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What is the best supermarket chain in your country and why?
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What is the best supermarket chain in your country and why?
publix doe they are regional

it's worker owned so that's cool
Barbosa Inc
I want to say Waitrose, but honestly, the food quality is often quite.... shitty. My chicken smells bad the second I open it a lot of the time.

Gonna go with Sainsbury's. Relatively cheap, but not too pleb.
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New Leaf

It's like a Whole Foods, but it's a much smaller chain.

Also, if you are a member, they do things like collectively buy a cow, butcher it, and divide the meat among all the customers who helped pay for the cow.

It's expensive as hell though.
Tesco, lad. (~_°)
They have this local version of Walmart called Giants. Xp

I think it's only a Western Canadian thing though. It's a literal cooperative
Costco/BJ's and Whole Foods.
Albert Heijn for when you need a few things and Dirk for weekly shopping
Just like every country in the world
Carrefour is better than lidl
Whole Foods/Trader Joes.

The former is less expensive
Ssh i'm memeing
Portugal is the best country on earth, not even meming.
The best ones are local chains, they usually have the best prices.
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albert heijn tbf
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We have that in UK too
Only briefly visited Netherlands but albert heijn seemed to be the only supermarket there
Costco or Aldi.

Australian owned supermarkets are utter shit and rip you off big time.
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What chains are actually international?

Whole Foods and Costco are I think

US/Hat doesn't count
>Whole Foods and Costco
I've never seen them anywhere.
Wal-Mart own Asda which is a fairly big supermarket chain over here
it is one of the largest, but there are plenty of others
among the bigger and more common ones are Jumbo, Plus, Digros, Aldi, Hoogvliet, and more
bestaat niet meer
Only IGA and Costco are comfy.
Sobeys and Freshco are good m8
aldi, wal-mart
Jersey - Waitrose - The only things better at M&S I might as well get from a local market/farm/butcher

NZ - New World and Countdown are pretty even. Depends on the individual branch really
Have literally never visited any of those. Odd.
our albert is by far the worst supermarket here(with tesco)
None of them in Quebec. Sobeys owns IGA though, but they don't really manage it.
Dirk dan
ik noem het lekker nog digros
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Pick your poison.

They're basically the same shit and have been struggling to kill eachother for monopoly for ages until Lidl came and tore them a new asshole.
wow some imaginative naming there congrats
Albert Heijn

They are the only one that always deliver quality.
t. Albert Heijn
hoogvliet is bretty gud as well
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New World is the best, it's only ever in upper class neighbourhoods so good quality.
supermarkets in upper class areas?
That video must be from the 90's because we now only have euros.
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