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Sexy lips/tongue/teeth/mouth
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Thread replies: 63
Thread images: 44
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kiss kiss bang bang 01.jpg
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this thread needs a quality bump.
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kiss kiss bang bang 02.jpg
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i really like sexy lips
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kiss kiss bang bang 03.jpg
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don't have much to contribute
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kiss kiss bang bang 04.jpg
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i hope it's ok that it's more than the lips
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kiss kiss bang bang 05.jpg
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that's all. i have more but not in high resolution.
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get that nigger out of here
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get this faggot out of here
White women can't even compete.
Please post Angelina Jolie, Priyanka Chopra and irina shayk.
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By not having a horse pussy and saggy tits
English this time? Dumbfuck
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Lips are hot as fuck. Especially when they are red.
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The reason lips are attractive is because your brain subconsciously equates them to a vagina - the redder/pinker and wetter, the more attractive they are, hence the raging lipstick/gloss industry.

There's nothing wrong with that, of course, and I don't have a point I'm trying to make. Just thought you lip gents would find that look behind the curtain interesting if nothing else.
if nothing else, that justifies my blowjob fetish

That sounds like some Jezabel Patriarchy Everywhere bullshit to me.
Source for your claims?
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Different anon, but I saw a BBC secrets of sex (or something like that) once and it said that. It's an idea that goes way back to ancient Rome. Ancient Roman prostitutes would wear lipstick (a primitive form of it, obv) because red lips would simulate the look of a puffy, aroused vulva.

Nonsense. The lips are an erogenous zone and women have fuller lips. Lipstick accentuates it. Same reason we like cleavage.

>hurr, cleavage looks like asscheeks.
Lips are more attractive to me than vaginas though.
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why is it that as a straight female I love harry style's lips? Am i also thinking about his plump pussy?
men with plump lips usually have low t so perhaps you're a low t woman.
But she didn't say anything about her own lips. How are you inferring that she has “low t”? Wouldn't being attracted to “feminine” men suggest that she has high testosterone?

no women on the internet fellas....
some tv show / "ducomentary" that took specialised counsil of single random psychologist isn't argument for anything.

next you're gonna say that we like kissing because.... our brinas think that we're rubbing vaginas with the woman we are kissing, and that tongues reminds us of...hum.. tentacle porn that we fapped to during our adolescence?

for me, looking at these highres close-up lips just makes me think of kissing them, no need for drunk theories.
Thread replies: 63
Thread images: 44

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