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What do you think of Polynesians?
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What do you think of Polynesians?
I know a Polynesian guy, he's like 150kg for 1m80.
fuckhuge and scary
why the fuck they are so fuckin huge but we are so fuckin tiny? we're almost the same people
Proof that diet of human flesh is best for gainz
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Fuck them, Also, is that easy to fuck a qt trap in thailand? I am thinking to go there next year :3
I like them
Because they ate all of the small people on their islands
It depends on where you are. I've lived in three Polynesians countries and some of them are total assholes and some are the sweetest people you'll ever know.
Fatter than any other ethnicity to a large degree
The difference is tens of thousands of years genetic differentiation. They also have more Australoid DNA presumed to be from interbreeding with Papuans.

As for size, it has to do with diet and lifestyle.
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