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Who's an /immigrant/ here? Where are you originally from
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Who's an /immigrant/ here?
Where are you originally from and how do you like your new country?
I'm originally from Canada. Ireland is great but the beaurocracy is killing me.

uruguayan here. i've immigrated to a bunch of other places before though. i fucking love france though.
I'd love to move to France. If only I spoke French ;_;
Pakistan here senpai. ooga booga blonde booty bitches
where in canada? i lived briefly in vancouver and again in toronto a few years back.

V > T but not by an enormous margin. it's easy to compete with hell-holes
Moroccan, Belgium is a nice place with nice people.
a bit boring tho
I fucking love it, no where else I'd rather be
God bless the USA
I'm originally from Canada. America is great but the people down south can be a bit odd, as is the food.
>Where are you originally from
Alpha Centauri Bc.
>how do you like your new country?
Not bad.
Parents are from India

I grew up here and couldn't imagine going back. Consider myself American first. Plus my parents and I only have American citizenship.
shit,but still way better. planning to move to Australia desu
btw im white
Born in Serbia.
I love Slovenia and would gladly spend the rest of my life here.
>be canadian
>don't speak french
Were you forced out?
I'm from northern British Columbia, but I've lived in van for a few years. Vancouver is pretty nice.
>TFW you'll never have grown up in a francophone family in Quebec speaking french
Afghan, Just passing by though we have a christmas present to deliver upstairs ;)
are you a space rocket engineer? how'd you get in?
canadians speaking french is a myth, only the quebecois speak that horrible thing they think is french.

all the signs are in french though
Are you willing to assimilate and accept the Belgium values?
our countries share pretty similar cuisine, do they not?
france is gay
Bosnian here.
i like how gay it is.
I came here when I was four
Dad came here in the early 90s to study at university. Hes an electrical engineer who works at Boeing.
Legit question, do you lads love them white bitches so much as the memes make it? I tought most people liked their own t. bh

already did but I will remain muslim and mind my own bussiness
My parents are
My Mom came from Italy when she was 12
My dad came from the Netherlands when he was 22 to go to the University of Chicago
My mom was a secretary in his department's office
She's actually 2 years older than him, which is strange here...
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Kenyan here. I unironically believe that America is the greatest country in the world. I don't know how naturalized citizens call this place a shithole.
I remember you, you were doing a degree in philosophy or something and as you put it, you were getting your "fitizenship".
Ah, but I'm not talking about integrating, but assimilating. There is a difference.

Why did you move twice? Hoang
Only accirding to /int/
At home I ate stuff like poutine râpée, beef stew, shepherds pie, meat pies, boiled dinner, fish & chip, fiddleheads, based PEI new potatoes, Atlantic salmon, yankee pot roast, decent bacon, kippers, etc

Here it's usually weird shit like biscuits & gravy, pulled pork, brisket, cornbread, Mexican shit, fish you cook in a microwave, idaho giant potatoes fast food, etc.
yes we do. i have the mountain fever desu
It's similar but you guys eat way more fast food and deep fry everything.
I like all women except blacks desu

My first gf was a paki, second was white, and my current gf is half persian half italian
my current gf is easily the hottest of the three, though I would dump her in a heartbeat for a qt east asian gf tbqh.
hey man what's your deal?
relax he has a computer and speaks proper english it's not like you're talking to an uneducated durka fresh off the fucking boat m8
>I unironically believe that America is the greatest country in the world

Everybody inside their hearts believe this.
yes. i love me some vanilla. im tired as fuck of the brown bitches in pakland. i wanna make white qt kids

Oh well, rip white ppl
Syrian here, my next stop is Greece

do you wannabe next obama? were you a marathoner?
my friend Kayla has lived in Ireland for the past 3 years
She'll most likely stay
It's so much easier to move to Ireland as an American than it is Canada, the UK, Australia, or NZ
better half paki than half black desu
I'll trade lives with you, I speak French but have no interest in moving there
>relax he has a computer and speaks proper english
How the fuck is that an arguement?

You have no idea how actively Muslims are fighting assimilating.

They demand there is no Christmas treed in their neighborhood, and no pig on the menu in schools and hospitals.

In 2006 62% of the Danish Muslims thought the Qu’ran instructions must be followed fully. That figure has grown to 77% in 2015.


4 out of 10 Muslims in Denmark admits they want Sharia Law in Denmark 2015


Assimilate or gtfo
it's just the way it is m8
You mean that Kayla? I remember her, I was in an orgy with her back in 08 in Dublin.
>Where are you originally from
>how do you like your new country?
I'm living with a young couple. They have met all of my demands so far.
No offence but same shit tb.h
Poland, I came here for a few years to enjoy this country.
>how do you like your new country?
Would give my life for/10
>tfw useless dumb
>tfw want to leave this shithole
>tfw can't live off good intentions

ohhh shit, it's Mahmoutabdal Ramatanegro
How's that whole married to/fucking your mom thing going?
I can't be president, and I don't want to. Too much people get assassinated.

Also I was in my track team in high school.
Nah m8. One has a unibrow and is good at cricket and the other has pubes and is good at basketball
Have you assimilated into Sweden. To be clear, I'm not talking about integrating.
Good luck m8
We are living trough the fall of Rome i guess, guess ill have to accept everywhere becoming like Brazil, brown and shit
>It's so much easier to move to Ireland as an American than it is Canada, the UK, Australia, or NZ
do you need visa or something to move to united kekdom and kekstralia?
Don't worry I am taking good care of your aunt, Cleetus
i'd venture a guess that if he posts on 4chan odds are he isn't a regular follower of sharia law.

but that's cool i guess you can keep up your cyber crusade buddy
Croatia is not as good as Australia atleast the people aren't as shit.
Czechia, everything is expensive so I became an abstinent. Weather is better desu
>American than it is Canada, the UK, Australia, or NZ
How so? The Brits have freedom of movement in the shengen zone, and I don't see how being american would make it easier than being aus/nz/canadian
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Indian in Denmark here (proxy). What's your Deal, mate?
I've noticed there's a lot of poles here in Ireland. You guys are breddy cool if I had to make a generalization about all of you.
Thank you
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>he keeps doing it
>if the other one says "no" his options are as limited to spazzing the fuck out at home
I am from hyperborea
So because he knows English, has a computer and EVEN on 4 chan, he surely doesn't wanna follow Muhammad's example? Good to know the criteria.

I literally just explained in that post.

Please explain to me why he shouldn't. Please.
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i'm not saying he shouldn't integrate m8, for fuck's sake i integrated like a fucking glove

i'm saying wtf are you gonna do about it if he says no on a fucking bengalese trading card website?
Dude its over, cant you see, everywhere will become Brazil, the darkies cant stay in one place and can only go after the WHITE WIMYN
syrian here, next stop is paris
Okay, for the sake of the arguement:

>to give or cause to give equal opportunity and consideration to (a racial, religious, or ethnic group or a member of such a group):
to integrate minority groups in the school system.

>to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust:
to assimilate the new immigrants.

It's very easy to integrate people, but that's not enough. They need to assimilate.
Go raibh maith agat., mo cara.
My countrymen vary from quiet ones like me and bydlo.
Many of us will leave btw, including me, I'm grateful for what Ireland gave me though and I will miss it.
Sorry didn't read your 2nd line.

And you're right, can't do shit alone. But I hope if he see this kind of disapproval of his culture in Europe again and again, he'll think of how he can assimilate.
yeah, if I moved a 160 km north I'd need no real paperwork, but for me it would take about a year
Europe should take notes from Brazil, we are the best at assimilating. I'm pretty sure that's the only thing i consider positive about this country's culture. People say USA is a melting pot. Fucking liars, they are just a bunch of different people living on the same country. I was really intrigued when I discovered that black people speak differently and have their own tv programs created only for them.
The commonwealth countries have exceptions for working holiday visas if you're under the age of 30
no such exception exists for Americans
Ireland, being a former commonwealth country, is actually friendlier to americans looking for working holiday visas than the rest of the commonwealth
Why the fuck do you want everywhere to be a brown shithole like Brazil?
what's the fucking problem?Way beter than different people fighting for no reason besides stupidity. The problem with brazis is not that it is brown, it's the fact that it is a shithole. And that doesn't happen because of someone's skin, but because of the culture and utter disregard for effective educational policies.
Where in Pakistan m8?
black people aren't immigrants though

but i agree that american assimilation is overrated. lots of immigrants have left a large influence on our culture, cuisine, politics, etc and the immigrants we have now will probably do the same.
>I love diversity
>Only when theres no white people around
Wellingson pls
Can you tell me what its been like so far? Who are you traveling with? What has been the hardest part?
where did I say that?
When you said you want everywhere to be brown
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I don't know much about Brazil, but I've heard the US is good at assimilateing people, because of their schools, and if you don't work hard you don't accomplish anything.

Problem here is, you don't need to do anything if you want gibsme and live relatively well off. So 45% of the non-western immigrants are currently living tax payers money, which is a huge burden for us.

I got no problem living in a multi etnic sociaty. Got brown and black friends, and they're generally really nice and tolerant.

Why is every single captcha street names?!?!
Ireland doesn't give a shit about the commonwealth desu. Theydont have a selection process at all for working holiday visas. As long as you have the funds, and don't have kids, they let you in with no problems.
Originally from Afghanistan. It's good, better than Germany, Belgium or the Scandi countries for sure but I'd have preferred England tbqf.
Where did I say I want everyone to be brown?I just said that being brown isn't a problem. Just like being white, yeloow, gray, pink, whatever.
Have you assimilated into Holland?

What would you consider an assimilated immigrant?
>to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust:
to assimilate the new immigrants.
>Why do you want everywhere to be brown like Brazil
That literally never worked anywhere

Growing half a foot, spontaneously shedding the melanin in your skin and brightening your eyes.
I know, but we don't have that many niggers here (American black people)

So I hope it can work. It has to work or else we're royally fucked.
the danes i met here in paris bang their beers on the table and yell their fucking danish songs.

not very french tbqh and they've been here for years.

you ok man? you want to get something off your chest?

...did a black guy steal your girl?
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>imblying those muslims are not even worse than blacks
They stole my country
also, I believe in you become where you grow up. So black people in America doesn't really have a chance..
Do they demand changes in your society? No? Then it's not the same thing.
you didn't have a country before the black people. you don't have a claim to time immemorial like europeans do. do the best you can with what you have and let it go, you'll never race war nao, you'll never have the country without them so you might as well keep your eyes forwards and try to work it out.

growing up helps a ton too m8

Thanks, dictionarybrah. I'm as assimilated as can get apart from minor things.

For example I just can't bring myself to support the Dutch team in football. I used to, but for example in 2010 I was rooting for the Spanish in the final. Not out of spite, just simply because in sports, I always want the best side to win. That's why I can never support any national team or a regional club. Some Dutch people consider this a typical trait of a foreigner who hates the Netherlands. But yeah, I don't see it as a big deal.
>growing half a foot
I'm 185cm, which is not tall but it's not bringing down the average.
>shedding the melanin and brightening your eyes
Nope, melanin is too useful.

>Nope, melanin is too useful.

Yeah, for marking the savages and their failed states.
Another sudaca in Spain here.
Then you're alright in my book. Opionins =/= stick to your native country's culture.
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>the cities werent good before mass imigration into favelas
>i know about your country more than you
>intranational immigration
>a thing

yeah sure let's do the soviet dance and need permission to change cities like a bunch of idiots.

que vivan los sudacas que al menos no somos chinegros como los bolitas

Seeing as Finland's economy is down the fucking drain, that means you must have had a lot of melanin enrichment in the past couple of years.
we should deport all immigrants who don't learn Irish
>blacks came here and simply accepted european culture by their own will
>they didnt become hateful faggots just like you mehmeds in Europe are becoming
>believing the meme that everybody is super assimilated and equal here
Have you blown up a street yet?

Failing economy isn't really an issue when compared to the level of savagery shitskins inherently have.
I-im trying. Its a difficult language tbqh.
IMO you should deport all Italians and Spanish. They're lazy and loud as fuck
i never implied that brazil is a paragon of assimilation. i'm saying they're already there and you're just going to have to deal with it.

>implying the majority of mehmeds i meet here and there are hateful or spiteful.

poor or disenfranchised (unempowered) people are always resentful and spiteful of those they see in power, regardless of race. it's easy to miss this detail, as europeans ended up on top after the colonial game.

>when compared

You don't have to compare though, my friend. Judging from my trip to Finland, you'll have a failed economy and look like Sweden-lite in the very near future. You'll have both very soon, no need to compare.

Assimilation happens with second and third generations bro.
originally from poland, my 10th year in luxembourg.
would never go back t.b.h it's super rich, safe and clean here.
Well have fun on your jihad
My parents "immigrated" here from Mexico jajajaja
We should deport everyone who doesn't learn irish
I'd much rather have some autistic brown linguists than traveller scum
Not with Muslims brah, not with them.

In 2006 62% of the Danish Muslims thought the Qu’ran instructions must be followed fully. That figure has grown to 77% in 2015.


>Evolution of Danish Muslims' religious practices are surprising, says religion sociologist Brian Arly Jacobsen from the University of Copenhagen

>"It seems that Danish Muslims have become more religious in all dimensions, both in terms of faith and practice. Generally, we would expect that the opposite would happen, and that they would eventually come to resemble the rest of the Danes, who are not particularly religious activity, "he says to Jyllands-Posten.
i'm glad your life is about being angry and frustrated, with strong moments of lucidity wherein you realize your impotence as there's nothing you in your little hands can do about it. i'm glad there's something tough you can work on your whole life on.

Call me back when native Finns start bombing people and ruining the social peace with tribal warfare.
>cant even take a calm walk on the streets
Of course i cant do fucking nothing or do you want me to fight drug dealers with firepower that put isis to shame or the most corrupt politicians in the world by myself
Possibly one of the worst decisions I've made. Can't wait to leave this place 2bh.
sshhh it's going to be fine you're just having a fit
What the fuck are you even on about, am i not supposed to be mad because this country is an african tier shithole and i should just accept it and get stabbed when going to work for 1 dollar?

That will never happen, Finland's greatest military achievement was losing a war to the Soviets. Finns must be extremely peaceful for that to be the case.

The Somalis and gypsies you import on the other hand.. I'm sure they'll carry their own and then some. Good that you're importing them, then.
Essex, now living in Hertfordshire.
And then i look on the tv and see the rest of the world trying the hardest to become this because lol diversity
Half Dutch half Scott reporting in desu

I don't even know what you are trying to argue anymore.

Maybe you should fuck off back to your desert mountains and prove me wrong by helping to build your own country.
From India. Live in the UK. A very friendly country. Lots of immigrants.

Gonna move to France soon though.
I think you need a blowjob.
no you're supposed to be constructive and actually try to fix the problems instead of sitting here bitching about it.

that's what the rest of the world is desperately trying to do. it's too late, the french mehmeds are already french, now the french have to figure out a new solution. you can try to figure out a new solution or you can pound away on your keyboard about >muh niggers all night

I'm not even trying to argue. You replied to me trying to make a point, but you have proven yourself to be completely incapable.
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>I'm living with a young couple. They have met all of my demands so far.

oh boy, we all know where this is going
Where are you originally from? Why brought you to your new country?
Burger here. Moved to England in 2013 for work; was transferred in company.

Love it here t b h. Had one child already and working on another.
I hope you have a bbc

My wife is from Norgay, so needless to say she was banished from her country for not race mixing.
Shiet too bad
Russia. Don't like here at all but no sense to go to Russia now. Hopefully I'll move to a Baltic state sooner or later
New Zealand.

It's OK but I think the lifestyle is better in countries like Lithuania, Czech, Slovenia...

Where are you holed up m8
Hey Kuzu
> Would give my life for/10

You must have been exceptionally poor subhuman if you enjoy such shithole like Ireland
Bayswater, Londonistan
Ssij lajzo

At least you're inside the M25.

>tfw when all the shops in your village close at 6

Closest anything open late is 20 miles.
What kind of work do you do ?
who /sudaca/ here?
Nigdy sie nie mowi na glos, ze jest ci dobrze w cudzym kraju, pedale, bo tylko wstyd przynosisz... Nawet muslimy co przyjezdzaja z krajow ogranietych wojna kreca nosem i mowia, ze nie wszystko im sie podoba, tylko polski podczlowiek lize dupska wszystkim naokolo.. Idz sie biedny cwelu zastrzel
>You guys are breddy cool if I had to make a generalization about all of you.

How can you even know how Poles behave and what they look like if you receive a human trash that is not representative for normal Poles?
This thread is disgusting
Anda a dibujar a sonic poutain
Jedynym krajem, ktory lubie w zachodniej Europie jest ten, jezeli uwazasz, ze to zadupie to twoja sprawa.
To nie lizanie dupy tylko wyraz wdziecznosci bo, szczerze, nie mam zadnych zlych wspomnien z pobytu tutaj.

Why the fuck does EVERY immigrant go to London?
Good lad, hope you enjoy France.
Not all are like that.
t. Knower of things (person who lives here)
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Thread mostly conforms to the notion that white people stopped immigrating.
I could see myself visiting Europe, but I'd likely go along with the trend and just stay where I am.
You've never been to anywhere in Europe?
What were your biggest challenges when you guys moved? I'm thinking about going to Europe (Germany/Poland) for work after I finish up school.

specifically between ukraine and romania
Born in Japan
literally why
but i suppose that's a challenge always
I guess this counts, I'm a white dude from Florida.
>>51026546 was supose to be for >>51026490
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I'm on an imageboard. It's not like I'm made of money and fly around the world and have wild parties
so many race traitors and dick sucker of usa here
You sound very sheltered m8, save up and go on holiday somewhere.
Because Spain is a wasted shithole with 30% unemployment?

I forget that normal people are on these boards.
It's not that easy, anon.

Out of here NOW
yeah, but why would you go to Poland when you live in US or can go to any western european country
putting germany and poland in the same bag is just stupid
True, that's always a goal in life. Hope everything is going well on your end.

I'm partially Polish, have family over there, and want to learn the language. I also have hopes that Poland could be very successful in the areas I want to work in the future.
You can have a job with very high salary here in PL too if you work in international corporation, but you can buy much more things and services for this money here than in DE.
Immigrant reporting in
thinking of immigrating to Italy next year. I'm less depressed when I'm in Italy.
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Immigrated from Bavaria to Swabia.
Dont regret it a bit.
that's explains it then

why are poles always that butthurt when someone talks about Poland
everytime I see someone saying anything about Poland being below western europe there's always a polish being aggresive and defending that poland is better than the rest
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I fucking hate my mother for bringing me here. I feel I will never integrate here and forever will be unemployed alien. It has no much sense to come back to Russia because thanks to this cunt I couldn't finish my studies due to moving, so now I am 24 y.o. without full school education. I wish this bitch got ALS.
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Originally from Russia
Americans are nicer, and in general the atmosphere is a lot better
cali btw
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U cant make white kids if ur not white urself dumbass....
How did u end up in Luxembourg? Sounds cool, so irrelevant (off the radar for muslims) yet rich.
Lol, I have been to the US, India, Dominican Republic, Turkey, Thailand x2 and all over Europe and I grew up middle class.

How fucking hard can it be to save up $2500 for a trip?
Originally from /pol/

banned for posting CP so now I'm on /int/. Don't worry, my Polish counterpart posts CP on /int/, I won't,
Good for you.
Like I implied, I'm on an imageboard and not social media for a reason.
I remember you from /balt/.Are you still planning coming to LT with your gf?
These times most CP on the chan is posted by poles?
Why is this so? Are there many catholic priests on /pol/?
Well, I wish I could move there but not sure if it will be possible for me.
A Chilean just posted some on /sp/
Born and raised in England as a 2nd-gen Indian-English
>Moved to the USA when i was 21 for postgrad and currently, work
oh and yeah im having loads of fun here, yeah
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The fuck are you on about, amigo? Too much free time on your hands?

He didn't sound even slightly butthurt, and was neither aggressive nor defending that poland is better than the rest.
German here.
They never notice. They'll never know.
Nein. I'll keep digging holes until the dikes collapse.
It's probably removed already, right? /sp/ get's some proper mods usually so I don't think it's still linkable or in the archives.

CP is posted by Moldovans/Transnistrians last time I remember here.
You just say that because you happened to notice it on 4chan, Our economy has been stagnating for a long time now.
If the worst case scenario happens we'll be poor as Germany (GPD per capita)
Don't even bother arguing with him, just some shitskin mad his own people cannot anything larger than a shawarma stand without blowing it up.
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I've actually been to Finland. Apart from the nature, it's pretty shit m8.
Just mentioned though, not an argument.

>I've actually been to Finland. Apart from the nature, it's pretty shit m8.

I'm not "just saying" it, Finland actually is pretty shitty for a Western European country. And the economy is going to shit very fast too.
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Im going to the UK in the spring amd i've never seen a muslim in my life and only 3 black people(on the street), i'm scared that i will do something racist and get arrested or stabbed, i wouldn't go but the money i'm offered is obscene for me
Don't go to London and you won't have problems
Denmark, moved to the US.

meh, it's ok. Everyone here is a bit weird though.
>Everyone here is a bit weird though

Saying what?
>Finland actually is pretty shitty for a Western European country.
On what basis?
>And the economy is going to shit very fast too.
It's not going anywhere really fast. but that's not good either.
Im from Buenos Aires and i say kill em all.

kek, no, spaniards are ok people
He means there's too many black people
How is manchester?i'm also sad about having to hide where i'm from because gypsies have given us a shit reputation as criminals and beggars, i always lied when i was on vacation in france because i'm really pale and have green eyes and blonde hair so i don't look like a gyppo but still hearing i'm romanian scared a really qt french girl i met, she just stood up and said she has to be somewhere, that really hurt
On the basis that literally every building in the country is a brutalist eye-sore, apart from the orthodox churches the Russians left behind. Nothing to see at all. That's not very typical of a country in Western Europe.

btw you'll get funny looks and may get told to fuck off home when you say you're Romanian because people think you're all gypsies.
>implying you need to say somehting racist to be stabbed
I don't know what other races are life in the UK. But where I live in the United States where there is a HUGE black population you'll get harassed by black people just for walking by them regardless of what neighborhood you are in.
In the UK, as long as you're white and not polish you'll be alright. You WILL learn that Muslims are subhuman
>you'll get harassed by black people just for walking by them regardless of what neighbourhood you are in.

Really? That's fucked. Even pakis in the pakiest neighbourhood wouldn't do that.
Some of us like the brutality. It also keeps the migrants away, they go back to Sweden when they see nothing but forest and ugly buildings. To me Finland's beauty is in its nature that's all I need.

>It also keeps the migrants away

Give it time. Helsinki is slowly getting there.
Vacation is a better word bro, holiday comes from holy-day wich implies a necessity of a religious event but it's not always the case so it's a vacation
I'll just keep lying, it's worked well enough for me in the past and i wont get any states unless being white is wierd in the UK now and i don't have an eastern accent, i worked hard to get rid of it, i look forward to visiting your union and hope it will be better than i expect
It's usually just younger, black people from the suburbs/ rich neighborhoods that want to act tough. Black people from the hood know if they fuck with white people they won't get away with it.
Helsinki is full of shit anyway, the best place to live is in the East
Might have actually something do with the population being like 3 people and siberia tier location. does it?
Apart from that the living standards are far above the average western European country.
>pikey telling me how to speak my own language

If you're moving here you need to learn British English otherwise fuck off.
>in the East
Literally no- one says vacation in the UK, it sounds really weird here.
*tips hat
I'm genuinely scared of interacting with muslims, i've never even seen any full hijab woman ever, feels like i'm about to meet aliens that i've heard horror stories about
Ok don't get your knickers all up in a bunch,sit on your arse watch some tellie and have some crisps, just relax
Was that ok?

>"living standards"
>nothing to see in the entire country
>incapacitated by winters for god knows how many months

You should really try living in another Western Euro country for a full years. You'll be surprised. Meme statistics like the HDI don't mean anything when they don't account for that.
im originally from england but moved to the us when i was eight

wouldnt have it any other way to tell the truth
delete this
Which state?
>Ok don't get your knickers in a twist,sit on your arse watch some telly and have some crisps, just relax

Do you have an American accent now? Can you still sound British if you want to?

Albertan here, c'est pas vrais, je parle la Francais.
I'd like to emigrate but I don't have any skills or qualification
for the most part i have an american accent but it's still difficult for me to pronounce my R's in certain words

like "ever" sounds like "evah"
Not even a degree in Engineering?
read it somewhere that Yukon is actually set to become Canada's 2nd French-speaking province due to mass immigration there from Quebec
>"living standards"
>nothing to see in the entire country
>incapacitated by winters for god knows how many months
As i said, siberia tier location, if you haven't already noticed. :D

I have. Lived in prauge for a year but meh (if that counts for an western Euro country)
>HDI don't mean anything
I have come to notice, but we don't rank that high anyway.
They're either ok or really bad
I've only been outside the countryside a few times, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out the bad areas in cities.
I never went to university
Fair enough, my nan's English but she lived in the USA for 5 years and had a completely American accent when she moved back which she gradually lost over 2 years. Grandad's accent stayed the same though.
i hate the irish, any irish, terrorist cunts.come to any afrikaans place in south africa and we will murder you. we hate you so much more that the english.
Thanks, also are the laws on piracy in the UK really that strict as the memes say? Here it's crazy to think you would have to pay for music and games, how about steaming movies online? Is that also illigal?
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