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I saw a while ago a drawing/manga reference page with different
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File: reference.jpg (463 KB, 600x900) Image search: [Google]
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I saw a while ago a drawing/manga reference page with different sets of pictures. The first set was a japanese schoolgirl from all angles and in different positions. You had to pay for most of the content but there was also free stuff. I forgot to bookmark the site. Can anyone help me to find it again?
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help for anon.png
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Typical ic answer: FUCK YOU GO TO req. Tits or get the fuck out!

Now speaking seriously anon you mean this (pic related)

I have the link hidden my resources notes... the last time I checked it I was about to buy it (I had the money ) the site went wrong or something.

I couldn´t buy it but I downloaded the video with most of the poses with is pretty much the same thing.

Do you want it?
of course!

Here you go:


Do you need anything else?
How can I find it when you are done?

....just posted the link...
was 1 sec to late
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Ty for the upload. I found the site myself though. I think they have new videos:


Now we just need somebody with a credit card...

Credit card.... I thought they accepted paypal?


wait I see the "paypal" logo do you need an account there or you can just direct purchase?

I might just get them. How much do they cost?
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16-18 dollar for 1652 pictures.
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Ok but I need your opinion.

I starting on digital painting I made this and looks like shit. What can I do to improve it?
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done... will take a time to upload as I am against time here (SA)
It's funny how badly reality translates into comic art. If you simply copy normal human anatomy, the character usually ends up looking stocky and borderline fat.
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lol your "oders"... lol

Japanese people still having issues will English, that coming from latin guys whose first language is Spanish...

Te amo. Gracias.

y mi critica de mi lindo dibujo. And my critique of my digital painting above.

How can I improve it?

Wanna make look like one of kron... :)

Uploading... even as a winzip is taking more time than I thought...
Gracias amigo

You had one JOB!!!

Ok, I know it looks like shit... but at least say something...

Here you go:

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I know knothing about Kron's style, but I do notice his eyes are bigger and the head smaller..espero que te ayude.


Am I abusing too much of the soft brush??

my painting looks like it is made with pastels or some blurry shitty effect...
Me puedes dar una foto de kron? quizás pueda ayudarte para pintar algo similar a lo que el hace

me refiero a como pinta mas que como dibuja, me intersa como meneja el color mas que el dibujo de ojos o cara
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seems like you lack basic techniques. Start from scratch. For example with http://www.ctrlpaint.com/library/

Niños llego el viejo pascuero abran sus regalos!

Santa has come go to open your gifts now!


Thanks... I will :)
Most people are just predisposed to unlikely proportions in art.
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Thanks Anon,

May you keep being based and deliver.
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 11

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