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Vlad Motchoulski is a Multimedia Artist from Schaumburg, IL.
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You are currently reading a thread in /ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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753 KB, 1010x824
Vlad Motchoulski is a Multimedia Artist from Schaumburg, IL. His life interests include:

Music, Visual Art, Sound and Video Production, Science, Theoretical Physics, Philosophy, Economics, and Futurism.
Fuck off, god I swear /ic/ is getting shittier
why do people think one of the slowest boards in 4chan is good place to promote themselves.
Checked out your gofund me and other links. your music isn't the worst, but the pretentious list of interests and super cringy bio are going to hurt you as much as your lack of talent.

get rid of the depressing backstory and focus on your skills. Most people's life sucks, you're not going to get money out of people by trying to play the part of the misunderstood genius/artist. You need to be WAY better than you currently are for that to work.

Also, maybe you shouldn't use a van gogh image to promote yourself as an artist. Hope this helps
File: sketch 1 prog.jpg (129 KB, 900x1200) Image search: [Google]
sketch 1 prog.jpg
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Wow.. Just... WOW THATS BAD
You draw like my 3 year old niece.
Not trying to be harsh, but what exactly are you offering people on your gofundme page? A Matt Elliott cover? An anti Trump doodle? Your thoughts on philosphy? an economic prediction for 2016? 'science'?
Maybe you see the problem here
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