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White people on suicide watch https://www.youtube.com/watch
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White people on suicide watch

>watching gay niggers on Youtube

wew Bilel, do you have something to tell us?
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I thought you blew yourself up Bilel
>You are either a colonizer or a colonized individual. YOU CANNOT BE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

Who /colonizer/ here?
i hate dogs, i want all of them dead
sadly i'm colonized

but the revolution is on its way
Wait. Why are whites on suicide watch?
>Literal faggot nigger being racist on YouTube
Oi vey
><10% mudlsime
not suprising, since they can literally smell weakness and dishonesty
Berbers were pirates, rapists, and just as bad as the Arabs who conquered them.
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if we raped so many white women north africa would be white

your claims have no basis, we're proud corsaires
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