I kinda wanna go live in Nigeria or kenya
Neato I can say desu again
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can you?
you really arent african, you are just an arab that relocated to africa a few thousand years ago.

Wtf why does it say desu
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No. I am mixed like most north africans also even the arabs in Ifriqya were called Ifriqyans
How safe is Tunisia nowdays? I have to visit it 5 days for work purposes but I see there was a tewrrorist attack recently.
Why don't we just recolonise the continent?
Why do you keep making africa threads if none of you are from Africa or at least have been there?
non safe like the homicide rate gang action and other stuff you find in africa is very low here but Derorisds are pretty active this period are you staying in tunis for work ?
It won't end well.
That map is extremely outdated
nice meme
I am African :)

Angola proxy because op is interest in africa
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Because it's 2015

Thanks for the response, I will go in January one week, I will be around the capital.

I was asking how safe is compared to Morocco for example, nigger lands play in other league.
North Africa doesn't count m8. They don't even consider themselves african
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>You have to be from Africa to talk about Africa

Don't be this racist
Morocco has more crime and rape and shit like that but we have more terrorist attacks
thats not true : we are the real africans
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>more rape
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i found this ebin map
>implaying your irrelevant country has colonised something in your history
>sweden green
get that shit out of here
hey lads what's up?
nmuch wbu?

tb(q)h I'm more concern for terrorism than rape, you should fix the bombing shit or companies will keep going to Morocco.
meu amor, nunca te abandonarei
Not much just had a microwave burger
>not being dark red
it's like you guys don't even enjoy making the people you have sex with feel miserable
Not much either, gotta go to canberra tomorrow so I should be in bed lol
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Ooga booga, where the african boipussi at :---DDD
WHy you going to Canberra. Place is boring
it's the only place where I can do christmas shopping, I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Sounds boring tbqh
it's alright I guess, at least it's over & done with.
Tunisia is jealous we have people with MP5s on the streets before even the paris attacks happened
So why are youn in an Africa thread
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idk lmao
idk what the gambia is doing but they're doing something right
Not reporting rape
Tbqh that's probably not the reason it's green, I mean, Afghanistan , Somalia, Iraq, ksa, Congo are all re and I doubt they'd report the rape
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