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/balk/ - Balkan Thread
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Thread replies: 255
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Argentine girls edition

Old thread : >>51757588
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Who /█▬█ █ ▀█▀/ here?
Wageslaves working
>tfw HIV
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pls gimme some of that juicy balkan banter
balk lives matter
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>tfw nazi mods deleted the █▬█ █ ▀█▀ thread

Fuck those guys
wake up useless neet fucks
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what do those even mean?

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nice river city.jpg
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saw someone from my fb posting from this place. And I wondered:

what happens there??
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secret society ilerminaty sex orgy parties, what else? your fb friend is a pimp bro, suck up to him and maybe he will invite you
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Don't google "Carolina Ardohain"
how does your country treat retarded kids?
Bulgaria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQZ-ERQczj8
the goverment builds historical monuments for them

we give them jobs in the public sector for votes


damn,our girls grew up now
she was in the Argentinian version of Dancing with the Stars 5 years ago, and her wonderful titties with quarter size nipples popped out of her outfits once every three episodes (and she would just keep dancing with her titties flopping everywhere totally uncensored)
Romanian butthurt happens there, тbh
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here we are senpai

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGq8SRA4wBM (best one) titties flopping everywhere



kek imagine what would happen if this happened in the american television


is it filled with romanians?
The whole station would be shut down

we can have prime time tv showing people getting killed left in right in movies, but as soon as a female nipple is shown everyone loses their shit.
i don't get it.
what's the point of that show? Will a tit pop out during the end of the dance, or something?
>is it filled with romanians?
Romanians wish it was...
Silistra was meant to be given to Romania after BW1, but since you didn't get Tsarigrad, Serbia didn't gave us our clay, we didn't gave the city to Romania.
Ever since, Romanians are buttblasted every time someone mention Silistra.
We also have those, senpai, but with less titties and more boring celebrities.

>what's the point of that show

the same as with every show

bigger ratings ---> more ads ---> big money. And many countries don't have prudent tv ethics so they can take it to the limit and show some quality booty in order to achieve that (with our closest example being Italian TV)


The result of the BW reminds me of children than argue who's gonna play with each game/toy they have

yeap, gore and violence is ok but tits and asses are not. America is so fucking strange

also that second, clip, damn
i know, but seems like the main theme of the Spanish version is nipples flapping around in the breeze, while in our version, the main theme is being boring and dull show for the elder people.

and literally all the contestants are supermodels or really attractive actresses
>The result of the BW reminds me of children than argue who's gonna play with each game/toy they have
i know, right? it's awesome living in that part of the planet.
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Careful not to become reddit.
the greek redditor is bad influence
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will try not to, senpai

what do bg anons think about Stanishev?
Stanishev is ethnically Russian, a communist, and a liar. I would love to personally break one or two of his limbs.
this sounds cool. 8-bit horror metal ? lel. never heard of this game, i haven't played any game for 10 years now. except heros 3
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Seems like on Bulgaria has sensibility around balkans tbhfam

This map shows the separatist movements around europe
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what is the girl doing there with those faggots?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQoiDH2E32Y something like this? 1:18
last picture before defeat
designated cumbucket
its very addictive

didnt know he was a russian, i was asking because he supported our opposition while they were having a public gathering

so our 2 main parties are still s*rbshit and it doesnt matter who gets into power, if we want good relations with BG we would need to have a revolution, which not even Europe or Russia will support us.
The parties and their officially stated positions do not matter, jobs and infrastructure is what matters. Also that fucker supported your opposition as a member of the European Parliament and the European Socialists party there, not as patriotic duty.
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GJ you keked germany :D
Turks happen.
i look at it this way, this antichki faggot currently is employing antichki faggots all over the place, and s*rbs are ok with it because they lost some influence when we proclaimed independence, and greece is their ally. Any bulgarians left here are silenced and have no party to work in their interest(for example like serbs in bosnia), and they will be slowly chased out and left unemployed if they show any signs of not wanting to be a slave and get robbed. If someone gets chaised out of his job because of ideological reasons like that, there's nothing he can do, no way to hear his voice whether we are in the EU or with Russia. if he loses his job or house what else can he do except go and kill some faggot like Latas for example, there is 0 security and guarantee.
I was thinking that if we vote the opposition into power that they maybe bring down the serbian power structures that force 'makedonism', but probably not. So even if we entered the EU, we might still not have good relations between our cuntries.
>Any bulgarians left here are silenced and have no party to work in their interest
And it should be that way, тbh
If they want to be Bulgarians, Bulgaria is at most 100km away from them. Same applies for the Turks and Gypsies in Bulgaria.
Ethnic parties are shit and should be forbidden everywhere.

>northern bulgaria @ the borders

This is bullshit, Bulgarians are repressed in Fyrom and need protection.
The biggest concentration of Turks is in the Northeast, in the Deliorman. Their ancestors were settled there by the Ottomans.
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Population relocations during Ottoman times.
>need protection
They need as much protections as the regular Macedonians.
Splitting people born in the same country by ethnicity is counter-productive and ethnic parties only make things worse.

Didn't knew that tbhonest....
if my country wasnt working for serbian interests against bulgarian interests I wouldnt want to have a political party, if we were like switzerland it wouldve been fine, but no, propaganda has to be done on the population so i naturally want an ethnic bg party, which isnt going to happen since they teach bullshit history in schools and we only have 5k bulgarians who are free to openly identify as such. serbs and antichkis shield us from Bulgaria because there is no reason for this country to exist if they dont.
>Splitting people born in the same country by ethnicity is counter-productive
Are you familiar at all with Fyrom? The country with the Albanians and the statues of Alexander the Great and Samuil?
>Splitting people born in the same country by ethnicity is counter-productive
come and tell it to the goverment, and almost every opposition party
also your parties are split ethnically de facto, just not de jure, you know which party your turks vote for.
shit thread full of redditors
DPS no longer has the full Turkish vote, Turks have started voting for other parties.
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>lab course in a few days
>my usual lab partners won't be taking the course
>still haven't found a partner
>see the list of the people participating
>know absolutely nobody
>will have to team up with a stranger
how do I deal with this /balk/
glad to hear you are moving closer towards correct democracy where people vote only on their opinions, but we're miles away from that
Pick a girl, yo.
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I study mechanical engineering, there's no good looking girls here, except maybe 1 or 2
I'm done fer
Macedonians in Bulgaria are repressed much more.
I'm not saying the current state of Macedonia is right.
I'm just saying that parties led by ethnic principe is shit and should not be allowed not for Bulgarians, not for anyone else either.

There are Turks in Bulgaria that probably feel oppressed because they don't have 10 mosques in their mudhut village, and we can all agree they can go fuck themselves for all we care. Right?
Same applies for Bulgarians in Macedonia, even tho "Macedonians" are Bulgarians by default, it's a separate country so - tough luck.
>how do I deal with this /balk/
Truth is, we don't care.
The main question we all ask ourselves is, can you make meth?

If "lab" represents anything different than chemistry lab - go kill yourself.
both degenerate

I didn't know /balk/ had potheads
He already said he is studying engineering, not chemistry.
>I didn't know /balk/ had potheads
who said anything about drug consumption?
i'm just thinking like a businessman.
except its not about building 10 mosques or whatever, but about a person keeping his job, or not working hard to feed his family just so that everything he earns go to the antichki goverment who spends it on monuments to influence people's identity so that he makes them turn against their own.
like i said, i'm not saying what happens in Macedonia is right. I'm saying having an ethnic party wont fix that (maybe will fix it on the short run, but on the long run it would make things worse).
The Albanian party in Fyrom is not going to disappear, that is for certain.
Making drugs is very easy

Finding good lab partners is not
Hey guys, I was recommended to come here by a Bulgarian. He told me I could find some █▬█ █ ▀█▀s here. Is this true?

Where is the Fiki?
no █▬█ █ ▀█▀s is here.
we serve s█▬█ █ ▀█▀ only.
your thinking is as sharp as a razor's edge. now
Maйнa, пaк ли cи нaмepи извинитeлнa бeлeжкa, тa нe cи нa дacкaлo бe?
Mнoгo бoлнaвo дeтe щe излeзe чe cи. Пичкити няя тъ хapьecвaт в дacкaлyтy.
хoди cи въpти бизнeca в тypция бe cepдape
balk, how does it feel to not have a language? You guys resort to shitposting in english or the occasional shitpost in moonrunes.


ayyyyy, that's more like it!
Щo чaк в Typция бe, мaйнa?
Aз мoгa дa дoйдa пpи вac пoд типьeтaтa. Taкa или инaчe мecтнocтитe и квapтaлитe ви тaм ca c тypcки имeнa.
>balk, how does it feel to not have a language?
you tell us, тbh.
Slavs are monkeys.
Hello friends

i just wanted to stop by and say that i often open these threads only for the hot bitch in the OP

I shitpost in other generals in their language. I frequent Hilo Latino the most :3
plus, /aus/ threads are probably harder to understand than your moonrunes
Is Austria even a real country?
maymoon detected
more of a country than sweden, thats for sure
hes d*aspora not swedish
:3 I love reading broken english.
Is exyu literally for 12 year olds?*

and yes, yes it is. They have the shittest memes in all of /int/
ali ameti
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I was literally appalled by the idiotic tone of that posts, so seeing than mine had also stupidly wrong orthography, I deleted it

well, here it is again


is literally -everyone- in /ex-yu/ 12 years old?
bazuar maceroni
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korinthiou maria.jpg
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oh, Toni you are so easy to spot...
>suggested groups


reminder that Bulgars are best posters.
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she's only 1,70

doesnt she seem much taller?
better banter than balk
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true, but isn't 170 an ok height?






yeah, ok
the only time ive seen clever banter on /balk/ is when based sashko is posting tb.h..
>t. Aleksander Rugova al Illiridovski

>anticki spam

try again
hello reddit
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it's actually the perfect height, which makes her even better.
fuck off ros
>based sashko
>ethnically albanian
>very likely has mental issues
Yes, based indeed.
>cheap jokes
you belong to /ex-yu/, тbh
>ellada limunada
>rio mare tatare
>they use bulgarians in the airport to detect metal
hes the biggest banter master here, admit it
Is that the guy who went to a party with kapuq and UCK sticker?
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>rio mare tatare
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Also true

I have the whole set of her seminaked untouched pics from 2008, morning shows were getting shocked of how the body appears without photoshop editing

I personally prefer those pics
lad, that's literally a kindergarten-tier jokes that i would expect from a kid not older than 8
How do we save Greece from the debt collectors?
mmmmmm dem thighs
send more albos.

we are hard working.
Does anybody else find dresses less sexy than jeans on girls?
those are literally 6th grade of elementary school tier jokes.

didnt you had childhood senpai ?
>dresses less sexy than jeans

you gay son
I had. 20 years ago.
yes. Gay people.
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we invade the reichstag and rise the balkan federation flag


she's perfect, man
Serb here, I support anticki propaganda because it keeps me safe from tatar occupators.
Ethiopian hivemind
they're funny tho..
better than the butthurt which usually flows when we start shitposting
Thready reminder that our guy Shkodran while his stay in Albania this summer got a slut pregnant and now she forced him to marry him for Swedish citizenship and all we are left with is this toniblerim

shit I hope he didn't get killed in a blood feud
very smart choice
t.fyromian albanian
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fuck, I knew it, may as well skip traps and start watching gay porn with a pen in my ass
фиpoмcки """"""""""""""бaнтep""""""""""""""
yea, Shkodran pick the shortest straw ever.

I guess, life had the last banter with him, amirite?

kek I remember this post of his, it was in early morning and not many people saw it, plus the archive.moe is dead and it got lost permanently

I hope he was just trolling and he's ok


hola amigo, argentina es balkan
gtfo nigger argentina is bulgarian
tri okeana
its his own fault for going back to shitty bloodfeudbania really
As long as the sheep keep believing they're not Bulgarian, it works in my Serbian interests.
trap porn is alright, тbh
also, you wont get any joy from a pen in the ass. Try something bigger, like candle/cucumber or something but try not to break it inside or get swallowed by your butthole.

btw, no homo
are all bulgars homosexuals?
>its his own fault for going back to shitty bloodfeudbania really
or he could just use a condom
nevertheless, like you said - it's his own fault.
фиpoмcки """"""""""""""бaнтep""""""""""""""
φηρομσkη """"""""""""""μπαντερ""""""""""""
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argentina is plovdiv desu
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Was there a greater leader than Sefan 'based' Stambolova in our modern history?

thank you boys for carrying on my legacy.
I can't shitpost every day and fight burmci because of work/studies. Someone has to lead the war against the sebofied scum from Skopia /balk/.
Thnak you and godd bless.
>implying the albo bitch wouldn't sabotage it to get herself pregnant any way for that sweet swedish pasosh
>sebofied scum from Skopia /balk/

Everyone likes us here
thank u usa ur de lejend

helping small kosova

killing more srbi

>killed : 0

stoping jenoside confirmed

Why is it just the Sofia fags that are complete pederas'?

We don't get that kind of bullshit in Burgas
zashtoto ste moslemani, brate.
Burgas e murgavata stolica na Blgria.
>UK flag
>we dont get that kind of shit in Burgas
diaspora pls
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free burgastan when
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Everything but Sofia is selo.
kakuv vkus e spermata na D. Kamerun ?
>mailed an girl i used to flirt
>she replied and we talking

what can you call a person who makes same mistakes repeatedly in your language /balk/?
selaki pavlaki

suflaki pappaki

cigany tupani

salata rullata

pasuli mulli mulli
I see the odd 1 or 2 sandniggers with their sand-robes at one of the big malls every now and again, but there really aren't many pakis there m8

I really should make a tripcode so people can stop saying that

I'd rather live in a selo than Sofia. I fucking can't stand it there. It's just a big circle of traffic and Asians

evrei flavour. Just like Boiko's.
>Car thefts in Bulgaria increased by 9% in the first 11 months of this year compared to 2014, writes news agency Novinite. 3637 cars were stolen at the beginning of 2015, compared to 3,338 the previous year. The most affected is the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia disappeared over 2,200 cars.

>On the following positions of the ranking are the resorts of Varna and Burgas, on the Black Sea Megre. Bulgarian police advise them to be careful and to those who walk in Smolyan or Silistra, places where the number of thefts increased by 300% this year.

bulgarians goona burgl



expect some tatar butthurt senpaitachi, lets bring the bants in here
added to dictionary, for future use
A Turk

>trying to get into war with Russia
btw i picked Litex as my team in Bulgaria. are they good or meme team?
>tatar maccos whining about muh serbian oppresion
Let me tell you right away that in Serbia nobody cares or talks about Macedonia, at all. We jokingly call it "tunnel to greece" because you sleep through it when going to vacation. Im not even insulting you, im just saying that literally nobody in Serbia gives a shit about your clay. The media might have infulence but not for any ulterior motives, its just for money plain and simple. Like they invite Croats or Bosniaks who talked shit about Serbs during the war to sing, its just business.
Tbh the only Macedonians i know is Tose because grills cried when he died, and that fat tranny.

Da nema dijaspore jeli bi vi govna
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jokes aside, did she really make those predictions?

>2076, Nations are ruled by communism

>2100, An artificial sun lights up the dark side of the Earth

>2221, In the search of extraterrestrial life, humans find something terrible

>4509, Human race reach the neccesary development to contact God
>can't handle the truth
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im not reading ur irelevant opinion xD
What a junkie she was
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>mfw there are B*lgars near me
bulgary = cigan
we've been neighbors for like 1500 years m80
get used to it already
dve moreta

Lol my hometown was full of Bulgar and Roman ladies who were married to shoppers with regular income for escaping their communist countries during 80s.
remove maccos.
i like how the brown gayreek tries once to banter then a second time.
Gayreeks are low form of life. That's a fact. Also never won a war.
бългapия нa тpи мopeтa
blah, don't remind me
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>never won a war.

this could have been yours
what is ?
кpaeкoжия c пyдpa зaхap

an allegory for thessaloniki


bougatsa can be filled with either cheese or cream, either way it's the best thing ever
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>bougatsa can be filled with either cheese or cream

>dirty athenian near me

bougatsa can be filled with anything, meat, spinach etc. bougatsa is the fillo not the whole thing

I don't live in Athens m8 ;_; I actually hate them..

I've never seen bougatsa filled with anything else than cheese and cream, at least at my place
>I actually hate them..

good goy

where do you live m8, no bully intended.

in thessaloniki there are famous places for bougatsa with kimas, which is the fucking best.
>delve into transfer market
>all CSKA players are out of contract

wtf happened?
do any of you greeks know any of those anarchist faggots?
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ofc man, like 5% of young people are commies/anarchists

they are pretty much like sportsfans anyways, but more violent

Just beat the shit out of them.
Here they are usually teenage edgy faggots, who talk shit behind back or on facebook and IRL they are pussies and won't do shit, they only beat 12 year old
dont think we have any "anarchists" per se
we dont even much violent sports fans
>Just beat the shit out of them.

>taking edgelord teen commies serious enough to beat them

my comm*e friends during highschool used to steal Marlboros from shops to fight capitalism. idiots.

are your commies sad that they don't have a mcdonalds to attack or vandalize?
like I said I don't think we have such a phenomenon here..
id vandalize mcdonalds too though it was trash
im not a drug dealer im a life saver xD

Στην Αττιkη ειμαι senpai, about 40kms from the centre of Athens. I never like Athenians because they came to my place and build mini blocs via the antiparoxi method and some of them are going as far as saying that locals should be more like Athenians

the sons of the vlachs that went in athens in 1950s are telling us how to live our lives..

As for the bougatsa, I've never seen kimas inside one. And the last time I went to thessaloniki Ι didn't have enough time to taste all the fine stuff I've found there..
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Lads, I'll visit Chania next month any good prostitutes there?
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just open up a random phone book and call any random girl name. It worked for me... ;)

but then again I look like this ;-)
watch out for traps.
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why are greeks itt so god damn cringey
Litex - nobody cares about them aside from few supporters from their village town, but sometimes somehow end up as leaders. Literally meh team

Levski and CSKA - the traditional top "rivals" since the beginning of time. Levski are bantered as being jews/Israeli due to their blue colour and former jewish international conman president. CSKA are bantered as being turks/communists due to red colour and communist party support during gommie times.

Ludogorets - the new absolute dominator of bulgarian footbal. No supporters in local championship, apart from local gypsies and a couple of sausage-munchers. A lot of support as a bulgarian team from regular bulgars when it comes to champion's league.

Botev Plovdiv and Loko Plovdiv - the traditional Plovdiv rivals, somewhat considerable number of supporters. They have some fights from time to time.

That being said, bulgarian football is absolute shit and not worth a single second of attention.
The sport in general is quite boring aside from international championships finals perhaps.

which team does boyko support?
a joke team of his home town
the most fun part about football is the riots after the matches
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officially, a joke team called Bistrishkite Tigri (The Bistrian tigers, theres nothing about it in google).
But he "supports" Levski.
Funny thing is its not his home town lel
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boiko tigarot
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>vilayets thinking they're countries
get bakanized
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>theres nothing about it in google
kur za cska!
I stand corrected
Boyko is in FM15, listed as 77 kg or something

top kekarot
мoмичe кaтo мeн њaмa paбoтa caз тeб
why are football hooligans so retarded?


i personnally think that they are the lowest step of evolution. Even lower than the maini.
these guys have LITERALLY nothing to live for besides their club

most of them are either stupid or poor or angry or mildly insane or any combination of the above. I lurk several BG football forums and the conspiracy theories and nitpicking are crazy. Some of these guys would stab their mothers if it meant their team won a championship
ти ли cи тoвa кoeтo тъpceх
literally what
>ти ли cи тoвa-a-a-a-a-a
'football fans' are the lowest of scum
къдe бeшe дoceгa
питaм тe, кaдe бeшe дoceгa-a-a-a--a-a- ?
Greentexting a story about a Macedonian girl I know and her Albanian boyfriend

>He's a rich Sunni Muslim from Albania
>She's Make diaspora born here in a wealthy family
>Uses him as a sugar daddy because of his money
>She fools around with guys at the clubs in front of him
>He is extremely jealous and angry about this
>She discovers he is messaging a girl from overseas
>She's a Shqip from Tetovo or some other majority Albanian city in Macedonia
>Telling her he will marry her and bring her to Australia
>They break up because of the messages
>He starts stalking her everywhere she goes
>Waits for her outside clubs by her car
>Tried to drag her away to his car one time
>Waited outside her house all night several times
>Doesn't stop calling her begging
>>"Plz bby, cum bek 2 mi, I nid yuuuuu" in his Shqip accent on the phone
>Threatens to kill himself all the time
>She actually went back to him a few days ago
seems like our designated make got a malfunction again...
post pics of her, was she ur sister ?
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