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>Be me >Be a jew >Live in a socialist islamic like country
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>Be me
>Be a jew
>Live in a socialist islamic like country called algeria
>Literally the arab version of yugoslavia ruled by the immortal bouteflika
>Everyone here think of me as a typical half french half arab same goes to fb
>In reality im a swiss jew whose grandparents picked up a random nickname (chala)
>Live almost all my life here (20 years)
>Fall in love with a local
>Relationship goes on for a year
>Tell her my true identity
>Says we can't be together unless i convert
>Sleep on that thought
>Tell my parents about it in the morning
>Dad gets mad ''Ye ain't marrying no suicidal stormtrooper''
>Tell him she's quite liberal
>Still not changed his mind
>Gonna send me back to northern after college to my uncle's farm

What should i do?
i really love that girl
Northern france*
What is her family like? What is she like.
If she's secular, then stay with her. If she wants you to convert or is religious, stay away.
She only wants me to convert so that her image won't be tainted
Go to France.
Its your life do what you want to do
And what about your image? I bet she doesn't care about that. If I were you, I would listen to the family advice.
>>Be me
>>Be a jew

fake and gay
Things don't work that way here
>Says we can't be together unless i convert
>Tell him she's quite liberal
Yeah, that's not adding up.

>Dad gets mad ''Ye ain't marrying no suicidal stormtrooper''
kekked desu
>She only wants me to convert so that her image won't be tainted
She is cancer. She will always care more about her image and her family than you and your relationship. If you marry or stay with her you're a cvck.
there are alot of "liberal muslims" my dear br
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>''Ye ain't marrying no suicidal stormtrooper''
A true liberal wouldn't mind which wiizard other people worship.
a liberal in a muslim society is different than a liberal in the west there is some resemblance tho
take her to Europe with you?
Liberal north africans are bit different than the ones in the west . i mean jews are more hated here than the internet
>Yahudi massa5 fi el dzayer el cha9i9a el muslima
asta8firu allah mich no9tol zok ommok ya yahudi ya kalb mt3 zebi 1000 francawi et la yahudi
If you're going to Europe date a woman from there.
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Algeria is the purgatory. If you live here it's because you have been a very bad person in your precedent life.
There are nothing you can do but accept your faith and live a life of suffering and despair.
Algeria is actually very underrated and comfy you french overhate it because you are childish judgmental shits
Then she's neither a liberal nor a person of strong convictions, just a dumb sheep-like animal.
Why should YOU convert? Let HER convert to prove her love.
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>Dad gets mad ''Ye ain't marrying no suicidal stormtrooper''
Yeah, you don't see her trying to convert for you.
> but her image!
Bullshit. If she was truly as liberal as you say she wouldn't care at all. Sounds like she doesn't want to take a risk because she doesn't care that much about the relationship
see >>51709752
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You say that because just like a Somalian will find Soudan "very underrated and comfy" you lives in a shittyness level a little more higher than Alg*ria.
Algeria, Tunisa, almost everything located south of Mediterranean sea is a third world shit hole
No such thing as a liberal muslim

>My wizard is better than your better; therefore, we can not marry based on this principals.
Alot of people can live happy in "3rd world shitholes " stop being an edgy madoka fag
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you leave good muslim women alone you filthy jew

it's too band she isn't Shia, they consider jews inherently impure to even touch
>Alot of people can live happy in "3rd world shitholes "
Yeah, like a lot of people can live happy with a paraplegia but I rather prefer have my two functional legs.
t. diaspora
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>good muslim women
the only good muslims are the dead ones tbqhwy
retarded analogy your first reply to me was out of subject btw : You at first called it a "purgatory" and over-exaggerated your description and i pointed that out so you answered by just calling a 3rd world country a thing that well known fact .
>Wants you to convert

edgy there are some good things about muslim women like for example they dont swear alot :D
Dont you fags read the thread before posting
`kill yourself
Look a thread by an Algerian. Keep comfy and keep posting m8.

Also don't change your life for no bitch, either she adapts to the true you or she's out of the door.
There are 3 billion girls in the world mate, if you feel that the kind of life she offers isn't your thing, then drop it.
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I have faced similar situations..

All you have to tell yourself is are you OK with having your kids raised as durkas?

You really alright with having all of your future lineage join Islam? You know society raises your kids potentially more than you will.

This should answer your questions. You're children will grow up to hate jews, hate you, and themselves. Thus making them even more likely to be ABSOLUTELY durka.

I wouldn't do it.
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> ''Ye ain't marrying no suicidal stormtrooper''

also, just lie

Make her convert to Judaism.
Take her to Switzerland
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christ chan bible.png
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>both of you convert to christianity
>get married and have lots of deus vulting sex
>have kids and live happily ever after
>die and go to heaven instead of hell like the rest of your infidel families
this is the only correct course of action
But are you what they call in the industry a raas al-khamja?

Just go "Bila3 fumouk ya mehboula. Faqat tazawwajnii"
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>lots of deus vulting sex
Go to indonesia you can live as indonesian jew lel .
Just convert
They don't have any weird introduction rituals, it's just repeating a sentence a few times I think.
Who wants to be a jew anyway?
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