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My sister failed out of beauty school and gave me one of these
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File: 4991604530_24200e7e1b_b.jpg (213 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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My sister failed out of beauty school and gave me one of these heads. How bad is practicing with this going to fuck my learning? I can only draw myself so many time and from so many different angles.
Get a realistic head instead of something that is not designed for facial study.

Or practice with this and stay drawing symbolic forever.
Don't listen to this troll, OP, that head looks great. Study it for the next year until it's your ingrained reference for the human face.
Especially the lips.
dont fall for it op
you can study it as a still life object
has the potential to be very greepy

>failing beauty school
>failing to become hairdresser

Wow. You need to talk to your sister and ask her how she did that and what are her priorities in life because you can get only so far by slutting it up.
Go for it OP the market for weird sex doll looking girl's with thousand yard stares is huge.
Ha. Your sister gave you bad head.

don't worry she is slutting it up already but just kind of stopped caring because she's general manager of a Hampton Inn now. Hospitality seems to be one of the few places where you can still work your way up from the very bottom (at least if you are white and speak english) without needing a degree.
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Oh yea, and this isn't the head. It's more like one of these so more realistic.

Tbh I've been drawing for like 9 months and I'm getting okay, but I've neglected doing much value work, and I figured the head would be an okay place to learn because it is all one color. I'm getting overwhelmed by local values.
why dont you ask your sister?
instead of practicing with a doll you'd be studying a real human.
File: image.png (27 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
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Cut the lips out, get a mouth simulating sex toy and fuck the shit out of it.

Just a thought...
Draw it it's good enough, but if you were to design characters, use it alng with some photo reference.
Honestly, it would make sense for him to give it actual use.
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