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in finnish smegma is generally referred to as "sissijuusto" meaning guerilla infantry cheese because it builds up when sitting in a foxhole

i honestly didn't know it had another name until age ~20
What the fuck
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Pic related.
what de fugg :DD

sissijuusto :DDDD
Sissy juice?
I swear finnish is almost like japanese sometimes.
I've never referred to it as anything other than sissijuusto :DDDDD

ps. I'm drinking ES right now
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You mean fromage de bite ?
does this have some ebin deeper meaning
paskanjauhaminen = small talk, literally means "to chew shit"
That's common in many countries.

Nigga plz.

Probably the second most "germanic" word in our dictionarie.

It looses only to Ultramicropsicovulcanoconiótico.
nothing sissy about guerrilla cheese :DD
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