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Sofia Vergara
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Thread replies: 43
Thread images: 35
File: sofia-vergara-2008.jpg (1 MB, 2645x3521) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2645x3521
Looking for more HR of her, only have a few pics but I'll post what I've got.
File: Sofia-Vergara-9.jpg (598 KB, 1600x2400) Image search: [Google]
598 KB, 1600x2400
File: Sofía-Vergara.jpg (264 KB, 1700x2550) Image search: [Google]
264 KB, 1700x2550
File: sofia-vergara-emmys-2013.jpg (1009 KB, 3456x5184) Image search: [Google]
1009 KB, 3456x5184
File: Sofia-Vergara-black-lace-dress.jpg (659 KB, 1528x3000) Image search: [Google]
659 KB, 1528x3000
File: sofia4.jpg (686 KB, 1996x3000) Image search: [Google]
686 KB, 1996x3000
File: sofia-vergara.jpg (843 KB, 2400x3600) Image search: [Google]
843 KB, 2400x3600
File: ItSmioO.jpg (368 KB, 1700x2467) Image search: [Google]
368 KB, 1700x2467
File: iWextLA.jpg (425 KB, 2029x3044) Image search: [Google]
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295 KB, 1042x1600
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111 KB, 1067x1600
File: j3dw.jpg (429 KB, 1600x2553) Image search: [Google]
429 KB, 1600x2553
File: Sofia Vergara12.jpg (966 KB, 2500x3187) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara12.jpg
966 KB, 2500x3187
File: Sofia Vergara11.jpg (785 KB, 2200x2752) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara11.jpg
785 KB, 2200x2752
File: Sofia Vergara10.jpg (747 KB, 2500x1579) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara10.jpg
747 KB, 2500x1579
File: Sofia Vergara09.jpg (2 MB, 4728x5924) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara09.jpg
2 MB, 4728x5924
File: Sofia Vergara06.jpg (857 KB, 2300x3119) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara06.jpg
857 KB, 2300x3119
File: Sofia Vergara05.jpg (904 KB, 2500x3125) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara05.jpg
904 KB, 2500x3125
File: Sofia Vergara08.jpg (749 KB, 2500x3139) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara08.jpg
749 KB, 2500x3139
File: L6xT2lV.jpg (171 KB, 1289x1752) Image search: [Google]
171 KB, 1289x1752
File: 6T1u5FU.jpg (641 KB, 2004x3000) Image search: [Google]
641 KB, 2004x3000
Holy Shit!
File: 1455890140955.jpg (970 KB, 2136x2880) Image search: [Google]
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File: ZmsfCJK.jpg (590 KB, 2172x3265) Image search: [Google]
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File: RhnFsrv.jpg (609 KB, 2000x2000) Image search: [Google]
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1 MB, 2247x3000
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1 MB, 2562x3600
Not attractive. Sad!
God I want to impregnate her so badly
Love the sparkly rack!!
Young Sofia is amazing !
File: modern family.jpg (545 KB, 2048x1536) Image search: [Google]
modern family.jpg
545 KB, 2048x1536
Umm, is that a top notch Photoshop job, or did the cast simply recreate that scene?

they just recreated it.
Not falling out enough.
File: Sofia Vergara.jpg (601 KB, 1600x2134) Image search: [Google]
Sofia Vergara.jpg
601 KB, 1600x2134
File: 1439243166923.jpg (557 KB, 2000x3000) Image search: [Google]
557 KB, 2000x3000
flotation devices
Thread replies: 43
Thread images: 35

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