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>tfw you bought a huion
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>tfw you bought a huion
hahahah. Is it bad? Not working?
You have to go to their tumblr to find the latest drivers.
you feel like a lesbian?

>You have to go to their tumblr to find the latest drivers.

There are many who would go to hell and back for the sake of saving themselves a thrifty buck.
Their hardware is decent, but gahdamn their drivers.
>you bought an intuos gen 4 and above


thank gerd I bought a soldering iron
Yeah I've heard of Intuos 4s breaking at the USB connection. Hasn't happened to mine yet luckily. But I baby it and pretty much never unplug it. I've also seen so many people on facebook complaining about their Wacom Companions shitting the bed. Can't wait for some other company to come along and fuck Wacom up the ass. Surface Pro 4 might be getting close.
I have an intuos pro for like 9 months now, with everyday pluging and unpluging since I commute with it at work and back home, and I have yet break yet

who knows, maybe I just got lucky
yet break it *
My huion is fine, whats wrong op?
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Serves you right. I warned you. I warn everybody everytime not to fall for the chinese shills that post here every week.
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>tfw you bought holbein watercolors
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3 MB, 380x215
>tfw you bought a Lenovo Thinkvision
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