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Hey /ic/ rate my drawing please
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Thread replies: 29
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Hey /ic/ rate my drawing please
I give it a 58
34.647, but only begrudgingly

it's definitely a drawing
I guess I needed to put a grade limit huh...from 1 to 10 please
Well, at least that is clear
I guess that's good?
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347 KB, 1036x449
here have 1.png
Do you have any sugestions to make it better?
Thanks! Now I can die in peace
I think it could do with a bit more phallic imagery.
Guess you're right, it always get's good grades if it has such a thing, right?
This looks almost exactly the same as something I drew for art class in middle school. The teacher told us to do squiggly lines then fill the spaces in with random patterns.
It's just that simple, it still takes some effort tho
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draw zen gardens 0P

same exercise but better results
Well, I could try
This is sick and I see haters.
Do you have more like this OP?
It sure has a lot of lines in it to make it look deceptively good in first glance, but it's disorienting and there is absolutely no flow.
It is no more than some pothead's doodle in his basement.
I give it 3/10 at max.
>I give it 3/10 at max.

deceptively good? There's nothing deceptive about it. It's lines on paper. We are looking at it from two different perspectives. OP made art, simple as that. It's abstract, nothing wrong with that. Clearly, it is deliberately and meticulously executed abstract art.

If you rate it 3/10, can you provide an example of a 10 you are comparing OP's piece to?
Also, why would you assume OP is a pot head? That makes no sense and hints at underlying envy. The fact that you had to assume OP is a brain dead stoner is enough to expose your insecurities with your own art.
Also, you said
>it's disorienting and there is absolutely no flow.
Disorienting? how? Do you get road/sea/air sick easily?

No flow? Explain what should be flowing in this piece, please.
You will see it for yourself when you graduate middle school.
Basically, you are talking out of the side of your neck and have no real reason for your objection other than an underlying envy and insecurity with your own art?

If that's not the case, why not grace us with your magnificent masterpieces? Post a link to you website or tumblr or whatever.

>graduate middle school

This is what I mean. Someone else disagrees and challenges you "critique" and you get defensive, offer no real response other than half-baked attempts at insults.

Do you make art yourself?
lol is ur palm sweaty
Are you projecting?
OP, if you have more art, post it. (If you see this)
Thread replies: 29
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