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>A father discovered his high school senior son dead outside
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>A father discovered his high school senior son dead outside his apartment and it's suspected that he jumped to his death from his veranda. Papers including his college entrance exam score were discovered in his room.

Why do Koreans kill themselves over the slightest bad news? Hundreds of South Korean kids will turn up dead in the next few days because they've just sat their college entrance exams.

Grades actually mean fuck all later in life, and it's a very silly thing to kill yourself over. 10 years down the line your grades will be incredibly meaningless.
SKY university or you might as well be dead
>Grades actually mean fuck all later in life
Not for them. Japanese students do it all the time.
Will an employer 10 years down the line really be asking to see the grades a person got?

I've been working 5 years and no one has EVER asked for me to produce my grades.
You do not live in same culture
Proof that Japanese are superior to Korean plebs, if a japanese fails at life instead of suicide they just never show their face again and watch anime all day and get 2d girlfriend
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>Not attending the University of hard knocks and majoring in Life.
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>all those korean men killing themselves
If korean women want a real men Alberto Barbosa is here for you
That's why Japanese mothers give sexual favors to their sons in order to help them to focus on their studies rather than girls

Koreans mothers should do the same

>One day he was offered, and received, sexual favours from his mother to encourage him to persevere with his schoolwork.

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Thats fine, Japanese mums are qt.

>tfw imaging all the Japanese posters qt mothers
Man, if you get bad grades at school, you can't into a good uni. if you can't into a good uni, you get a shitty job. Asians choose death over a shitty job.
>if you can't into a good uni, you get a shitty job

For a few years.

After 2 or 3 years you search for a new job and you're on par with people that cam from a good uni because now all employers care about is experience.
lel i'd rather be dead than working for 15/24 of my waking hours
Yeah, apparently the narrative in Korea regarding this test is that it will determine the rest of their lives.

But you can take it as many times as you want. Hung Duk should have just studied harder for next year.
They could always move
>That massive curve at aged 50

Wtf is happening here? There's been surveys on different ages and happiness in the west and it turned out retired people are the most happiest age group.
Work makes the asian happy.

When they are old, they cannot work anymore.

This makes the asian sad.
This is completely wrong. If you didn't study something, you can't get certain jobs. Also you will never ever be on par with people who graduated top colleges so they have it plus experience.
>work 14 hour a day for entire life
>nothing left to do
Might as well die
>Have big pot of money from saving all your life
>No work to go to
>Do everything you always dreamed about

My nan is currently blowing all her money traveling to as many countries as she can.
She is not korean, is she?

Working is all they have. There is nothing else for them.
Korean student's life is tough, they say.
What is an entrepreneur?

Dropout who makes 110k reporting in... (posting on my mob from work, computer system is down so need to kill half an hour).
Korea and Japan is all about the grades.

Seriously, it can be the difference between a sweet, comfortable life, or working some dead end job, living like a NEET, and having girls laugh at you. Then of course there's the shame/honor thing.
>>One day he was offered, and received, sexual favours from his mother
This is considered normal in 15 states in America
almost 50% of old people in korea are in poverty because they didn't have pension system for plebs until relatively recent years (around 90's), and even those who can draw pension (one third of 60+yo population) get the average of something like $300 a month, so they can't live.
plus, a lot of korean workers of large corporations get fired in their 40's and they start small business (mainly food business) and they often fail, bearing denbt..
>Dropout who makes 110k reporting in...
Are you in Korea?
Aren't women attempting more suicides?
Women kill themselves way less often in most countries around the world, because a failure of a woman can always find some beta to support them.
Is there some law that prevents Koreans from starting businesses?
They can't even kill themselves as well as men, yet they want to run the world.
>le university of life-fags

jesus christ get a hold of yourself my man

this is probably right up their ally

If you can't feed and clothe yourself because 'muh society' then the world will spin without you.
thats a handsome le native swede m'sire
It's a lie article.
There is no such culture in my country and I have never heard anything like that.
I'll inform this to the ministry of Foreign affairs,
It's a different culture, what's so hard to understand about that?
No they don't gaigantard, they stick a katana in their stomach and cut themselves open show some fucking respect
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>tiny penis
>hyper materialistic plastic women
>shit tier cuisine based on hotsauce and cabbage
grades are all they have to cling to
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