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What are some international feels?
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What are some international feels?
>tfw no gf
The feeling when self haters make themselves known and really bum you out about your fellow compatriots
Not in Islamic countries
>tfw gypsies exist
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that feel when minorities ruin everything

Do white people even commit crimes anymore?

I think they do in the USA with your large amount of hicks, but here in Europe I am very doubtful. Probably 0.001% of all violent crimes are committed by actual, white Northern Europeans.
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Not being Alberto Barbosa
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I'll see my body crumble and my mind fade to depression, always waiting for my real life to begin until there is none left to live
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>tfw feeling is all i do
Hatred of Muslims.
hatred of whites
>tfw no bf

I don't think Americans know this feel, this is pretty exclusively a European feel.

Americans think gypsies are some mythical creatures with a lot of trinkets and magic
They aren't?

I thought magic was how they managed to steal so much.
Saw some gypsies when I went to France. They were all in front of Norte Dame begging

Like the stealing skirts equipped with hooks and secret pockets, coated with aluminium to deflect alarm tag scanners

That is pretty innovative

dont be gay
I'll be your bf.
same ;_; my qt i like is currently studying in russia, so far
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welcome to germany.webm
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watching a once great nation destroy itself
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>it wont be 2015 for much longer

>I don't think Americans know this feel, this is pretty exclusively a European feel.

In Argentina there are gypsies everywhere, they are worst than Bolivians..

>German nationalism on the rise
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Gjergj Kastrioti.png
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that would be career suicide for an Albanian politician
convert to islam brother

we have harems
>Once great
25 Years aprox.
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>see porn video titled "Christie's sloppy creampie"
>instaboner just from reading the title
>download that shit
>1½ hours later
>it's not Christy Mack at all
>just wasted half of my monthly bandwidth
thanks god
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